Meningitis in children - a dangerous disease - meningococcal disease

November 2, 2013

  • Meningitis in children - a dangerous disease
  • Meningococcal disease

 Meningococcal disease in children

Meningococcal disease in children

Meningococcal disease in children can occur at any age, but most often it susceptible children from one year to five years. The source of infection is a person sick meningococcal infection or bacillicarrier. A feature of meningococcal disease is that it can occur very easily as the common cold or even in the form of bacteria. Such a child can get sick at any time, meningitis, or pass it on to others. That is why in the case of meningococcal disease the child examined all the children and adults who have been in contact with him.



The first signs of meningitis Symptoms of meningitis - cerebral symptoms  Symptoms of meningitis - cerebral symptoms
   children - a high fever, headache and vomiting. In the vast majority of meningococcal meningitis nature begins sharply against the background of overall health or minor symptoms of SARS. The temperature rises to very high numbers, the child complains of severe headache, appears first single, followed by uncontrollable vomiting.

Almost always on the baby's skin rash - a sign of the emergence of the infectious agent in the blood (meningococcemia). The rash of meningitis in children is one of the most characteristic symptoms. First, she can wear morbilliform character - in the form of small red spots and papules. After some time passes such a rash appears characteristic of meningococcal purpura. Petechial hemorrhages appear first in the feet and legs of the child, and then spread to the trunk and above the rest of the body.

The rash initially takes the form of dots or irregular shape of stars, which are rapidly increasing in size, coalesce to form large-sized hemorrhages, slightly protruding above the surface of the skin. Sometimes hemorrhagic rash combined with the appearance of red spots and papules (elevations on the skin). And since all these eruptions do not appear at the same time, they are of different size, shape and color. Bleeding can also occur in the conjunctiva and sclera.

On the face rash appears only in very severe disease. In the reverse development rashes maculopapular rash disappears quickly, small hemorrhages change color, and large necrotic can - there is decay of tissue with the formation of ulcers. There are also cases of necrosis of the toes, feet, ears, nose. There are nasal bleeding, bleeding in the mucous membranes.

Symptoms of meningitis may notice a child, even people with no medical training. The child lies, his head thrown back and his feet pressed to the stomach. Push the chin of the baby to the breast is impossible because of the stiffness (rigidity) of muscles neck.

Symptoms of meningitis in a young child is much more difficult to identify. But there are a number of characteristic symptoms, such as symptom Flatau - dilated pupils at fast the baby's head is tilted forward. Symptoms of meningitis in young children can be checked this way: raised the child under the arms pulls his legs to his stomach, and stores them in this position. At the same time his head slightly thrown back (sign hanging Lesage). A healthy child in this case freely bending and extending the legs.

Symptoms of meningitis in children can be very severe form of the disease with the lightning, when the disease progresses very quickly, in just a few hours. At the same time young children some meningeal symptoms may not be, the disease often manifests signs of toxicity: convulsions, high fever, vomiting and dehydration.


Otogenny, rhinogenous odontogenic and meningitis in children and adolescents

These types of meningitis are more common in children of preschool and school-age children as a complication of diseases of upper respiratory tract. Especially common otogenny meningitis Otogenny meningitis - complication of inflammatory processes in the ear  Otogenny meningitis - complication of inflammatory processes in the ear
 Which began on the background of chronic suppurative otitis media. Several less common rhinogenous meningitis, caused by a purulent inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. Odontogenic meningitis is a consequence of purulent diseases periodontal tissues.

Symptoms of meningitis in children in this case may be very different in nature - it all depends on the main course of the inflammatory process (in the ear or sinuses) and the extent of inflammation in the lining of the brain (localized or widespread process). But in any case, the main complaint is severe headache, neck stiffness and meningeal characteristic pose.

Symptoms of meningitis in teens are almost the same, they have meningitis can be severe due to hormonal disorders and related disorders of immunity. Especially heavy for a high temperature, severe headaches, persistent vomiting characteristic of purulent meningitis caused by the spread of infection through the bloodstream.

Symptoms of meningitis in adolescents may be not as pronounced, but in any case, a teenager requires immediate hospitalization.

Prevention of meningitis in children - is a timely treatment of diseases of ENT organs and teeth.


Diagnosis of meningitis in children

How to identify meningitis in children? Meningitis in children is determined on clinical grounds and confirmed by laboratory tests. The main study of the cerebrospinal fluid is taken by puncture of the spinal cord.

When taking cerebrospinal fluid pay attention to increasing its pressure. Research laboratory in most cases, revealed an increased content of liquid in the cell elements (mainly leukocyte) - this state is called pleocytosis. It is also possible to detect the cerebrospinal fluid meningococci. The baby's blood are also found signs of inflammation - leukocytosis and accelerated ESR.



Treatment of any origin meningitis in children is carried out in a hospital. First aid for severe meningitis lumbar puncture. At the same time, the smaller the child, the indications for this manipulation wider. Deleting a certain amount of cerebrospinal fluid resulting in a dramatic improvement in the patient's condition.

Moreover, in bacterial meningitis Bacterial meningitis - the reasons for the spread of infection  Bacterial meningitis - the reasons for the spread of infection
   prescribe antibiotics. Any form of meningitis, increased intracranial pressure decreases the appointment of diuretics and intoxication - drug intravenous drip solutions.



Prevention of meningitis in children - is a timely correct treatment of all infections under medical supervision. The structure of some combination vaccines, which are administered to children up to a year, now includes vaccines for Hib and pneumococcus stick, which are often the causes of meningitis. In areas unfavorable for meningococcal infection, vaccinations against meningitis children after two years.

How to recognize meningitis Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges  Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
   the child? You just have to closely monitor his condition and the appearance of the warning signs immediately seek medical care.

Galina Romanenko

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  • meningitis
