Stretch marks on the belly - a lot of women after childbirth. The skin on his stomach stretched the growing uterus, and as a result and shows the whitish line - breaking traces of collagen fibers. Of course, this process can be reduced, for example by wearing a special bandage careful not to add too much weight, but still appear streamers. What does a modern cosmetology such women?
What are stretch marks and why they appear on the abdomen
Our skin has three layers - superficial (epidermis), medium (dermis) and internal (subcutaneous fat). In the formation of stretch marks participates dermis, which consists of a thin elastic strands of collagen and elastin, blood and lymph vessels, nerves, sweat and sebaceous glands and hair roots.
Stretching or striae - a thin white lines on the skin which are scars formed in situ fracture collagen fibers. Scars are composed of connective tissue, however they differ in color from the rest of the skin.
Stretch marks usually do not occur in a vacuum, and in various endocrine disorders (eg, obesity), as well as the physiological hormonal changes during adolescence and during pregnancy.
In pregnancy, or simply for a large weight significantly stretched abdominal skin, torn collagen fibers of the dermis, which leads to the fact that it is in the abdomen appears most stretch marks.
How to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen
A pregnant woman can prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen by wearing a special brace antenatal
. In addition, there are cosmetics, prevents the appearance of stretch marks
. Thus, cosmetics are applied, which contain nutrients, wetting agents, agents that enhance secretion of connective tissue cells (fibroblasts) collagen and elastin
. In addition, the composition of such tools often also includes natural collagen and elastin
. Creams of stretching release many cosmetic companies, such as Cream of stretch marks "Venus" gives the skin elasticity and stimulates the formation of collagen, firming body cream "kelp and spirulina» (Green Mama) strengthens the elastic fibers, does not stretch so noticeable
. These cosmetic products should be applied to the skin of the abdomen, when stretch marks are no
. Qualitative creams necessarily instruction manual, which at the numbers indicate whether you can use these funds for pregnant women
If the cause of excess weight and the occurrence of stomach does not become pregnant, you should consult an endocrinologist, who after examination prescribe the right treatment, warning, including the appearance of stretch marks. Sometimes endocrine disease can be significant, and will be held until the corresponding adequate treatment, stretch marks will be difficult to handle.
If stretch marks on my stomach is still there
This is also not the end of the world. Of course, completely remove the scars will not work (it's impossible), but to make them unnoticeable - the task is quite capable of modern cosmetology.
Massage against stretch marks
One of the most rational ways of dealing with stretch marks is a massage. The fact that the scar tissue becomes thin and discreet mainly in rehabilitation surrounding tissue. A massage improves blood circulation in the skin, which in turn improves metabolic processes in this area and make stretch marks less noticeable. Massage is carried out, or manually, or by a special cosmetic equipment (hardware massage). Good to combine massage with physiotherapy, for example, electrophoresis absorbable drugs.
Cosmetics against stretch marks
Applied to fight stretch marks and cosmetics, the same as that recommended for prevention. But the treatment of these funds are complementary and used in combination with other treatments. In addition to creams and gels are treated with seaweed (thalassotherapy), administered intradermally very small doses of drugs directly to the seat extensions (mesotherapy), affect light stretching.
Peeling against stretch marks
Finally, reduction of stretch marks facilitates peeling during which removed the upper surface layer of the epidermis, which smoothes the skin surface improves blood circulation and metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
. As a result of such exposure activates the production of collagen and elastin fibroblasts. Today, for the treatment of stretch marks
Treatment of stretch marks: the impossible - possible?
It applies a deep laser peel, after which for a long time keeps swelling
Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
and redness of the tissues, but the result is stretch marks can become quite noticeable.
If you regularly deal with stretch marks, they may become completely invisible.
Galina Romanenko