Head massage - the best tool for relaxation - shiatsu

September 5, 2010

  • Head massage - the best way to relax
  • For hair growth
  • Indian head massage
  • Shiatsu
  • Therapeutic massage of the head
  • Tibetan head massage

Shiatsu Massage the scalp

Shiatsu - a Japanese art of healing through massage. "Shiatsu" is translated from Japanese means "finger pressure". Its goal is to work on different pressure points and meridians to balance the channels in the body. These channels can be seen on the photographs taken by the method of Kirlian photography, which makes them visible.

Shiatsu - holistic therapy, which aims to bring the body back into balance, diagnosing the weakest and the strongest channel. Shiatsu uses many techniques, such as stretching, pressing, rolling, and in some cases manipulate the skeleton (osteopathic method). During treatment patsietn fully clothed, so as not to violate his dignity, so it is best to dress in loose, worn clothes. Shiatsu can help people of all ages with problems such as back pain Low back pain: the spine signals  Low back pain: the spine signals
 , Sciatica Sciatica - ask for help in a timely manner  Sciatica - ask for help in a timely manner
 , Stiffness. It also helps to cope with emotional problems, such as depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 , Digestive tract problems and diseases associated with stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis

 Shiatsu | Massage head - the best way to relax

How to do shiatsu massage heads

  • We need to breathe slowly and deeply. Find the most relaxed breathing rate, and continue to breathe in the rhythm.
  • Massage need to make sweeping motions using fingertips. There is no need to press hard.
  • Use your fingertips to move from the hairline to the top, using a little pressure.
  • If during the massage felt pain in any place, it is - the place where the fatigued.
  • Particular care is necessary to massage the place where the pain is felt, from the hairline to the crown of the head, as if moving the entire scalp.
  • Very fast and easy to pinch the scalp is very fingertips. Massaging easily and rhythmically, without friction.

 Shiatsu | Massage head - the best way to relax

Pressure points that provide a relaxing effect

  • Kyokusa - at a distance of 2/6 of the hairline connecting point shintei and the top corner of the forehead.
  • Shintei - middle of hairline on the forehead.
  • Kakuson - point that is slightly above the top of the ear.

 Shiatsu | Massage head - the best way to relax

Pressure points that enliven hair

  • Taiyo - on temples.
  • Amon - in the center of the neck, approximately 2 cm above the hairline.
  • Hyakue - a central point on the line connecting the apex of the right and left ear.

 Shiatsu | Massage head - the best way to relax

The pressure points that relieve fatigue in the neck and shoulders

  • Fuchi - depression on the outer side of the highest point of the muscles located around the depression in the center of the nape.
  • Tenchu ​​- the highest point of the muscles, located near the central cavity at the back.
  • Kankotsu - basin, located diagonally below the most prominent point behind the ear.
  • Kensei - a point that affects the middle finger by placing her fingertips on either side of the neck.

Massage the head and neck: a home workshop - massaging the neck

February 9, 2012

  • Massage the head and neck: a home workshop
  • Massaging neck
  • Massage another person

Massage the neck

Pain in the neck can be caused by trauma, stress or other health problems, some of them may be serious consequences. The neck are bone, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, muscles and nerves, and they may cause pain. The cause of pain in the neck may also be in the head or shoulders.

Bad posture Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight  Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight
 ; flexed position at the table and the wheel; Some sports activities; diseases (eg, asthma) - all of which can cause stress and pain in the neck and shoulders.

The pectoral muscles contract, causing the muscles in the upper back stretch excessively. This leads to the stooped shoulders and tense, stiff muscles in the neck and upper back. Stretching and relaxation of chest muscles, along with shoulder massage can help relieve pain in the neck and shoulders.

To reduce the pain in the neck caused by the inclined position, you must first pull the front of the neck. That's the easiest way to do this: lie on the floor and place a rolled towel under the right upper back. The towel should be sufficiently massive so that it enabled the front of the neck is fully stretched. Lie down in this position for five to ten minutes. This is a great exercise for people who work at a computer or drive a car lot. Another way to reduce this type of pain in the neck is to massage each side of the neck. Here you can use various electric massagers. If the muscles are very tense, to start a massage with gentle pressure, stroking his neck. When the muscles soften a bit, you can increase the pressure a bit.

Pain in the neck caused by stress or difficulty breathing in the upper chest, can also be very strong. The muscles of the neck and chest muscles fully stretched. The first thing to do is to extend the pectoral muscles. You can then pat back of the neck, especially the occipital region. Start with a light pressure and gradually increase it as the muscles relax. Good reception sides neck massage - kneading. When kneading simply grab her arm and pull a little.


How to make a neck massage

  • Lie on the floor, putting a rolled towel right between the shoulder blades. This will help stretch the neck and lengthen the spine.
  • Lie down for several minutes, to relax the muscles.
  • Climb and sit on the chair directly.
  • Use massage oil. To massage the neck, intended to reduce the headache Headache: Causes and Complications  Headache: Causes and Complications
 It is recommended to use an ointment or cream containing capsaicin, as it heats up during use, providing a comfortable feeling.
  • Hands locate the trapezius muscle, which extends from the neck across the top of the shoulders. If you want to reduce the pain on the left side of the neck, use your right hand and vice versa.
  • Move your fingers downwards, stretching the muscles strong enough to feel the pressure without pain.
  • Massage should be alternated with stretching. Stretch the muscles should be gradually, alternating with a massage to relieve pain in the neck. To do this, tilt your head to one side and be in this position for a few seconds, making sure the shoulders stay soft.
  • Turn your head the other way and shake up and down.

Rate how to ease the pain. If there has been sufficient relief from massage performed hands, you can buy a massage, which also makes vibration and warmth.

You can turn to massage with a partner.


Tips & Warnings

It is necessary to pay attention to areas that feel weak or too sensitive to touch. If the pain is too strong, or is localized at a specific location, you may need professional help to make sure that there is a more serious problem.
