Spontaneous angina - the most rare form of this disease

October 26, 2014

 Spontaneous angina
 Spontaneous angina does not occur so often. She also called angiospastic, vasospastic, variant angina and Prinzmetal (on behalf of the American cardiologist for the first time highlighted its main features). The causes of spontaneous angina is not fully established yet.


What is happening in the patient's body

Variant angina is characterized by the fact that the attacks of chest pain are not related to the physical and psychological stress. Angina attack which develops usually at night, when the patient is sleeping.

A distinctive feature of this form of angina is that it develops in the background of a sharp spasm of large coronary (feeding the heart muscle - the myocardium) vessels. That is why it is called vasospastic or angiospastic. The attack time and within about 10 minutes after it can be seen on ECG changes typical of myocardial infarction. But unlike a true myocardial infarction these changes and then disappear.

Spontaneous angina can develop on the background of atherosclerosis, but more evidence of atherosclerotic changes in the coronary vessels are not. Until today, not exactly known causes of this form of angina. It is believed that patients with angina Prinzmetal Prinzmetal angina - a rare disease with serious consequences  Prinzmetal angina - a rare disease with serious consequences
   there is an increased sensitivity of endothelial cells (the inner lining of the wall) vessels to the action of biologically active substances produced in the body during metabolism and vasoconstrictor action. If there is a release of such substances into the blood, the response is not adequately strong spasm of the coronary arteries.


Spontaneous angina - symptoms

Vasospastic angina attacks appear alone at night or early morning. The patient wakes up from a severe pain in the chest radiating to the left arm and shoulder blade. The duration of a spontaneous attack of angina 2-5 minutes, after which it passes unnoticed.

Sharp pressing pain during an attack increases, reaches a peak and then gradually disappear. Often these attacks are accompanied by fear of death, weakness, dizziness, sweating, nausea. During the attack, the patient may even lose consciousness.

Besides attacks angiospastic (angina) pain, signs of angina Symptoms of angina - chest discomfort  Symptoms of angina - chest discomfort
   there may be so-called angina equivalents:

  • feeling short of breath, difficulty breathing at the inhalation and exhalation; sometimes it is the only sign of shortness of breath angina attack Angina - oxygen deficiency  Angina - oxygen deficiency
  • sudden weakness, dizziness, trembling of the limbs and body.

Attacks of Prinzmetal angina, nitroglycerin shoots well. Notify an attack is possible by means of a group of drugs, and calcium channel blockers such as nifedipine.

The current spontaneous angina may be complicated by cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, and in the long course - heart failure.


Spontaneous angina: diagnosis

In the absence of signs of atherosclerosis diagnosed spontaneous angina easy. Significant signs of the disease can be identified on the basis of ECG Holter monitoring - a method by which oversees the work of the heart during the day, followed by an analysis of the data.

With this method it is possible to identify any kind of cardiac arrhythmia, angina (such as pain and cash equivalents).


Spontaneous angina: treatment

Removed spontaneous angina attack nitroglycerin. If one tablet of nitroglycerin has not helped, 2-3 minutes to take the second pill. If the angina does not pass, you should call an ambulance, because there is a risk of myocardial infarction.

To prevent progression of the disease patients are encouraged to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including healthy eating stick Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating  Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating
 , Give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse, and so on).

Medication - prescription drugs is the group of nitrates (eg, Nitrosorbid) and the group of calcium antagonists (nifedipine, verapamil, diltiazem) for the prevention of angina attacks. The doses of these drugs are chosen for individual patients.

In some cases, for the prevention of thrombosis rates prescribed aspirin in small doses.

Spontaneous angina - is a serious disease. Patients who suffer from it, must be under the constant supervision of a cardiologist.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • angina

Preductal - application in cardiology, otolaryngology and ophthalmology

June 17, 2012

 preduktal use
 Preductal used to ensure permanent protection of heart muscle cells from insufficient blood supply (ischemia). It also supports energy metabolism in the cells of the senses (vision and hearing) during ischemia in a cerebrovascular accident.

 Preductal - application in cardiology, otolaryngology and ophthalmology

Application preductal in cardiology

Preductal today is one of the most prescribed drugs in cardiology. With the help of this drug it was able to significantly improve the quality of life in patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD) - the scourge of modern society.

Coronary heart disease develops in the background of atherosclerosis, which has a lot of reasons (eating disorders, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, and so on). At the same time the metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 And cholesterol is deposited as plaques on blood vessel walls, gradually reducing their lumen. With the defeat of atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries that feed the heart muscle, talk about coronary heart disease.

CHD is stronger sudden pain in the heart that initially develop on the background of physical and mental exertion and then at rest (angina and rest). The cause of pain is spasm of the coronary arteries, which further narrows the lumen of vascular changes and block the blood supply to the heart muscle. It is recommended to immediately remove such pains receiving coronary dilatators funds. Most often used for this purpose nitroglycerin. If time does not take nitroglycerin, the heart muscle is formed necrosis (tissue necrosis) - myocardial infarction.

Today, patients with coronary artery disease have a chance to prevent the occurrence of attacks of angina and myocardial infarction Myocardial infarction - the most formidable diagnosis  Myocardial infarction - the most formidable diagnosis
   using preductal. This medication stimulates metabolism in myocardial cells, which leads to full operation in conditions of cardiac muscle oxygen deficiency. Now, when the narrowing of the coronary arteries of the heart pain does not arise, as the myocardial cells continue to operate normally.

Preductal manufactured by the French pharmaceutical company Servier laboratory in the form of tablets of 20 mg and tablets preductal CF 35 mg. Take them one, two or three times a day depending on the prescribing physician. The duration of treatment is individual, but the treatment can not be short, as the effect appears only in the third week of treatment.

 Preductal - application in cardiology, otolaryngology and ophthalmology

Application preductal in otolaryngology

When cerebrovascular disorders may suffer sensory cells of the inner ear responsible for hearing and balance. In these cells at a constant lack of nutrients and oxygen arise metabolic disorders, which are called labirintopatiyami.

Labirintopatii appear tinnitus, hearing impairment or dizziness. For heavy labirintopatiyam is Meniere's disease, where there are sudden attacks of vertigo Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
   against the background of continuously and steadily declining hearing. Vertigo is usually manifested a sense of visual rotation or displacement of the surroundings. Sometimes it manifests itself as a sense of falling through his own body. Attacks of vertigo may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure, sweating. Meniere's disease can be severe and greatly reduce the quality of life of patients.

Preductal improves metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   and reduces the need for oxygen in the affected cells, cells providing additional energy. As a result, the condition of patients with labirintopatiyami can be stabilized, are dizziness, improves hearing. If Meniere dizzy spells occur less often and are less severe.

Assign preduktal vascular disorders of the inner ear in the standard-dose long courses.

 Preductal - application in cardiology, otolaryngology and ophthalmology

Application preductal in ophthalmology

Preductal found application in ophthalmology. It is prescribed for cardiovascular and vascular disorders in the retina of the eye against the background of developing circulatory disorders of the brain.

Violations of this kind in the choroid usually does not manifest itself, and revealed only during an inspection of an ophthalmologist. But if you are attached changes in the retina, then there are visual impairment: blurred vision, loss of visual field, "night blindness" (night blindness), before the eyes of these patients are constantly fly "fly", and with closed eyes appear flashes of bright light . Degenerative changes in the retina may threaten its detachment and blindness.

Preductal for violations of vascular origin is assigned as well as in the treatment of coronary artery disease. It is able to support the vision of patients in good condition.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • preduktal
