Menopause and hypertension - why pressure jumps?

September 30, 2007

 menopause hypertension
   Many people believe that hypertension does not distinguish between sex and the likelihood of developing the disease in men no less high than that of women. What is surprising is that, according to the study, three out of four women suffering from hypertension, it is aware of their condition, but only one in four has taken some measures and tries to control high blood pressure.

Well, the fiercest debate about hypertension in women is usually always come down to a discussion of two themes: what is the relationship between menopause and hypertension and hypertension and pregnancy? In this article we will try to briefly consider the relationship between menopause and hypertension.

Perhaps an increase in pressure in menopause should once again remind us that life is not fair, and apart from a number of unpleasant physical changes, we need to put up even with hypertension, which appears in the most unexpected and inopportune time!

 Menopause and hypertension - why pressure jumps?

What causes the development of hypertension?

How does the pressure of the climacteric alteration of an organism?

Before menopause in women slightly decreased diastolic blood (blood), and systolic (venous) pressure, and generally falls below the pressure level in males. But after menopause in women systolic blood pressure increases.

Such pressure surges can be explained by a number of factors partly related to potential increase in sensitivity to salt and weight gain, which in turn is caused by menopausal hormonal changes. It is sad, but hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which some women take on their own or prescribed by a doctor, can also contribute to high blood pressure. In this case, it should also take into account the fact that women over age 50 taking hormone replacement therapy, systolic blood pressure increases slightly (1-2 mm Hg. Art.). Chance of hypertension in these women is 25% higher than their peers who do not take hormone replacement therapy.

It is also important to remember that the development of hypertension Hypertension - dangerous consequences  Hypertension - dangerous consequences
   postmenopausal can be prevented or at least controlled. Even small changes in habits and lifestyle can bring significant relief.

It is difficult to imagine how an effective means of reducing the pressure can be a simple reduction in sodium intake, increased physical activity and following a healthy diet (more fresh fruits and vegetables and half alcohol and nicotine!)

Nevertheless, it is important to remember that not all cases of hypertension amenable to such light treatment alone and sometimes lifestyle changes are not enough. Moreover, sometimes it is simply impossible, so do not neglect the medication. From a wide variety of drugs intended for the treatment of hypertension, especially diuretics effective because in menopause are more likely water retention in the body.

Article Tags:
  • menopause and health

Massage at menopause - a means of improving the quality of life

August 10, 2012

 massage menopause
 In a sufficiently large percentage of women in menopause are faced with the clinical manifestations of the climacteric syndrome. In addition to traditional medical treatment are effective means of force, such as physiotherapy, massage. Massage menopause allows for recovery in the case of the predominance in the clinical picture of vegetative symptoms.

 Massage at menopause - a means of improving the quality of life

The effectiveness of massage treatments

The earliest symptoms of menopause are autonomic manifestations. They are characterized by the appearance of women feeling the heat or "hot flashes," changing chills, excessive sweating Excessive sweating - affordable treatment  Excessive sweating - affordable treatment
 , General weakness, drowsiness, nervousness and mood lability. In some cases, these complaints are so pronounced that affect the working capacity of women, reducing it. In this situation, a woman hard to tolerate the situation, so the timely appointment of treatment will restore the overall health and prevent the development of later complications.

During menopause performing procedures massage allows the complex therapeutic measures reduces the severity of the symptoms of menopausal syndrome. With the predominance in the clinical symptoms of nervous strain, anxiety, nervousness, tearfulness appointed a relaxing massage technique. There is not only the recovery of the emotional state of the patient, as well as improved blood circulation, lymph circulation, which positively affects the tissue trophism, occurring in the body metabolism.

 Massage at menopause - a means of improving the quality of life

As to massage

Women in menopause can be recommended not only full body massage, but also a point when there is a meaningful impact on BAT (biologically active points of the body). The therapeutic effect is achieved at the climax when massaging certain points:

  • on the right foot at the base of the little finger on
  • on the right leg above the middle finger
  • on the right hand with the palm at the base of the fourth finger

Massage the point lightly clockwise only (movements should be circular) for five minutes. This technique of acupressure Acupressure - Eastern practices in the service of modern science  Acupressure - Eastern practices in the service of modern science
   allows holding daily sessions or alternating them every other day depending on the condition and characteristics of a woman in her menopause. Before the start of the procedures necessary to consult with a specialist to get expert information on the procedure itself. There is a certain group of contraindications for different types of massage that should be taken into account. This will help to avoid the development of negative effects or complications. First of all contraindications relating to the state of the general health of women and the presence of comorbidities from various body systems.

Massage has on the body strengthening and revitalizing effect. It should be combined with a variety of physical exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
   or physical therapy. Physical activity is the key to successful treatment of climacteric syndrome. Status inactivity or low physical activity in sedentary lifestyle, in some cases, contribute to the fact that the woman is much harder to endure caused her body to natural aging changes. Massage must be combined with classes in group health or physical therapy that will favorably influence the healing process during menopause.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • menopause
