Bifidumbacterin for newborns - to help mom

January 6, 2013

 bifidumbakterin for newborns
 Bifidumbacterin for newborns - is it possible to give such a small child? Not only possible, but necessary. Parents who already have experience in the care of newborn children, be aware that they almost always have problems with tummy. Bloating and intestinal colic - it is a necessary evil of the first three months of life. Bifidumbacterin will survive this difficult period less painful.

 Bifidumbacterin for newborns - to help mom

Why newborn baby with tummy problems

A child is born sterile. And as soon as he is born, it "snatch" billions of bacteria inhabiting the skin and mucous membranes, including mucous membranes of hollow organs with a message to the outside. These organs are the gastrointestinal tract.

The bacteria that colonize the gastrointestinal tract, are not always useful, part of the intestine is populated first pathogenic microflora. This flora is abnormal breakdown of food and digestive disorders. A child of the large number of gas swells the stomach, intestinal colic appear, the child becomes nervous, sleeps poorly, vomits, sometimes not taking the breast, putting on weight is not enough.

But gradually, the child's body to cope with this situation, the beneficial bacteria becomes greater between useful and pathogenic microflora forms a dynamic equilibrium.

This leads to the normalization of the digestive process, the child is no longer crying, do not burp, he had no tummy swells. The process of settling intestinal microflora in different children takes different time periods. When breastfeeding, this process is faster in mixed or artificial - slowly. After the third month of life dysbacteriosis are almost all children. But sometimes they stay up to a year or more.

The risk of developing dysbiosis include premature children, traumatized, low birth weight, were born to mothers with chronic infectious-inflammatory diseases, diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 Who have had severe preeclampsia and so on.

 Bifidumbacterin for newborns - to help mom

How to help the newborn if he has a tummy ache

When expressed dysbacteriosis prescribe medication containing digestive enzymes - they help digest food. But the basic aid should be the settlement of the gastrointestinal tract of the child useful microflora.

A newborn child the basic components of intestinal microflora are bifidobacteria. The introduction of additional microcolonies of bifidobacteria will quickly form a useful microflora, digestion will improve, and all the signs of dysbiosis Signs of dysbiosis - depend on the localization process  Signs of dysbiosis - depend on the localization process

 Bifidumbacterin for newborns - to help mom

What drugs can be given to the newborn bifidumbacterin

A newborn baby can be given bifidumbakterin Bifidumbacterin - restores normal intestinal microflora  Bifidumbacterin - restores normal intestinal microflora
   dry in vials or ampoules bifidumbakterin dry bags, bifidumbakterin tablets. Bifidumbacterin in vials and ampoules made from living biomass of bifidobacteria, which is freeze-dried in a protective sugar-gelatin-milk medium with a growing medium. In each vial or ampoule contains 5 doses, each dose of a single dose contained 10 ^ 7 microbial cells.

Bifidumbakterin powder - this is also a freeze dried biomass of live bacteria, but purified from the cultivation medium. Each sachet contains 5 doses or 50 million CFU bifidumbacterin. CFU (kolonieobrazuyuschiaya unit) - is artificially created by microcolonies of bacteria.

 Bifidumbacterin for newborns - to help mom

How to give a newborn bifidumbakterin

Bifidumbacterin gives the child during feeding. To this vial or ampoule is opened, diluted with breast milk or infant formula (you can just boiled water, but not hot), and provide the child with a spoon.

If you are using bifidumbakterin bag, the bag is cut, pour the powder into the bottle, throw the mother's milk or baby formula Dairy mixture - selection of useful power  Dairy mixture - selection of useful power
   and give the child a drink.

The dosage bifidumbacterin defines a pediatrician - to give yourself any medications (even the safest) newborn baby is not necessary.

 Bifidumbacterin for newborns - to help mom

Side effects and contraindications

Bifidumbakterin virtually no side effects but allergic reactions. Contraindication to its acceptance is the idiosyncrasy of components of a child. Often in newborns is absent or is produced in insufficient quantities lactase enzyme digesting lactose. These children receive bifidumbacterin in ampoules or vials can cause bloating and intestinal cramps as it contains lactose (milk is grown on the medium).

In this case, more suitable bifidumbakterin powder in sachets, purified from the medium on which it was grown.

Bifidumbacterin can and should give to babies.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • bifidumbakterin

Far-sightedness in children - identified and treated as early as possible

November 24, 2014

 sightedness in children
 Far-sightedness in children at birth is always available, but this physiological farsightedness, that age gradually passes. Children often occurs and pathological hyperopia, which may be complicated by a decrease in visual acuity and strabismus.


Congenital long-sightedness in children

Hyperopia - a violation of refraction (its refractive power) at which the refracted rays focus is behind the retina and the man sees all close objects clearly.

A newborn baby has a farsightedness of about three diopters (+ 3D), which is associated with a relatively short length of the anteroposterior axis of the eye. In the future, with the growth of the eyeball farsightedness decreases, the optical focus moves onto the retina, vision becomes normal or even goes into myopia. Normally, long-sightedness in children under one year is slowly decreasing and year should be no more than 2, 5 D.

But this is not always, and sometimes far-sightedness, not only persists but increases, complicating amblyopia (off of the bad seeing of the eye) and strabismus Strabismus - how to find the cause?  Strabismus - how to find the cause?
 . Reasons for farsightedness in children are usually hereditary (inherited structural features of the eye) or congenital (due to some influences in utero) character.


How does farsightedness in children

The main manifestation of hyperopia is blurred vision of close objects. To better see something up close, the child has to strain your eyes.

Children's farsightedness is divided into three levels. Children farsightedness slight degree - to + 2 D. Such violations are compensated by high contractility of the ciliary muscle and flexibility of the lens - while reducing the ciliary muscle lens becomes more convex shape, focus refraction falls on the retina and the child sees well in the distance and near. But the constant eye strain leads to frequent headaches, eyestrain, neuroses and gaps in school.

Moderate farsightedness in children - from +2 to +5 D; these children see well into the distance, but not very well may consider the subject up close. A high degree of farsightedness in children - above +5 D; reduced vision, children do not see both near and distant objects.

At medium and high hyperopia degree is a gradual decline in the function of cells of the visual cortex of the brain, as they had not received a clear image, and therefore, there is no incentive for the normal development of the cells. This leads to a decrease in visual acuity, and the development of amblyopia.

Amblyopia, or "lazy eye" - a decrease in visual acuity associated with changes in the cerebral cortex and can not be corrected, then there is even reduced vision with glasses. Long flowing farsightedness may also lead to the development of a convergent concomitant strabismus Friendly squint - which determines the characteristics of the disease  Friendly squint - which determines the characteristics of the disease

Quite often, children do not notice the impairment, therefore, are important preventive examinations ophthalmologist who identify and treat these children.


Treatment of hyperopia in children

Treatment begins with correcting vision with the help of the lens, that is, with the selection of points for continuous wear for children of preschool age. Matched lenses smaller value than the farsightedness indicators identified at the child. Children of school age are assigned points for a short distance, and with a high degree of farsightedness - for continuous wear.

The constant wearing of glasses relieves tension from the eyes, stimulates the nerve cells of the visual cortex of the brain, promotes the growth of the eyeball and the reduction of farsightedness.

Children with hyperopia Hyperopia - than it is fraught?  Hyperopia - than it is fraught?
   also recommended several times a year to conduct courses of treatment hardware. It stimulates the eyesight, eyeball growth, prevents and treats amblyopia and strabismus. Hardware treatment of hyperopia Treatment of hyperopia - long-term and regular  Treatment of hyperopia - long-term and regular
   children includes several different techniques, including with game elements. Selection methods for hardware treatment, their duration and frequency of use determines the eye doctor. Hardware treatment should be prolonged and regular. When used properly, these techniques allow to save the child from wearing glasses.

After the teen turns 18, the correction of hyperopia can be done surgically. With an average degree of farsightedness may be performed laser vision correction by changing the curvature of the cornea using a laser vaporization medium layers on its periphery. With a high degree of farsightedness held intraocular lens replacement surgery.

Far-sightedness in children should be identified and treated promptly, without waiting for complications.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • farsightedness
