Endometriosis in menopause - the development is uncertain

November 17, 2012

 Endometriosis in menopause
 Watching women with endometriosis showed that hormone begins to decline when the ovarian activity, that is, during menopause, endometriosis in most cases regress. But not all so simple: sometimes this is the age for the first time there are signs of endometriosis.

 Endometriosis in menopause - the development is uncertain

Why during menopause are signs of endometriosis

Endometriosis - a disease which is based on two factors: hormonal disorders and immune disorders. Violations occur in hormonal levels in the body an excess of female hormones estrogen and the lack of another female sex hormone - progesterone and pituitary gonadotropins. Estrogen hormone support performed in the first half of the menstrual cycle, during which the maturation of the egg in the ovary and the growth of the mucous membrane of the uterus (the endometrium).

Normally after oocyte maturation hormonal changes, the pituitary gland starts to secrete luteinizing hormone, which occurs under the influence of ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   (release of an egg from the ovary), and then, on the site of the ruptured follicle begins to operate the new endocrine gland the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 . Progesterone inhibits the secretion of estrogen and the growth of the endometrium, causing it to secrete a secret.

In endometriosis the first half of the menstrual cycle lasts a long time because of the large amounts of estrogen and progesterone lack. The endometrium is growing too, and when hormonal support is reduced gradually rejected, accompanied by prolonged bleeding. During this bleeding endometrial cells or pieces thrown into other organs and tissues and begin to grow there, forming endometriosis. This happens not all women, but only those who have impaired immunity. Land endometriosis in other organs behave exactly the same way as the endometrium in the uterus, they then rejected, then expand under the action of sex hormones.

Most often endometriosis develops in the child-bearing age, as cyclical changes in a woman contribute to the widening of its foci. But often endometriosis can be seen during adolescence. It is thought that during menopause due to a decrease in the amount of estrogen in the body and the gradual reduction of cyclic changes endometriosis regress.

Today, these principles built conservative treatment of endometriosis: using various drugs create an artificial menopause, which gradually leads to the disappearance of symptoms of endometriosis Symptoms of endometriosis - can be very different  Symptoms of endometriosis - can be very different

 Endometriosis in menopause - the development is uncertain

Do I always have symptoms of endometriosis are reduced during menopause

Unfortunately, there are cases where during menopause endometriosis was shown for the first time or actively recur. This suggests that the disease is a cause, hitherto not fully understood.

Great chance to "earn" during menopause endometriosis in women suffering from obesity and diabetes. And also, this mechanism is not fully understood. It is known, for example, that for reducing ovarian estrogen fat cells start to secrete that supports existing hormonal disturbances, as the amount of progesterone is not increased. Sometimes the amount of estrogen is so great that during menopause there are the first areas of endometriosis or existing endometriosis begins to actively spread. Thus, dysfunctional uterine bleeding Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach  Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach
 Typical of the period of menopause sometimes have endometriosis.

But so far it is not clear how endometriosis develops during menopause diabetes.

 Endometriosis in menopause - the development is uncertain

The difficulties of diagnosis and treatment endometroza during menopause

Since during menopause there is a decrease in estrogen secretion, some doctors believe that during this period the symptoms of endometriosis should go on the decline. This leads to late diagnosis of progressive forms of endometriosis and the weakening of the woman's body from constant bleeding.

Like any other disease, endometriosis is best treated in the initial period. If the disease is allowed to proceed for a number of years, it is much more difficult to treat and tend to the constant recurrence.

In addition, during the menopause and menopause increases the risk of transformation in the areas of endometriosis cancer (malignancy). This process can be stimulated by the woman receiving estrogen alone without progesterone reception.

Endometriosis can occur during menopause, why - this question has no definitive answer.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • endometriosis

Nutrition for Menopause - a key aspect of health

August 8, 2012

 nutrition menopause
 Good food should be called a fundamental part of improving health during menopause and hormone deficiency. Dining at menopause if it is properly organized and is balanced, it helps prevent the development of a large number of complications in a crucial period of a woman's life. The food actually affects all aspects of health.

 Nutrition for Menopause - a key aspect of health

The problem of overeating and obesity

At the time of menopause in humans have already been formed eating habits and nutritional affections. In modern conditions it is very urgent problem is obesity or obese. Most people who are overweight, follow the path of excessive eating and a small amount of physical exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
 . Overeating is often caused by emotional and cultural factors. At the age of 50-60 years have seen a slowing of metabolic processes (the rate at which the body burns energy), so in this situation can be difficult to control weight as compared to younger age.

Change deeply entrenched eating habits is not easy. An analysis of the various aspects of food will help to develop and adopt the most favorable plan in each case. It is important to properly allocate dietary nutrient content of the main components (fats, proteins, carbohydrates):

  • for the functioning of the organism is not necessary to use large amounts of fat. Most people in developed countries consume 50% more fat admissible norm. Reduce fat intake may be, to use boiled or cooked food using margarine instead of butter.
  • an important source of energy is carbohydrates. Up to 60% of daily calories should be consumed because of carbohydrates. In the food should include complex carbohydrates - whole grains, breads, fruits and legumes, replacing them different desserts, saturated with sugar.
  • not more than 15% of the total calorie intake should be protein. In most cases it consumed more protein than is necessary, especially from animal sources. Fish, chicken and turkey meat, boiled eggs should be included in the diet of women in menopause. They feature balanced in protein and low in fat.
  • Another important part of the diet in the menopausal period is fiber. It not only stimulates the activity of the digestive tract, helping to prevent the development of malignant processes, and helps to reduce the risk of heart disease. Due to the large amount of achievements in the gut a feeling of satiety and this helps to control weight. The highest amount of fiber found in fresh vegetables, fruits and cereals.

For the age of menopause is characterized by the development of hormonal deficiency female sexual hormones. In filling this deficit helped phytoestrogens - natural analogues of sex hormones, which are contained in some plants. Soybeans, potatoes, red clover, black cohosh is different in that they are the supplier of natural estrogens for the female organism. One of these products should be included in your diet.

 Nutrition for Menopause - a key aspect of health

The necessary minerals and vitamins for menopause

Women aged premenopause and menopause must also compensate for the deficiency of important trace elements and minerals using a complex preparations. Be sure to consume calcium. The source of calcium can be recommended prophylactically Calcemin which should drink one tablet twice a day. Parallel necessary to fill the need for calcium by food. Women should eat dairy products, cheese, eggs and be sure meat and fish. Better absorption of calcium helps fish oil Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?  Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?
   and vitamin D. Cod liver oil is available in capsules, so the taste is not created discomfort in his hand. If a capsule contains 500 mg of drug per day in two capsules should be drunk.

Quite often during premenopause complicated by the development of bleeding, which can lead to post-hemorrhagic anemia Anemia - when you do not have enough blood  Anemia - when you do not have enough blood
 . Must be prescribed iron supplements, as well as compensate for the lack of an important trace element helps food. Beef liver, soy beans and the fruit should be included in the diet, as they are enriched with iron.

Vitamins and minerals are the foundation of health and physical well-being. Multivitamin preparations containing a specified level of essential vitamins and minerals, it is quite solvable problem. The menopause should be such courses receive multivitamin complexes, especially in the case where there is no certainty that the diet is balanced.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • menopause
