Contraceptives for women - whether you need a gynecologist?

January 15, 2012

 contraceptives for women
 Today released a large number of contraceptives for women. To understand the flow of information to the woman it is difficult, so it is best to do so, as it should be: seek assistance from a doctor and undergo a preliminary examination. Only in this case will be assigned to the most appropriate for the age and health of the woman contraceptive.

 Contraceptives for women - whether you need a gynecologist?

Barrier contraceptives for women and spermicide

By barrier contraceptives for women are caps and diaphragms that create a mechanical barrier to sperm on its way to the uterus. But to this obstacle was a reliable, caps and diaphragms must be chosen on the size and make it can only be a doctor. In this way, you can use contraception within six weeks after childbirth.

The diaphragm is a dome-shaped cap with elastic rim to cover the cervix. The diaphragms are made of rubber or latex, they may be of different sizes. We introduce the diaphragm just before intercourse (it can not be oiled) and can be in a woman's body for several hours. After use, the aperture is washed and dried.

The cap is made of the same material, it has a smaller size than the aperture and fits over the cervix. He stays there because of the formation of negative pressure between its rim and the cervix. Recap immediately before intercourse.

The diaphragm and cap can not be left in the vagina for a long time - it can cause complications, particularly if the woman suffers some inflammatory diseases of genitals or she has a little bleeding.

Reliability barrier methods of contraception increases when combined with contraceptives that suppress the livelihoods of sperm - the spermicide, for example, benateksom, farmateks and others. Spermicide also suppress the livelihoods of most of the agents of genital infections of bacterial, fungal, viral, and protozoa.

Of course, the barrier contraceptive and spermicide are not a reliable method of contraception.

 Contraceptives for women - whether you need a gynecologist?

The most modern way to prevent pregnancy - hormonal contraceptives

Hormonal contraceptives are also called oral contraceptives, that is, drugs that are taken by mouth. Current drugs of this series typically contain two types of hormones - analogues of female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 , Ie they are combined.

Usually hormonal contraceptives contain the synthetic analogues of natural hormones, but recently appeared preparations which contain, including natural and hormones (e.g., klayra), which produce fewer complications.

The mechanism of action of hormonal contraceptives is based on the fact that large doses of hormones inhibit the synthesis of pituitary hormones cause the mature and released from the ovary egg. If ovulation does not occur, then, of course, it does not occur and pregnancy (there is nothing to fertilize).

But that's not all. If the egg is still somehow managed to leave the ovary and into the fallopian tube, there is another obstacle to its conception: the cervical canal under the influence of hormones begins to produce very thick and sticky mucus which sperm pass can not always.

There is a third obstacle to pregnancy. If the egg is fertilized by sperm all happened, then infiltrate the lining of the uterus (the endometrium), the fertilized egg can not, as the endometrium changed its properties.

To modern low-dose hormonal contraceptives are klayra, lintinet 30 lindinet 20, Jess, Janine Jeanine - not only contraception but also protection against acne  Jeanine - not only contraception but also protection against acne
 , Yasmin, regulon and many other drugs. All of them are effectively protect against pregnancy when their correct selection and admission.

 Contraceptives for women - whether you need a gynecologist?

Intrauterine contraceptives

Some women do not want to use oral contraceptives or have any contraindications for their reception. Such women obstetrician-gynecologist can offer intrauterine contraceptives or an intrauterine device (IUD) - a small device made of plastic and copper that is inserted into the uterine cavity. This is a fairly reliable method of contraception, but, nevertheless, its efficiency is slightly lower than the oral contraceptives. Navy introduced a term of three to seven years.

Today also produces contraceptives that combine the advantages of hormonal contraceptives and IUDs, such as Mirena Spiral Mirena: advantages in the application  Spiral Mirena: advantages in the application
   - Intrauterine contraceptive that contains a synthetic analogue of progesterone levonorgestrel capable of suppressing ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?

Contraception can be credible only if it is chosen obstetrician-gynecologist.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • contraceptives,
  • contraception

Medical abortion: the consequences can be severe

August 14, 2012

 the effects of medical abortion
 Despite the fact that medical abortion is widely touted as safe, because it is done without surgery, he, like all other methods of abortion has its complications and consequences .  Yes, of course, compared with surgical abortion (curettage or removal of the ovum vacuum suction) medical abortion involves such serious complications such as uterine perforation (puncture) .  And yet, pharmacological abortion is no less dangerous, and a woman, before deciding on such abortion should know what can be dire consequences .  It is known that in the last ten years during the medical abortion died ten people .  Of course, this figure is negligible number of deaths during a surgical abortion, but, given the long experience of abortion surgically and relatively recent use of the drug abortion, it is clear that the ten deaths - is quite a lot .

 Medical abortion: the consequences can be severe

What is medical abortion

Medical abortion (medicinal or pharmacological abortion) - is, as becomes clear from the name of any other than the termination of pregnancy using drugs. For the production of medical abortion using drugs, the active ingredient of which is mifepristone. These drugs include: Mifegin, Penkrafton, RU486, and others. Drug abortion is performed within six weeks of pregnancy. With that its effectiveness depends on the time delay of menstruation, i.e., the smaller the delay is, the less tightly attached fertilized egg to the uterus.

Mifepristone is administered orally at a dose of 600 micrograms (three tablets) in a doctor's office and under his supervision. In about 50% of women over two hours abortion occurs. It is this period the patient is observed gynecologist, and then go home. The rest half of pregnancies interrupted for two to three days after taking abortifacient tablets.

Action mifepristone is based on the blockade of progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 Supporting the pregnancy, as well as to increase the sensitivity of the muscle layer of the uterus to prostaglandins (cause uterine contractions).

 Medical abortion: the consequences can be severe


It is believed that the efficacy of abortion up to 98 percent. But, as noted above, nearly five percent of cases occur subsequently and complications. Undoubtedly, a lot depends on the conditions of abortion and respect for the patient of all the recommendations. Possible consequences include:

  • Progressive Pregnancy

At 1-2, 5% of the cases after the adoption of mifepristone pregnancy continues to develop. This complication is confirmed by control gynecological examinations Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health  Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health
   and ultrasound. In this case, the pregnancy termination is recommended surgically as a high probability of having a child with developmental disabilities.

  • Severe bleeding

Very heavy bleeding develops 0, 1-0, 2% of cases and is due to receive massive doses of hormonal medications (mifepristone and prostaglandins) that cause a violation of the contractile ability of the uterus. As a rule, such bleeding by hemostatic agents, and in the absence of the effect produced scraping Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure  Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure
   the uterine cavity.

  • Incomplete abortion

Incomplete abortion - are the remnants of the ovum in the uterus. This complication may be related to the constitutional peculiarities of women (eg, infantile genital organs) or with the violation of the dosage of the drug (eg, vomit). This complication requires immediate uterine curettage (scraping) to prevent bleeding and infection of the genitals.

  • Infectious complications

Infectious complications after abortion drug developed much less, but still have a place. Infection of the uterus may occur due to the remnants of the ovum, or "bad" smear tests, blood and urine. In the case of an infectious process requires antibiotics.

  • Hormonal disorders

The development of hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
   after pharmacological abortion occurs much more frequently than after surgical abortion. This is primarily due to the forced termination of pregnancy, when the body has already passed the hormonal changes and is aimed at childbearing. Secondly hormonal problems cause massive dose of mifepristone.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • medical abortion
