Coitus interruptus as a method of contraception - Feature method

April 21, 2011

  • Coitus interruptus as a method of contraception
  • Characteristic Method

Advantages of Withdrawal

Undoubtedly, though this method of protection against unwanted pregnancy, though ineffective, but it has a number of advantages:

  • this method of contraception Contraceptive Methods: Ten myths about contraception in the mirror of facts  Contraceptive Methods: Ten myths about contraception in the mirror of facts
   available to all couples, without exception, it is simple and accessible;
  • coitus interruptus does not require financial investments;
  • To use this contraceptive method requires no tools and chemicals.


Characteristics of the method from a physiological point of view,

During normal, normal sexual intercourse with a partner ejaculation occurs reflexively, without his consciousness. Before you stop intercourse, a man with a huge strain following the onset of orgasm in time to remove the penis from the vagina. There is a reflex act of violation, causing sexual arousal braking abruptly gives way that disrupts the nervous processes. All this leads to a malfunction of the central nervous system, the development of neuroses, malfunction of the internal organs, premature ejaculation Premature ejaculation: the main thing - to make a diagnosis  Premature ejaculation: the main thing - to make a diagnosis
   and the weakening of potency. Also, do not rule out the development of impotence. Furthermore, due to the slow and inadequate blood flow to the male genital organs can develop neuro-trophic changes. There is congestion in the prostate, which can cause prostatitis. Not without hyperemia and edema of the seminal colliculus and the urethra, which predisposes to the appearance of the infection and the development of inflammatory processes.


Disadvantages of Withdrawal

The disadvantage of this method of contraception is much more than the benefits:

  • incomplete satisfaction of both partners;
  • the development of prostatitis Prostatitis: how to deal with pain  Prostatitis: how to deal with pain
 , Urethritis, weakening of libido, impotence, even before the Impotence - a female perspective on the problem  Impotence - a female perspective on the problem
  • unreliable method (there is no guarantee that some of the sperm will not get on the cervix);
  • possible fertilization sperm, which are often contained in the lubricant of the penis;
  • high emotional stress men, which requires self-control situation;
  • coitus interruptus does not exclude infection with sexually transmitted diseases.


The rules to be observed when using the method of Withdrawal

To increase the efficiency and reliability of the method of interrupted sexual intercourse, you should follow a few rules:

  • ejaculation should not occur in the vagina or vulva;
  • in case of contact with sperm in the vagina, there is always a must to attend or spermicides (but risk getting pregnant in this situation increases);
  • not recommended for use coitus interruptus for repeated intercourse (increased risk of vaginal penetration of the sperm remaining after previous copulation).

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • methods of contraception

Contraception after delivery - preferred barrier methods - for nursing

November 18, 2010

  • Contraception after delivery - preferred barrier methods
  • For nursing

What types of contraception can be used

If a woman breastfeeds a child and he is constantly "on demand" is applied to it, in the first six months, she had no menstrual period, which indicates the absence of ovulation (release of the egg from the ovary for fertilization). Since no egg can not occur and pregnancy. This state provides special hormonal nursing mother.

But hormones gradually recovering since the child is required to feed less often. Therefore, for greater reliability postpartum use and other forms of contraception. Conventionally, all kinds of applicability of contraception can be divided into those that can be applied to all women, and those that can only be used if the woman does not feed the baby.

 For nursing | Contraception after delivery - preferred barrier methods

Postpartum contraception for women who feed the baby

After giving birth to protect against unwanted pregnancy for women who breastfeed, it is necessary to use these types of contraception that are not would harm the baby. These types of contraception include barrier contraception, the use of spermicides, insertion of intrauterine devices, sterilization and the use of one component of hormonal contraceptives.

Barrier contraception - a diaphragm, cervical caps and condoms. The diaphragm is a circular-dome-shaped rubber device that has a diameter equal to the diameter of the vagina and worn so as to cover the cervix. Cervical cap - is smaller and fits directly onto the cervix. And then, and another device is made of soft rubber or latex. In most cases, these tools are effective and harmless. But sometimes they can cause toxic shock. This happens in the case, if a woman has inflammatory and infectious agents that caused it (for example, certain types of staphylococci), produce toxins. Signs of shock is the rise in temperature, headache, vomiting, loss of consciousness. If you suspect a toxic shock urgent need to remove the barrier method and seek medical advice.

Barrier method is often used in combination with spermicides - contraceptive mechanism of action is based on the destruction of sperm (eg farmateks).

Another safe and effective - it is the intrauterine device (IUD). It can be installed almost immediately after birth (unless contraindicated). IUD is a small flexible plate of various shapes (a spiral, ring, etc.), which is introduced into the uterine cavity and prevents pregnancy. IUDs do not affect the allocation of human milk and the baby's health. IUD can be drug-free and drug, i.e. containing some drug that prevents onset of pregnancy (e.g., progesterone). Navy impede progress egg into the uterus, and sperm in the opposite direction, change the inner mucosal layer of the uterus (it is difficult to penetrate the fetus), and make it more dense and viscous mucus of the cervix (the sperm penetrate it with difficulty).

Gynecologists also recommend some women, breastfeeding, using hormonal contraceptives single component (mini-pill or progestin-only contraceptives). These contraceptives contain a synthetic hormone - an analogue of the female sex hormone progesterone (eg kontinuin, femulen). Progestin contraceptives do not affect the selection of breast milk and the baby's health, you can start taking after 1, 5 months after delivery (non-breastfeeding women it can be done two weeks earlier). This is a convenient form of contraception, but it will only fit punctual women, since only the correct reception of a preparation guarantees good results. Hormones - progesterone analogues inhibit ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   (release of an egg of the ovary). Progestin contraceptives reduce the risk of thrombosis, cause no pressure increase or decrease the libido. During the reception of this type of contraceptive, the following side effects: bleeding occurrence (or, conversely, the absence of menstruation), development time of ovarian cysts, and more.

Finally, for the prevention of pregnancy can carry out such radical surgery, as sterilization Sterilization - may be temporarily  Sterilization - may be temporarily
   (male or female), during which performed tubal ligation in women or vas deferens in men.

 For nursing | Contraception after delivery - preferred barrier methods

Postpartum contraception for women who do not feed the baby

Women who do not breastfeed, fit all of the above types and methods of contraception Methods of contraception: strengths and weaknesses  Methods of contraception: strengths and weaknesses
 . These types of add another - using hormonal contraception drugs combined. This is a very effective way to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

Combination hormonal contraceptives contain two kinds of synthetic hormones: analogues of natural female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   (e.g. regulon mersi three and so on).

These drugs can reduce the amount of breast milk and have a negative impact on the growth and development of the child, so it is not recommended for women who are breastfeeding the baby. Taking hormonal contraceptives can be three weeks after childbirth according to instructions during certain hours, otherwise their effectiveness is sharply reduced.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • methods of contraception
