Congenital scoliosis - the effects on the child in the first weeks of pregnancy

April 24, 2014

 congenital scoliosis
 Congenital scoliosis is not as common and usually the result of any impact in the first weeks of pregnancy, when there is a bookmark major organs and tissues of children. The disease is not hereditary, and therefore there is no risk of its transmission to future generations.


Why and how a congenital scoliosis

In congenital scoliosis have a child born with a lateral curvature of the spine. This pathology is the consequence of violations of the formation of the individual vertebrae. Vertebrae are formed in the first weeks of pregnancy and a violation of the process is usually associated with a variety of effects on the body of a pregnant woman during this period. It can be reception of various toxic substances, drugs, exposure to ionizing radiation Radiation and its biological effect: gently infected!  Radiation and its biological effect: gently infected!
   and so on.

Under the influence of these reasons is a violation of the separation of the individual vertebrae (two or more vertebrae are fused - segmentation violation), or violation of the formation of the individual vertebrae. When the most common disease - a violation of the formation of the vertebrae in the spine vertebrae are formed of irregular shape (eg, V), which leads to the total deformation of the spine. Of great importance is the number of malformed vertebrae. If there are two or more and they are arranged in a row, it is unfavorable symptom. If the wedge vertebrae located on opposite sides of the spine and are separated by at least one normal vertebra, the prognosis can be quite beneficial.

When segmentation violation in the joints fused vertebrae slowing their growth, while on the other side says more intensive growth. All this also leads to a deformation of the spine. There are also mixed forms of congenital scoliosis - they occur most heavily.

In addition to curvature of the spine associated with anomalies of its development, the child can develop the so-called compensatory curvature directed to the opposite side of the scoliosis. Such curvature needed to maintain the correct posture Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight  Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight
 Vertebrae in such arcs have a normal shape.

A feature of congenital scoliosis is that it is often associated with congenital anomalies of other organs and systems. For example, these children are often observed such developmental defects such as cleft lip or cleft palate.


How to detect a congenital scoliosis of the spine

Sometimes congenital scoliosis is detected immediately after birth, provided that there is some back strain. But more often it is diagnosed after the child begins to walk. In some cases, the signs of congenital scoliosis is detected as early as adolescence, when a violation of the body structure becomes clear.

Symptoms of congenital scoliosis may include: uneven located girdle (one below the other), the ribs on one side of the back convex and the other smooth, uneven waistline, located one hip higher than the other, and all the body is slightly tilted to one side.

For congenital scoliosis also characterized by the early appearance of spinal deformity and progression of the pathological process in the growth of the child. Typically as a significant restriction of mobility of the spine and scoliosis combination with other malformations.

If you suspect a congenital scoliosis Scoliosis - when the spine is curved  Scoliosis - when the spine is curved
   X-ray examination of the spine is performed: taking pictures in frontal and lateral projections. To clarify the diagnosis is sometimes prescribed holding computer or magnetic resonance imaging of the spine.


Treatment of congenital scoliosis

Most often, the detection of congenital scoliosis, if the disease does not progress, the experts simply watching the child, spending the survey once a year. Children thus can lead a healthy life and engage in light sports. Especially recommended in such cases diving.

If congenital scoliosis progresses, symptoms of spinal curvature increase, the optimal surgical treatment is considered to be - all kinds of conservative treatment in this case ineffective. Depending on the child's form of congenital scoliosis and its progression operation is carried out between the ages of one to five years.

The goal of surgery in this case is the disclosure of the growth opportunities of the spine and chest of the child. Today, it developed several methods of surgery in congenital scoliosis. This fusion (fusion of vertebral anomalies, warning their further growth and progression of curvature), the removal of the modified (wedge-shaped) vertebrae and curvature correction with metal implants, the use of special dynamic implants that "grow" with the child and so on.

Congenital scoliosis is not always runs hard and requires surgical correction, but in any case the child with such a diagnosis should always be observed orthopedist.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • scoliosis

Pneumonia in newborns - serious illness

December 16, 2012

 pneumonia in newborns
 Often pneumonia Pneumonia - Symptoms and Causes  Pneumonia - Symptoms and Causes
   the newborn is one of the manifestations of intrauterine infection, which began during pregnancy. But it meets and pneumonia caused by the organism of infection in the baby after birth. In any case, the disease is considered severe.

 Pneumonia in newborns - serious illness

Why newborn baby can begin pneumonia

The cause of inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) in young infants are most often bacterial (eg staphylococcus) or viral (cytomegalovirus, influenza) infection and airway obstruction (atelektaznaya, asphyxial).

Contributing factors for the development of pneumonia in infants are prematurity, prolonged hypoxia (insufficient oxygen supply to the tissues of the fetus) during pregnancy, birth injuries Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?  Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?

 Pneumonia in newborns - serious illness

Staphylococcal pneumonia in newborns

Staphylococcal pneumonia in infants is usually the result of infection in the maternity hospital in non-compliance with its hygienic conditions, as well as the mother in the first days of contact. Sometimes staphylococcal pneumonia develops against the backdrop of a viral infection.

This pneumonia occurs heavily, with the development of abscess formation in the lung sections, and to form air pockets as a result of exposure to staphylococcus toxin, which dissolves the lung tissue. Often the disease is complicated by pleurisy (inflammation of the serous membrane covering the lungs) and pneumoempyema - accumulation of pus and air in the pleural cavity. Pneumoempyema formed by the destruction of the capsule of the abscess in the lung, the output of pus in the bronchi and pleural cavity formation messages with the lumen of the bronchi.

It is developing the disease in different ways, depending on the overall condition of the newborn, but most of all as the main manifestation of a high fever, shortness of breath, and sometimes respiratory failure. Sometimes the severity of the child grows fairly slowly, as the development of changes in the lungs.

Pathogens often exhibit resistance (lack of sensitivity) to many types of antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 . This greatly complicates the treatment of the primary stage, when antibiotics are required to appoint the first day of the disease, even before the results of tests on the sensitivity of pathogens to antibiotics. Especially dangerous is the use of antibiotics in the penicillin staphylococcal pneumonia, as they may stimulate the growth of pathogens.

 Pneumonia in newborns - serious illness

Viral pneumonia in newborns

Viral pneumonia in infants is usually caused by cytomegalovirus (CMV - a form of the herpes virus, type 5), and influenza virus.

CMV causes interstitial pneumonia in neonates - i.e. inflammation in the connective tissue through the lung tissue. Most often, such pneumonia develops on the background of generalized cytomegalovirus intrauterine infection. This pneumonia, especially in debilitated newborns can manifest itself only shortness of breath. Some children may develop a dry cough paroxysmal Dry cough - whether to worry about it?  Dry cough - whether to worry about it?
 . The main thing in this situation - a timely diagnosis, but it is not so simple. Treat diseases using antiviral drugs (eg, ganciclovir) and the introduction of immunoglobulin antitsitomegalovirusnogo - tsitotekta. Moreover, antibiotics are assigned, as in most cases of viral joins bacterial infection.

From virus respiratory infection pneumonia in infants often cause flu viruses. Process begins often with interstitial pneumonia, after which it can be complicated by development of focal or segmental pneumonia. Sometimes the cause of this complication is a bacterial infection.

Manifested viral pneumonia in infants wheezing, breathlessness, vomiting, diarrhea, sudden bloating, intestinal colic, accompanied by a cry baby. The child becomes pale, bluish coloration of the skin is particularly visible in the nasolabial triangle and the fingers on the hands.

 Pneumonia in newborns - serious illness

Pneumonia in newborns associated with airway obstruction

Premature babies cause of pneumonia may be the formation of hyaline membranes (walls) in the small airways (bronchioles) and alveoli (sacs at the ends of the bronchi). This pneumonia called asphyxial and runs very hard, including the development of atelectasis (spadenie) and emphysema (a dramatic expansion of the alveoli) of individual sections of the lung.

Pneumonia in infants with congenital pulmonary atelectasis or inhaled large amounts of amniotic fluid leak is usually very heavy and require mechanical ventilation.

Pneumonia in newborns - is always a serious disease.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • pneumonia
