Menopause - treatment: treatment methods - Phytomedication

December 22, 2011

  • Menopause - Treatment: therapies
  • Pills
  • Vitamins
  • Phytomedication
  • ethnoscience

Herbal menopause

Herbal preparations used in menopause - is medicaments which contain plant extracts containing biologically active substances that promote the elimination of a variety of symptoms during menopause. In all these extracts contain phytoestrogens - plant substances very similar in structure to the female sex hormone estrogen and has a similar (but much less pronounced) effect on a woman's body.

Herbal preparations often contain phytoestrogens in addition to the natural vitamins and trace elements, which also help to remove the negative consequences of metabolic disorders.

Some homeopathic products also incorporate plant extracts, so they can also be attributed to phytoestrogens.

 Phytomedication | Menopause - Treatment: therapies

Why use herbal menopause

Take herbal menopause to restore metabolism and reduce the symptoms of menopausal syndrome. Under the influence of herbal remedies partially eliminated estrogen deficiency, reduced the number and severity of hot flashes, improves mood passes irritability, fatigue, restores.

Improve and objective indicators of women: reduced blood viscosity and risk of blood clots, restores the immune system, are less severe metabolic disturbances (including slowing down the processes of formation of osteoporosis and atherosclerosis, which prevents a lot of complications from bone and cardiovascular systems).

Since almost all herbal medicines contain vitamins and trace elements, eliminating their deficits, which also improves metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   and overall health.

As a result, long-term use of herbal remedies may reduce the risk of hormone-dependent tumors of the uterus and its appendages, and mammary glands.

 Phytomedication | Menopause - Treatment: therapies

Klimadinon uno

Klimadinon uno (pharmaceutical company Bionorica, Germany). The main active ingredient is the black cohosh root extract, which has a positive effect on all organs and systems of the menopause. Available in tablets (dry extract) and a syrup (liquid extract).

Long-term use can reduce klimadinona uno irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Crying, sweating, tachycardia, anxiety, sleep disorders. Klimadinon uno restores the autonomic nervous system, which is very important at menopause, since reduces the number and duration of hot flushes in the upper half of the body.

Take klimadinon uno on a tablet twice a day, or 30 drops of liquid extract, with a little water. The effect manifests itself only after two weeks of systemic administration. Course duration - approximately four to six weeks, but not more than twelve weeks.

Klimadinon Uno is contraindicated in hypersensitive to the components of the drug, hormone-dependent tumors in the female reproductive organs and breast, as well as in chronic alcoholism. In benign processes (endometriosis, uterine fibroids) klimadinon uno should be taken only on prescription.

 Phytomedication | Menopause - Treatment: therapies

Femikaps Easy Life

Femikaps Easy Life - a dietary supplement that is manufactured by Hankintatukku (Finland). Long-term use of dietary supplements is able to stabilize the condition of women during menopause. It consists of an extract of the fruit of Vitex, magnesium oxide, passoflory inkarnatnoy herb extract, alpha tocopherol Vitamin E (tocopherol) - not to be carried away  Vitamin E (tocopherol) - not to be carried away
 , Evening primrose oil, pyridoxine hydrochloride, evening primrose oil. Acting in combination, these substances have a positive effect on a woman's body during menopause. It helps reduce hot flashes, sweating, tachycardia, irritability, weakness, and mood swings. Take this dietary supplement for two capsules twice a day after meals for at least three months.

The preparation has almost no side effects other than allergic reactions.

 Phytomedication | Menopause - Treatment: therapies


Chi-Klim - herbal remedies, which is issued by the Russian Evalar. The main active ingredient of the drug is an extract of black cohosh ratsimozy. As a result of the regular administration of the drug reduced vegetative disorders characteristic of menopause - hot flushes and heat to the head and upper body, tachycardia Tachycardia - the body to the limit?  Tachycardia - the body to the limit?

Take the drug on a tablet twice a day with meals for at least twelve weeks.

Herbal preparations may help with minor disturbances during menopause.

Beauty during menopause: how to pamper your skin - Aromatherapy, sleep, body care

June 30, 2012

  • Beauty during menopause: how to pamper your skin
  • Aromatherapy, sleep, body care
  • Create a new image

 Beauty during menopause ways to pamper your skin with aromatherapy sleep

Take aromatherapy

What: Adding elements of aromatherapy into your everyday life - it's a great way to pamper yourself a bit and relieve the stress associated with menopause. In fact, many essential oils have a chemical composition which makes them particularly useful during menopause. To balance the loss of estrogen, should pay attention to the aromas of cypress, geranium, lavender The healing properties of lavender - not only pleasant aroma  The healing properties of lavender - not only pleasant aroma
 , Neroli, rose and sage. To relieve hot flashes, you need to keep handy sage Sage - cvyaschennaya grass  Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
 Lemon and mint Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness  Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
 . Finally, to cope with the emotional changes help chamomile, jasmine and neroli.

Let's do it: One way to experience the benefits of essential oils is applied to the surface of their body fat tissues, because that is where the hormones are produced and stored. You can also include essential oils in massage therapy or add them to a soothing bath.

Create your own tonic during menopause is easy with the following recipe. It is necessary to mix 6 drops of lemon oil, 5 drops of geranium oil, 2 drops of clary sage oil, 1 drop of oil angelica, 1 drop jasmine oil Jasmine aromatherapy Royal fragrance mood, health, beauty  Jasmine aromatherapy Royal fragrance mood, health, beauty
   and 56 grams of vegetable oil or body lotion (use lotion creates less fat mixture which is preferred by some women). This soothing cocktail can be used as a massage oil or added to the bath. As an alternative to creating your own mix, you can try products Collection Aromatherapy Associates Miniature Bath and Shower Oil Collection. This kind of essential oils are perfect for any mood and occasion during menopause and beyond.

 Aromatherapy, sleep, body care | beauty during menopause: how to pamper your skin

Nourish your nails

Why: A low level of estrogen during menopause causes changes that affect the entire body - and nails are no exception. You may find that your nails become more brittle and easier to break. Thus, it is necessary to give them special care, adding a variety of creams to strengthen nails into the everyday process of care. In addition, manicure and pedicure - a great way to give more attention to your nails and calm down a little during menopause.

Let's do this: Add a firming cream Barielle Nail Strengthener Cream in your daily care of nails to strengthen and energize brittle nails during menopause. And - it is effective even in combination with your favorite nail polish, so it's great for any manicure or pedicure, even after menopause.

 Aromatherapy, sleep, body care | beauty during menopause: how to pamper your skin

Plan a dream

Why: While sleep may not coincide with the general representation of the unusual procedures for the majority of employed women of middle age, any additional opportunity to take a short nap is a rare and useful advantage. And with the onset of menopause, you may need extra sleep. According to experts, more than half of menopausal women experience some problems with sleep.

Let's do it: If you have sleep problems during menopause, remember to reduce the caffeine and take other recommended measures to improve the rest. If it helps, try to get some sleep when feeling sleepy during the day - but it should be a short sleep to later not to stay up late in the evening. Also, adding some nice tools can help to improve sleep. Aromatic means Molton Brown Sleep Cedrus Room Aroma Rocks - is a set of improved sleep of natural oils, including lavender oil, orange and cedar trees that contribute to quiet pleasant stay.

 Aromatherapy, sleep, body care | beauty during menopause: how to pamper your skin

Strengthen your skin with new ingredients

Why: Reduced estrogen levels during menopause can cause various unpleasant changes in the condition of the skin. Many women experience increased dryness, sensitivity, there are eels and increasing signs of aging, including wrinkles and fine lines. So it is time to reconsider the process of facial skin care and pay attention to the new needs of your skin. Use this opportunity to treat yourself and buy high quality products that contain ingredients that can improve the appearance of your skin during menopause.

Most women may find that they need to step up the fight against aging. One of the best non-prescription ingredients to combat the effects of aging is considered to Retinol, a derivative of vitamin A. Its ability to reduce the signs of aging has been clinically proven.

To do this: In order to better gauge how your skin reacts to the menopause, you should consider visiting a dermatologist for advice on the means used for skin care. It will help to improve the normal process of skin care using advanced formulas, which will retain the color of skin during menopause and after that will ensure good health and beauty of the whole organism. Also, add to your everyday exercise products that are specifically designed for mature skin. B. Kamins Nutrient Replacement Cream Kx has been created for the skin during menopause, and will nourish the skin important nutrients needed to balance and improve the appearance of mature skin.
