Concor tablets - an effective cordial

April 29, 2012

 Concor tablets
 Cardiovascular disease - a scourge of our time. Pharmaceutical companies are producing new means to treat them, but, unfortunately, the more effective the drug, the greater the side effects and contraindications. Appoint such drugs can only be a doctor.

 Concor tablets - an effective cordial

Action tablets Concor heart

Concor refers to a group of medicines called beta1-blockers. This is a complex and incomprehensible title says that the number of drugs that block the action of adrenaline on the heart - it is located in the heart beta1-adrenergic receptors or nerve endings that are sensitive to adrenaline.

Most people are, how the action of adrenaline on the human body: it leads him to full combat readiness, that is helping to gather and give a fitting rebuff to the enemy or run away. For this purpose the heart begins to contract more often narrowed blood vessels, increases blood pressure, dilate bronchi (increases the volume of air entering the lungs), the entire metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting

Concor inhibits the action of adrenaline on the heart only, then there is a selective (selective) beta1-adrenergic blocker.

Blocking the action of adrenaline causes the heart begins to contract less, arteries that carry blood to the heart muscle (coronary arteries) extend, and the total blood pressure (BP) is reduced due to the fact that the reduced blood volume, which pushes the heart to the circulatory system during each contraction.

 Concor tablets - an effective cordial

Which diseases appointed Concor

The mechanism of action Concor allows its use in various diseases. So, Concor is widely used in coronary heart disease - the drug acts during 24 hours and supports the coronary vessels in a relaxed state. As a result of angina are entirely or reduced their frequency and duration.

Apply Concor and stable high blood pressure (hypertension) - it helps to reduce pressure and improve the condition of the patient.

In chronic heart failure Concor also helps the heart, but only if the disease is in stage of compensation, that is when the heart is still largely does its job. If you come decompensation (edema, shortness of breath and so on), Concor can not accept, as it will aggravate the disease.

 Concor tablets - an effective cordial

Side effects

Despite the fact that Concor is a drug that selectively blocks the action of adrenaline on the heart, to get rid of blocking the action of adrenaline on other organs and systems is not always possible, that is exactly what is the cause of side effects. Thus, blocking the arrival of adrenaline to the bronchi can cause bronchospasm. Side effects may also occur in other organs, they appear headache, dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hepatic impairment, hearing impairment, conjunctivitis, muscle weakness, fatigue, allergic reactions, and so on.

Furthermore, its effect on the heart may also be accompanied by side effects, particularly, if not the fate of all indications and contraindications for the purpose of the drug.

While taking Concor may develop bradycardia (too rare heart rate), worsening of symptoms of chronic heart failure Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work  Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work
 , Cold extremities, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, heart block (impaired conduction of cardiac impulses).

 Concor tablets - an effective cordial

To tablets are contraindicated

Concor tablets are contraindicated in acute cardiac diseases such as congestive heart failure, cardiogenic shock - these states may develop, for example, in severe cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarction Myocardial infarction - the most formidable diagnosis  Myocardial infarction - the most formidable diagnosis
   and so on.

Do not take the tablets Concor in chronic heart failure decompensation when the heart muscle is required adjuvants and slows its reductions (for example, cardiac glycosides) - Concor also makes reducing myocardial rarer that can cause complications.

When violations of the sinus node (primary pacemaker - that there arise the nerve impulses that cause reduced heart muscle), violations of the transmission of nerve impulses from the sinus node to the atria (sinoatrial block), significant violations of the transmission of nerve impulses from the atria to the ventricles (atrioventricular block II and III degree) without taking Concor pacemaker, which also slows conduction, very dangerous.

Contraindications Concor as low blood pressure, bradycardia, bronchial diseases, violation of their permeability, violations of peripheral blood circulation, hormonal adrenal tumors, severe metabolic disorders, aged 18 years, with increased sensitivity to the patient.

Concor is assigned a doctor after a full examination of the patient.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Concor

Angina: When the heart needs help

May 25, 2008

  • Angina: When the heart needs help
  • Causes
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • First aid

 Angina - a disorder characterized by pain in the heart caused by a reduction in blood flow to the heart muscle. Angina is a symptom of coronary artery disease. This is a common problem, but it can be difficult to distinguish from other conditions that cause similar symptoms, such as dyspepsia.



Angina causes the following symptoms:

  • Pain or discomfort in the chest;
  • Pain in the forearms, neck, jaw, or back accompanying chest pain Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
  • Nausea;
  • Unusually severe fatigue;
  • Shortness of breath;
  • Anxiety;
  • Sweating;
  • Dizziness.

Chest pain and discomfort of angina patients are often described as a pressure, excessive fullness in the chest. Sometimes patients say that these sensations similar to squeezing chest vise.

The intensity and duration of angina symptoms may be different. It is important to note that angina symptoms will vary. New symptoms can signal progression to more serious forms of angina (unstable angina) or the approach of a heart attack.

Stable angina is the most common form of the disorder; its symptoms generally appear as a result of exercise, and during the rest disappear. If chest pain have appeared for the first time, or if the symptoms of stable angina are compounded or change, you should immediately seek medical help.

Characteristics of stable angina:

  • Symptoms appear when the heart has the largest load, such as when you exercise or climb stairs;
  • Attacks of stable angina can be foreseen, and the nature of the pain usually does not change;
  • The attack lasts for a short time, about five minutes or less;
  • Symptoms are faster, if you will take a rest or medicine for angina pectoris;
  • The symptoms of stable angina symptoms resemble dyspepsia;
  • Chest pain may be given in the arms, back, and other parts of the body;
  • The trigger of stable angina Stable angina - one of the manifestations of coronary heart disease  Stable angina - one of the manifestations of coronary heart disease
   It can be mental or emotional stress.

Characteristics of unstable angina:

  • Symptoms appear even at rest;
  • It appears suddenly;
  • The attacks are usually more severe and last longer than with stable angina; their duration can be up to thirty minutes;
  • Symptoms do not go away after resting or taking angina medications;
  • It may be a sign of a heart attack approach.

The characteristics of variant angina Variant angina - severe and under-studied form  Variant angina - severe and under-studied form
   (Prinzmetal angina)

  • Symptoms usually appear when the patient is at rest;
  • Attacks are often very severe;
  • Symptoms can be alleviated using drugs from angina.

Variant angina is rare - about 2% of cases. This type of angina is caused by spasm of the arteries of the heart, because of which temporarily reduced blood flow to the heart.


Angina in women

Symptoms of angina in women may be slightly different from the classic symptoms of the disease. For example, women with angina often stabbing, throbbing pain instead of the usual feeling of pressure. Furthermore, women angina often accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, shortness of breath and pain in the abdomen. Such features of angina often leads to the fact that women do not seek help in time.


Types of angina

  • Atypical angina. Angina This type of patients lacking specific for the disease chest pain radiating to the arms, neck, and other parts of the body, but the main reason she is the same as that of other types of angina - narrowing of the coronary arteries and the consequent restriction of blood flow to the heart. Atypical angina is most common in people older than 70 years, and those who for a long time suffering from diabetes. Furthermore, many people with these disorders are obesity, elevated levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Symptoms of atypical angina may be the extreme weakness, excessive sweating, nausea, vomiting, lightheadedness or fainting, shortness of breath, mild pain in the neck, arms, shoulders, back and / or jaw, heart palpitations.
  • Stable angina - the most common and least dangerous form of this disorder. The pain of angina this type is surprisingly strong, though slowly - usually over several years - it can grow. Its symptoms are usually not confused with the symptoms of a heart attack, but in people with a diagnosis of "stable angina" above average risk of heart attack.

People who have had several episodes of stable angina usually can already anticipate when the next attack could begin, and take measures to avoid this.

  • Unstable angina - in a sense, the opposite of the previous type of the disease. Her attacks begin suddenly - like during exercise, and during periods when a person is at rest. The attacks of unstable angina is very dangerous - they can talk about an impending heart attack - and the appearance of symptoms should immediately seek medical care.
  • Variant angina, or Prinzmetal angina Prinzmetal angina - a rare disease with serious consequences  Prinzmetal angina - a rare disease with serious consequences
   - A rare form of angina, which is a cause of coronary artery spasm. Attacks such angina also begin suddenly, often - in the night or early in the morning, but they can to stop using nitroglycerin.

The different classifications of angina stands for the first time emerged angina - this category includes cases where the first attack of angina occurred less than one month ago.
