Atenolol - if you play tricks heart - blockers

September 27, 2009

  • Atenolol - if you play tricks heart
  • Blockers

Adrenaline and its effect on the body

Adrenaline - a hormone of the adrenal medulla, which is a neurotransmitter, that is, it transmits excitation (information) on the nerve cells. The various tissues and organs have cells receptors sensitive to the action of epinephrine, and are called adrenoceptors are divided into alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptors.

Adrenaline contributes to the emergence of fast reactions that occur in stressful situations, and the entire body is going to give an immediate response to the aggression: the blood vessels constrict, blood pressure rises, the heart beats faster. On the contrary, it relaxes the muscles of the bronchi and the air freely enters the lungs - the body needs extra oxygen. The increase in blood glucose appears Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
   to strengthen the tissue metabolism and more energy. There has also reinforced the breakdown of fats and proteins.

 Blockers | Atenolol - if you play tricks heart

Blockers - substances that reduce action of adrenaline

Blockers - substances that block adrenergic receptors, resulting in the latter losing the ability to capture the adrenaline. Such substances are divided into alpha and beta blockers, among which are the types 1 and 2:

  • alpha 1-blockers relieve spasm of the small arteries and thus lower blood pressure;
  • alpha2-adrenergic blockers contribute to high blood pressure, not affecting certain structures of the brain (drugs of this group is not);
  • beta1-blockers help reduce blood volume, which is released into the bloodstream with a heartbeat, it causes a decrease in blood pressure and slows the heart rate.
  • beta2-adrenergic blockers cause contraction (spasm) of the bronchi.

Blockers, which act only on one type of receptor, called selective.

 Blockers | Atenolol - if you play tricks heart

What is atenolol

Atenolol - a selective beta1-blocker, so it causes a decrease in blood pressure, increased coronary blood vessels (blood vessels that feed the heart muscle), and normalizing heart rhythm (antiarrhythmic) action. On the first day after oral administration due to the decrease in cardiac output response is marked narrowing of blood vessels, the severity of which is within one to three days gradually reduced.

The hypotensive (pressure reduction), the effect associated with decreased cardiac output, decreased activity of the chemicals that contribute to the rise of pressure (renin-angiotensin system) effects on the central nervous system and so on. The antihypertensive effect is a decrease in both systolic (top) and diastolic (bottom) pressure and continues throughout the day. The pressure becomes stable at regular intake of the drug within two weeks.

Dilates coronary vessels of the heart (antianginal) action takes place by reducing the need for oxygen in the cardiac muscle by decreasing the heart rate.

The heart rate at rest and during exercise is reduced. Antiarrhythmic effect is due to the elimination of the influence of the sympathetic nervous system (part of the autonomic nervous system, comprising mostly under stress) activity of the heart.

At therapeutic doses, did not affect the beta2-adrenergic receptors, and does not cause bronchoconstriction.

 Blockers | Atenolol - if you play tricks heart

Indications for use

Atenolol is indicated for:

  • high blood pressure;
  • coronary heart disease, including prevention of strokes;
  • at various cardiac arrhythmias.

Atenolol wary appoint diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   (can enhance the release of glucose in the blood), allergies, chronic obstructive pulmonary (with impaired patency of the bronchi) pulmonary disease, peripheral vascular patency (occlusive disease), chronic renal and liver failure, increased thyroid function The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
 Depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 , Psoriasis, pregnancy and old age.

Atenolol is a time-tested quality product. But prescribe it with all the indications and contraindications may only doctor.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • atenolol

Ischemic stroke - all ages - Manifestation

December 22, 2012

  • Ischemic stroke - all ages
  • Manifestation
  • Treatment
  • Prevention

 manifestation of stroke

Stroke - a manifestation

Stroke - an acute ischemic stroke. Strokes can be ischemic or hemorrhagic.

Hemorrhagic strokes occur when a blood vessel bursts in the brain or spinal cord and the blood outlet under the meninges or directly into brain tissue. This is the most dangerous type of stroke.

Ischemic stroke or cerebral infarction occurs due to narrowing of blood vessels that supply a certain area of ​​the brain, resulting in tissue death occurs (infarction) area of ​​the brain. Ischemic strokes, in turn, are divided into thrombotic (blood clot closes the lumen of the vessel) and netrombaticheskie (sudden spasm of the vessel).

 Manifestation | Ischemic stroke - all ages

Causes of ischemic stroke

As a result of severe stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   there may come a violation of the nervous regulation of blood vessels and, as a consequence - a sudden spasm of proof, which in turn lead to a lack of oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the brain and death of (cerebral infarction).

What matters as changes in the vessels themselves: blood clots, atherosclerotic plaques, thickening of the walls of blood vessels. When such violations stroke is much more likely. In some diseases of the cardiovascular system it stagnates in the blood vessels, which contributes to increased thrombosis, and thus the occurrence of stroke.

 Manifestation | Ischemic stroke - all ages

The manifestations of ischemic stroke

Ischemic stroke occurs more often in middle-aged and elderly, but sometimes it can occur in younger. Development it is often preceded by transient ischemic (transient ischemic attack), which manifest themselves in the form of certain motor and sensory changes.

Ischemic stroke can occur at any time of the day, but more often - in the morning or at night. Sometimes it happens after emotional or physical stress, alcohol consumption, taking a hot bath and so on.

For ischemic stroke is characterized by a gradual, within 2-3 days, increase in neurological symptoms, but sometimes all of these symptoms occur simultaneously and expressed very clearly.

In ischemic stroke Stroke - a serious brain injury  Stroke - a serious brain injury
   rarely occur symptoms of brain lesions in general, typically show signs of destruction of a part of the brain, and depending on which zone there is located, and the symptoms manifest. It may be visual impairment, hearing loss, certain movements and so on.
