Waxing: delicate solution to the problem of unwanted hair

June 3rd, 2013

  • Waxing: delicate solution to the problem of unwanted hair
  • How to
  • Contraindications

 Today, waxing is widely used by women, and it is becoming more popular among men. Studies show that men are often removed using a hair wax in the groin and on the chest and back. However, among the practitioners for a long time waxing women, and among the still new to this business - men, common representation of this procedure is not always the case.

Today, a variety of means of hair removal form the whole industry, but the tradition of removing the hair originates in antiquity - the less hair on the body of a man was, the less opportunities to grab him in the battle was the enemy. It is interesting that in the long thick hair was inhabited by parasites, from which cave people was not easy to get rid of. In ancient Egypt, smooth, hairless body was the attribute of youth and beauty - and there has been developed a technology for removing unwanted hair, now known as waxing. The Egyptians were preparing sticky paste beeswax, it was applied to the skin, and then applied on top of pieces of cloth and tear them from sticking together hair. These days, this procedure is less popular than ever.

 Waxing: delicate solution to the problem of unwanted hair

Myth: in any case no need to remove the wax the hair on the top of the eyebrow

In fact, because of the nature of the eyebrows are never exactly the same, removing the top few rows of hair, you can get a more balanced and accurate result. However, to do this, of course, I need only a good specialist.

 Waxing: delicate solution to the problem of unwanted hair

Myth: You do not need peeling, waxing because it will make it for you

Waxing can not notice the peeling. It really destroys the cells of the stratum corneum of the skin, but only an additional exfoliation before and after hair removal will help to avoid problems such as ingrown hairs, and blistering of the skin.

 Waxing: delicate solution to the problem of unwanted hair

Myth: Peeling can be done only in the shower

Try dry peeling - this is also a simple and effective way to rejuvenate the skin and prepare it for waxing. Just massage the skin dry with a soft bristle brush - this will help to remove dead skin cells, accelerate blood circulation and improve skin tone.

 Waxing: delicate solution to the problem of unwanted hair

Myth: before waxing need to grow their hair long

In fact, the body hairs should only grow to 6 mm, eyebrows - 3-4 mm. This length is sufficient for a successful waxing. To grow hair, most people need no more than two weeks.

 Waxing: delicate solution to the problem of unwanted hair

Myth: immediately after waxing can go to the solarium

Find one smooth skin and a nice tan - it is tempting, but it is not the best idea. After waxing the skin extremely sensitive to UV light and high temperatures. Therefore, within one or two days should not go to the solarium Solarium: harm or benefit?  Solarium: harm or benefit?
   and saunas, as well as taking a hot bath.

 Waxing: delicate solution to the problem of unwanted hair

Myth: The longer you do waxing, the less ingrown hairs

Ingrown hair depends on skin care. If you do not do regular exfoliation and use special creams and lotions, hair will grow no matter how long you do waxing.

 Waxing: delicate solution to the problem of unwanted hair

Fact: dry skin means - dry hair

If you do not moisturize your skin regularly, your hair will not miss moisture. Dry hair is often broken during the waxing, and then they start to grow faster and you will have to do more often waxing. So be sure to moisturize your skin is not only the face and hands, but also the entire body.

 Waxing: delicate solution to the problem of unwanted hair

Fact: after each waxing hair will be more subtle and rare

If you make regular waxing, the hair becomes thinner, softer and lighter, so the procedure every time become less and less painful.

 Waxing: delicate solution to the problem of unwanted hair

Fact: waxing expands the pores

After waxing, indeed, for a while the pores are dilated, which makes the skin more vulnerable. It is therefore important for a couple of days after the procedure does not go to the bath Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures  Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures
   and public pools (this will help to avoid infections), and enjoy a good moisturizer to keep skin elasticity.

 Waxing: delicate solution to the problem of unwanted hair

Fact: After waxing the skin can redden

Redness and slightly increased sensitivity of the skin - a normal reaction to waxing Hair removal: perfect skin without hair  Hair removal: perfect skin without hair
 . Some people even appear slight swelling, but skin condition should be fully normalized after a few hours.

 Waxing: delicate solution to the problem of unwanted hair

Fact: analgesic creams can reduce pain after waxing

The use of a special anesthetic cream, or taking nonprescription analgesics for half an hour before the procedure - good way to do waxing less painful. Remember that if you do waxing correctly, even without anesthesia, he will cause minimal discomfort.

 Waxing: delicate solution to the problem of unwanted hair

Fact: with the help of waxing can get rid of unwanted hair for a few weeks

Since during the procedure, the hair removed from the root, they grow back again, on average, only three weeks later. About a week after the skin surface will seem new hair, you're ready for the next hair removal procedure.
