Autism in children: the warning signs - Manifestation

November 16, 2013

  • Autism in children: the warning signs
  • Triad disorders
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 manifestation of infantile autism

The manifestation of infantile autism

Autism - this one and autism spectrum disorders, knit with a developmental disability of the brain, symptoms of which appear in early childhood - usually up to three years. Although the symptoms and their intensity may be different, autism is always violates the child's ability to communicate with others.

The number of children diagnosed with "autism" in the mean time. It is unclear whether this is due to the improved diagnostic methods, the actual increase in the number of patients or both factors. Although it is impossible to cure autism, as much as possible early treatment can have a significant positive impact on the future life of the child.

Children with autism generally have problems in three crucial areas of development: social interaction, language and behavior. However, because autism symptoms vary greatly, two children with the same diagnosis may act in different ways and have very different skills. At the same time a sign of severe forms of autism in most cases is a complete inability to communicate and somehow interact with other people. Some children have autism symptoms appear in infancy. Some develop normally during the first months or years of life, and then suddenly become withdrawn, aggressive and / or lose language skills they've already purchased. The most common symptoms of autism:


Social skills

  • The lack of reaction to the child's own name
  • Gentle eye contact
  • From time to time if the child did not hear what he is told
  • Avoid physical contact
  • The absence of clear evidence that he is aware of other people's feelings
  • He prefers to spend time alone



  • He begins to speak after two years; development is lagging behind by an average of 30 months
  • Loses previously-found ability to pronounce words and sentences
  • Do not maintain eye contact during a conversation, including when he asks questions
  • Abnormal tone and rhythm of speech - for example, a child may no relation to the topic of conversation to talk or sing-song "robot voice"
  • Failure to start the conversation and keep it
  • It can accurately reproduce the words and phrases, but does not understand how to use them



  • Performs repetitive movements, for example, rocking, spinning in place, knocking over the surfaces of the hands, and so on
  • Ritualistic behavior
  • Irritation at the slightest changes in the order, which he decided to stick
  • Constant movement

Can permanently captivate attention to parts of objects - for example, of the wheels of toy cars; at the same time he seemed interested in him apart from toys, as independent objects

A child may be unusually sensitive to light, sound and touch; while it may be insensitive to pain and / or do not pay attention to it.

Young children with autism can not share their experiences with others. For example, when they read, they do not show the finger at the pictures in the book and not looking at the person who reads it. This has a great impact on the further development of social and language skills. As we age, some of these children are learning to pay more attention to other people and with relatively mild forms of the disease can gradually begin to lead a normal or near-normal lives. Others, however, difficulties with the development of speech and social skills remain for life; problems can worsen during the transition period.

Most children with autism learning is worse than in healthy children; some below average intellectual abilities. However, in some autistic children the intellectual level of a normal or even higher; They learn quickly, but have difficulty using their knowledge in practice. A small number of patients with autism observed exceptional abilities in some areas, such as painting, music or mathematics.


It is recommended to consult a doctor if:

  • A child of 12 months there is no babble
  • By 12 months is not developing gestures - for example, a child does not point to objects, not waving, and so on
  • Not pronounces single words by 16 months
  • Do not utter the sentence, consisting of two words or more - to 24 months
  • The child loses previously acquired social and / or language skills - at any age.

Autism in children: the warning signs - Triad disorders

November 16, 2013

  • Autism in children: the warning signs
  • Triad disorders
  • Disorders
  • Early
  • Manifestation
  • Signs
  • Help
  • Forum

 impairments in autism

"Triad violations" in autism

Autism - a fatal disease, is a complete violation of human development. According to experts, autism typically appears during the first three years of life. The disease develops as a result of neurological disorders, affecting the normal operation of the brain. This reduces a person's ability to communication and social interaction.

People with autism have difficulty with non-verbal communication Nonverbal communication: words - not important  Nonverbal communication: words - not important
 With different types of social interaction and activities that include an element of play and / or banter.


As people with autism see the world

For people with autism, the world - a crowd of people, places and events in which they are desperately trying to understand and which are painful for them a source of concern.

They find it difficult to communicate with others and find common language with them, and every day to take part in the life of their family and society. Healthy people instinctively know how to interact with others, but people with autism may not understand that they have something different from the rest.


About autism

Autism - it is an incurable disease, which is a complex developmental disorder. Autism - a state of the autism spectrum, and sometimes referred to as autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Although autism is disturbed brain activity in three main areas, the disease manifests itself in different people in very different ways. That is why the word "spectrum".

There is also a form of autism, Asperger's syndrome.

Some autistic people can lead a relatively independent life, while others require medical supervision. The three main areas in which people with autism have difficulty, are called "triad of disorders." These include:

  • Communication
  • Socialization
  • Social imagination

Sometimes it is hard to recognize the signs of autism in humans as they do not look incompetent. Parents of autistic children often say that others consider them a naughty child, while in fact they are not well aware of the situation and a situation in which there are.

The earlier the disease is detected, the softer it will leak. People with autism can always get the help of experts.


Difficulties with communication

For people with autism spectrum disorders "body language" is like a foreign language, as if the surrounding spoken in ancient Greek.

For them, the challenge is both verbal and non-verbal language. Many of them have a fairly limited understanding of the language and think that people always say what they think. They do not know how to use and do not understand the means of communication such as:

  • Facial expressions and tone of voice
  • Jokes or irony
  • Set expressions and sayings

Some people suffering from autism can not speak or have difficulty with speech. They usually understand what other people tell them, but they prefer to use other means of communication, such as sign language or visual symbols.

Other well-developed skills of speech, but it is difficult to understand how the exchange of views in a conversation. They can repeat several times what they had just said the source (this phenomenon is called "echophrasia") or talk endlessly about what is interesting by itself.

Communication is more successful if the person expresses his thoughts clearly and consistently, and autistic have time to think about what was said.


The difficulties with socialization

The ability to socialize in people with autism do not come by itself - it needs to learn.

Such people often find it difficult to understand the feelings and emotions of others, and to express their own, making them difficult to adapt in society. Often, they are:

  • They do not understand the unwritten rules established by the society that most people learn intuitively. For example, they may be too close to another person, or to start a conversation on the wrong subject.
  • It seems insensitive, because they do not understand how to show feelings.
  • They prefer to spend time alone, and do not seek the company of other people.
  • Do not seek the support of others.
  • Behave strangely or tactless, since they find it difficult to express their feelings, emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
   or to express needs.

Due to difficulties with social interaction for people with autism are not so easy to make friends. Some of them want to communicate and establish a friendly relationship, but they do not know how to approach this.


Difficulties with social imagination

People suffering from autism, it is difficult to understand what is known to others, and even more difficult to guess what they're thinking.

Social imagination helps us to understand and predict the behavior of others to comprehend the meaning of abstract ideas and to imagine situations that go beyond daily life. People with autism, it is difficult:

  • Understand and interpret thoughts, feelings and actions of others.
  • To anticipate what should happen in the next moment, or what might have happened.
  • To form an idea of ​​the danger, for example, to understand that to run across the road with heavy traffic can be life-threatening.
  • Participate in activities that require the use of imagination. Autistic children may like creative activities, but every time they choose to play the same game.
  • Prepare yourself for change and plan for the future.
  • Coping with new or unfamiliar situations.

Difficulties with social imagination are not related to the lack of imagination of the people as such. Many people with autism - a very creative person, and become prominent artists, musicians or writers.
