Mildronat: preparation - Assistant

July 22, 2011

 Mildronat: preparation - Assistant
 Numerous studies in the field of metabolism in various diseases leads to the conclusion that for any chronic pathological process in varying degrees, suffer from metabolism. As a result, numerous studies of diseases that occur in different organs and tissues against the backdrop of a lack of oxygen, PharmFirma "Grindeks" was released a new drug mildronat.

Mildronat - a drug that is active against the metabolism in tissues affected by lack of oxygen. Moreover, it is a kind of way to trains cell, prepares them for the time when the load has increased and oxygen deficiency occurs. This happens due to the fact that it blocks the action of certain enzymes that were involved in the transport of fatty acids through cell membranes. As a result, it prevents the formation of cells of toxic products of metabolism.

 Mildronat: preparation - Assistant

When administered mildronat

Very often mildronat required for various diseases involving ischemia of the heart muscle, brain tissue and the retina. From heart disease to disruption of blood supply to the myocardium often results in coronary heart disease, emerged against the background of atherosclerosis. In this case, the plaques gradually clog blood vessels that carry arterial blood to the heart muscle. At the slightest excitement or physical exertion (angina) or even at rest (angina at rest) there are strong heart pain Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor  Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor
   - Because the heart muscle reacts to oxygen deficiency. At long spasm myocardial cells die off (myocardial infarction). Mildronate in this case able to redistribute the blood flow so that the affected area still has got a certain amount of oxygen. In addition, it is able to adjust the oxygen supply in such a way that it could be as much as required myocardial cells. Mildronat also improves the supply of energy resources myocardial cells - ATP, and glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
 By increasing the process of decay to produce energy.

In heart failure, when not working the heart muscle and the heart as a pump starts to work to pump blood, partially leaving it to a greater or lesser circulation (this leads to a stagnation of blood and swelling), mildronat, improving metabolism in the cells of the myocardium, it causes it to shrink much more rarely and evenly.

Equally mildronat can bring benefit and cerebral circulatory disorders, such as ischemic stroke. Ischemic stroke occurs on the background of a sudden spasm of cerebral vessels. A brain tissue can not survive without oxygen, so it starts to die. Mildronat also coached the cells causes them to "do gymnastics" that saves them in extreme conditions, and also improves blood circulation in the affected area. After a stroke, it promotes faster tissue repair and minimize the consequences of stroke.

 Mildronat: preparation - Assistant

Mildronat in the treatment of vascular

Good effect on the application mildronata in various diseases of the retina. This can be disease, resulting in impaired blood flow to the retina or dystrophic (metabolism) of violation cells of the retina, but in fact, and in another case suffers vision. Mildronate in this case, capable of improving both perfusion and metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting

Mildronat has good vasoactive and angioprotective action, that is, increases the tone of blood vessels and their resistance to various harmful influences. This is very important in the treatment of various diseases of the circulatory system.

It was also established that mildronat can benefit and asthma, because it can improve the cellular immunity. And the immune system in bronchial asthma suffers in the first place.

Mildronat protects the various organs and tissues from the toxic metabolic products. This is especially evident in the treatment of abstitnentnogo syndrome (hangover) due to chronic alcoholism. In addition, during abstitentsii mildronat normalizes the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system, which greatly facilitates the patient's condition, reducing phenomena such as nausea, vomiting, excessive sweating, high blood pressure, headache, loss of coordination, tremors throughout the body.

Mildronat has very few contraindications and is well tolerated. Contraindications include primarily organic brain disease with increased intracranial pressure: improved blood circulation can enhance the stagnation of blood in a particular area of ​​the brain and the patient's condition deteriorates.

Mildronat contraindicated in pregnancy and during breast Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast - it says that clinical trials with these groups of patients have not been conducted.

Mildronat - a drug that has a lot of evidence and very few contraindications.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • mildronat

Pentoxifylline: for the treatment of the circulatory system

October 19, 2011

 Diseases of the circulatory come today to the leading position, therefore becoming increasingly important medicines that can prevent or alleviate their course. One of these drugs is pentoxifylline.

 Pentoxifylline: for the treatment of the circulatory system

What is the effect of pentoxifylline

Pentoxifylline is angioprotectors, that is, positive effect on the blood vessels. Its main effect is that it improves blood circulation in the small blood vessels. This happens due to the fact that pentoxifylline reduces blood viscosity, increasing its fluidity, preventing bonding (aggregation) of red blood cells and platelets. This feature of the drug prevents blood clots and increases the risk of hemorrhage and bleeding.

Blood vessels under the influence of pentoxifylline slightly expand that further enhances its previous effects. Extended coronary artery to deliver more oxygen to the heart muscle. This causes an increase in stroke volume without increasing heart rate - the heart begins to contract more strongly and often.

It is better supplied with blood and the brain - the body, which can not long exist in conditions of oxygen deficiency. It helps to prevent cerebrovascular events, including ischemic stroke.

Improved circulation in the lungs contributes to a better arterial oxygen saturation, and more active work of the respiratory muscles - it improves conditions for bronchopulmonary system associated with obstructive (violation of patency) changes in the bronchial tubes.

 Pentoxifylline: for the treatment of the circulatory system

Who needs receiving pentoxifylline

Apply pentoxifylline at various vascular diseases. For example, with cerebrovascular disorders associated with atherosclerosis. In this case, pentoxifylline is able to significantly improve blood flow to the brain and prevent the development of ischemic (associated with vascular spasm) stroke. Hemorrhagic stroke is (which is caused due to rupture of a blood vessel), on the other hand, is a contraindication to the use of pentoxifylline as it may aggravate the disease.

Assign pentoxifylline and coronary heart disease, developed on the background of atherosclerosis, including during the recovery phase of myocardial infarction. But here caution is necessary: ​​the fresh myocardial infarction and low blood pressure, this drug is contraindicated.

Violation of peripheral vascular permeability that occurs in diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   and atherosclerosis, as an indication for the purpose of pentoxifylline.

Pentoxifylline prescribed for poor circulation in the retina or choroid, but if there are signs in the eye hemorrhage, pentoxifylline contraindicated. Equally in demand pentoxifylline and ENT practice. It is used, for example, hearing loss, which developed as a result of vascular disorders.

Finally, pentoxifylline may improve for chronic bronchitis and asthma - due to the improved blood supply of these organs and restore the normal functioning of the respiratory muscles.

In urology pentoxifylline is used to treat impotence Impotence - a female perspective on the problem  Impotence - a female perspective on the problem
 That occurred on the background of circulatory disorders of the genitals.

 Pentoxifylline: for the treatment of the circulatory system

What disorders can occur during treatment with pentoxifylline

The treatment with pentoxifylline may experience such unpleasant phenomena such as headaches, dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , Anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 , Anxiety, seizures, dry mouth, eating disorders, disorders of motor activity of the intestine and biliary tract (the latter can lead to stagnation of bile, cholecystitis, and even hepatitis), palpitations, low blood pressure, irregular heart rhythm, decrease in the number of red blood cells (anemia) , leukocytes (lowered immunity), platelets (increased bleeding), visual disturbances, allergic reactions.

In overdose pentoxifylline all these phenomena is significantly enhanced, which can lead to serious condition of the patient. Therefore, an overdose should immediately call an ambulance.

 Pentoxifylline: for the treatment of the circulatory system

This is not necessary to appoint pentoxifylline

Pentoxifylline is not indicated when you are hypersensitive, pregnant women, nursing mothers, with fresh myocardial infarction, in hemorrhagic stroke, bleeding in the retina of the eye, low blood pressure. For intravenous pentoxifylline contraindication is expressed atherosclerosis of the arteries that carry blood to the heart muscle and the brain.

Pentoxifylline should not be taken without a doctor's prescription.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • pentoxifylline
