Sore throat in children - a common disease

March 19, 2014

  • Sore throat in children - a common disease
  • Treatment

 tonsillitis in children
 Angina is one of the most common diseases among children. It can become agents like viruses and bacteria. It is known that viral sore throat Viral sore throat, when sore throat  Viral sore throat, when sore throat
   in infants is caused by the same viruses that cause the common cold or mononucleosis; among the most common bacterial pathogens of sore throat are streptococcus group A.


Symptoms of tonsillitis in children

The most typical symptoms of angina Symptoms of angina - obvious and recognizable  Symptoms of angina - obvious and recognizable
   in children are:

  • Heat;
  • Severe pain in the throat;
  • Cough;
  • Nasal obstruction (usually observed in young children);
  • Bad breath Breath (halitosis) - is sometimes useful to close the mouth  Breath (halitosis) - is sometimes useful to close the mouth
  • Abdominal pain;
  • The raid on the tonsils, or yellowish white.

Sore throat in infants can cause a noticeable change in his behavior - it can be both unusually irritable, or, conversely, very lethargic and very sleepy. In young children, suffering from angina often lack the appetite - it is often the first sign that allows parents to assume that the child is ill. In addition, a sore throat in children under one year can cause unusually severe drooling - it is due to the fact that the child is hurt to swallow.

Symptoms of angina in adolescents are usually less severe than in young children. Very high temperatures in angina in children may be a sign of bacterial tonsillitis, which more often than the virus causes serious complications; As a rule, if the fever does not subside within a few days, doctors prescribe antibiotics. However, even if the symptoms of a sore throat is relatively weak, consult your doctor will still need to - sometimes timely treatment of the disease to avoid serious health problems.


As angina is diagnosed in children

Description of the child's symptoms and a physical examination to allow a high degree of probability that the patient has a sore throat. It indicates a particular characteristic of plaque on the tonsils, and sore throat, and a number of other features. To identify the causative agent of tonsillitis, makes the following analysis:

  • Throat swab allows you to determine which microorganisms have led to the disease angina.
  • Blood tests can be used to determine the infectious agent, and for the identification of some complications angina.


Types of tonsillitis in children

According to various estimates, 15% -30% of children who complain of sore throat, diagnosed angina, caused by streptococcus group A. Much less common bacterial tonsillitis in children due to streptococcus, group C, and the bacteria species Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Additional viruses angina agents may be, for example, Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus Cytomegalovirus - what is its danger?  Cytomegalovirus - what is its danger?
 . In most cases, both viral and bacterial tonsillitis are not more than ten days. However, many children lasts angina, may depend on the general health of the individual patient and taken their medication.


How not to infect the child with angina

If someone in your family became ill with angina, first of all, you need to explain to the child in general terms as the spread of the disease pathogens - then it will be easier to understand the rest of the rules which must be followed for successful prevention. Tell your child that while a person is not healed, it must use separate utensils and towels, and the child should not touch them. In addition, the child should be as often as possible to wash your hands and take vitamins and drink fruit juice or eat fresh fruit - it helps to strengthen the immune system. It is desirable that the child did not sleep in the same room with the patient and generally spend as little time with him in the same room. Table where the family members are eating or serving meals should be thoroughly cleaned; not necessarily used to this disinfectors - conventional cleaning agents are usually enough.


How is tonsillitis in children

Angina as colds and the flu is transmitted by airborne droplets. If the children's collective have a sick child, the probability of infection is very high, as the immune system in children, on average, less than adults, and their cooperative games often result in close physical contact. In addition, young children can put in your mouth, lick or bite inedible objects, which can be particles of saliva containing the bacteria or viruses. Due to the fact that infectious tonsillitis in children spread easily, doctors strongly advised not to let the sick child in kindergarten or school until they are cured.

Meningitis in children - a dangerous disease

November 2, 2013

  • Meningitis in children - a dangerous disease
  • Meningococcal disease

 meningitis in children
 Meningitis is more common in children than in adults. This is due to a wider spread of communicable diseases among them, the increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier (mechanism, warning ingress of harmful substances into the brain from the bloodstream), and imperfections immunity.


Children meningitis - Causes

The cause of childhood meningitis is most often enterovirus infection - Coxsackie virus and ECHO. These infectious agents cause aseptic meningitis Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges  Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
 Which is spreading rapidly in the children's collective, as the droplets (coughing, sneezing) and contact (via contaminated faeces hands and objects) by.

The disease is more common in summer and autumn, has a tendency to spread, quite often there are outbreaks of viral meningitis Viral meningitis - not uncommon  Viral meningitis - not uncommon
 . Meningitis in kindergarten in most cases is just such an origin. Moreover, the cause may be viral meningitis mumps virus. These types of meningitis are more common in children of preschool and primary school age attending children's groups and do not have sufficient immunity.

In newborns and infants viral meningitis are rare, they found a bowl of purulent meningitis of bacterial origin. Newborns purulent meningitis often occurs on the background of the birth trauma and sepsis. A particularly dangerous meningitis in premature - the children of the least adapted to extrauterine life. In most cases, the causative agent of infection in this case are the hemolytic streptococcus and E. coli. But in neonatal units (including resuscitation) pathogen infection often staphylococci, Klebsiella and fungi genus Candida.

In young children most often develop secondary purulent meningitis in sepsis of various origins. In older children and adolescents it is often a complication of meningitis purulent diseases of the ear or sinuses.

Tuberculous meningitis, which used to occur in children often enough, today a rarity. During the warmer months are possible outbreak of amoebic meningitis and meningoencephalitis, which is caused by protozoa - amoebas Limaks (nigleriyami) iakantamebami. Infection with amoeba associated with swimming in lakes, ponds, outdoor and indoor swimming pools. Common diseases in the form of individual cases and small outbreaks in the summer.

The incubation period of meningitis in children may be different depending on the type of meningitis.


Meningitis in newborns

Meningitis in infants - a phenomenon not uncommon. Most often it occurs in the presence of infections urinary organs in the mother - child becomes infected during birth or in utero. This contributes to a long dry period (more than 2 hours) during delivery, prematurity, developmental delay fetus as a result of placental insufficiency Placental insufficiency - deviation from the norm  Placental insufficiency - deviation from the norm
 , Immaturity of all organs and systems, especially the central nervous system, lack of oxygen supply of the fetus during pregnancy and birth asphyxia (suffocation) during delivery, birth trauma, birth defects and so on.

Not least in the development of meningitis is the state of immunity of the newborn. Intrauterine meningitis are usually in the first two - three days after birth, postnatal (if infection occurred after childbirth) meningitis appear later, usually in the third week of life, when there is a decrease content of immunoglobulin G, derived from the mother, in the serum of the newborn. IgG - it's different kinds of antibodies to infectious agents, which previously met the mother.

Penetration of bacterial infection in the blood, and then to the brain and spinal cord contribute to the inflammatory changes in the nasal mucosa of acute respiratory viral infection, which "paves the way" a bacterial infection.

The symptoms of meningitis in infants is not so easy to identify. Therefore, any atypical behavior of the child, especially newborn or received birth trauma Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?  Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?
 , Parents should be alerted. It is, first of all, the rejection of the chest, weakness, drowsiness, and sometimes, on the contrary, over-excited child. The child is not given just to touch himself, comes a cry from any touch. This is due to increased skin sensitivity characteristic of meningitis.

Children of this age are very difficult to detect signs of meningeal syndrome, especially at the beginning of the disease. This is due to the fact that in newborn infants normally retained increased muscle tone, which passes only a few weeks after birth. A feature of meningitis in newborns is also a frequent lack of temperature increase - this is due to the imperfection of thermoregulation.

In the later stages of the disease the child may appear convulsions, cerebral edema, toxic shock and other life-threatening symptoms. It is therefore very important in early treatment - only this can prevent the development of serious complications with subsequent death or total disability of the child. The consequences of meningitis in children of this age can be in the form of hydrocephalus (water on the brain), total blindness or deafness, various types of paresis and paralysis, epilepsy, delayed neuropsychological development right up to mental retardation and so on.


Meningitis in children under one year

Meningitis in infants under one year usually of bacterial origin and is a complication of any other infection. Including a predisposing factor for acute respiratory infections (ARI), which weaken the body of the child and contribute to the development of bacterial complications. It is also serous meningitis as a complication of enterovirus infection and fungal meningitis (caused mainly by fungi genus Candida) - the last more likely to develop in frail sickly children.

How does meningitis in children under one year? Meningitis in infants does not always have typical symptoms. The temperature at this age can significantly rise or may not rise at all. In any case, parents should be alert sudden lethargy or excessive excitation of the Child, which appeared on the background of a disease (such as SARS) while refusing food and drink.

A child who starts meningitis, shudders and comes a cry from any touch from bright light, loud sound. At the same time he can appear repeated vomiting. In this case it is better not to wait for further developments, and call an ambulance.

In the future, the excitation can be replaced by apathy, change in consciousness, which quickly turns into a coma. But the excitement may, on the contrary, to grow, the child begins cramping turning into status epilepticus (persistent seizures).

Muscle tone in an infant with meningitis is usually reduced, while the tendon reflexes (muscle contraction in response to stimulation of a tendon) raised and often are not the same on different sides. Most affected cranial nerves, mainly, oculomotor and facial nerves, which manifests itself in facial asymmetry, and strabismus. Large fontanelle bulging at the child as a result of cerebral edema. For a sharp rise in intracranial pressure is characterized by the so-called gidrotsefalichesky scream - the baby unconscious screams and grabs his hands behind his head.

A child growing intoxication, which causes a severe disturbance of the general condition of: violations of water-salt metabolism, blood circulation in the capillaries, hormonal disorders.

The most important of meningitis in infants - it is time to deliver the child to the hospital. First aid, such a child would be a lumbar puncture - puncture the membranes of the spinal cord and the removal of the cerebrospinal fluid that lead to a reduction in intracranial pressure in the improvement of the child.
