- Hormonal contraceptives for breastfeeding mothers - Important Information
- Harm
Contraceptives containing the progestin, are considered to be completely safe during breast-feeding, provided that the woman has no contraindications to the use of hormonal drugs of this type. On the other hand, the combined contraceptives which contain progestin and estrogen
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- Not the best choice for nursing mothers, especially in the first six months after birth.
Estrogen may be the reason that a woman will produce less milk. This applies to all contraceptives, which contain estrogen - among them birth control pills, patches and vaginal rings.
What are progestin-only contraceptive?
The main varieties of progestin-only contraceptives - pills (also called mini-pill), the contraceptive injection
Contraceptive injection - used cautiously
, Implants and intrauterine devices. Let's talk about each of these type of contraception alone.
Birth control pills
Progestin pill or mini-pill, suitable for nursing mothers, because they contain a very low dose of the hormone. Such tablets do mucus in the cervix more dense and viscous, so that much more difficult to penetrate the sperm into the uterus. They also affect the uterine lining, making it more subtle, and sometimes suppress ovulation
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Since the period of breast-feeding, especially in the first six months, women are less fertile than usual, if used properly, the effectiveness of progestin-only pill is almost 100%. (Women who do not breastfeed and take the mini-pill, the probability of getting pregnant is 0.5% - on the condition that a woman never misses pills. In typical cases, the risk of pregnancy can be up to 5%).
To minipill were as efficiently as possible, you should take it every day at about the same time. If you arrive late at least three hours for the next two days, you should use a barrier contraceptive or abstain from sex.
Some mothers of young children is extremely difficult to take pills every day at the same time. If you do not rely on your memory, and self-discipline is probably more suited other progestin-only contraceptives.
Contraceptive injections
Progestin contraceptive injections are a good alternative to tablets. They suppress ovulation, and when used properly (that is, if you just make a new injection) their effectiveness is over 99% for women who did not breastfeed. Theoretically, for nursing mothers, these injections are more effective.
The injectable contraceptive drug Depo-Provera is administered into the muscles of the forearm or buttocks. Depo-subQ provera 104 is injected under the skin; This formulation contained less progestin.
The injection can be done during the compulsory visit to the gynecologist six weeks after childbirth; every 12 weeks, you will have to come to the doctor to make the next injection. When using this method of contraception
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Unlike birth control pills, fertility is not restored as soon as you stop its use. Sometimes a woman is fertile only a year after the last injection has been made. Keep this in mind when choosing a contraceptive.
It is also important to bear in mind that the injection progestin associated with a decrease in bone density; The longer you use this method of contraception, the less dense the bone can become. This process may be irreversible, so the use of progestin-only injection is not suitable for more than two years.
Recent studies have shown that bone density is restored after a woman stops using progestin injections.
Contraceptive implants
Contraceptive implant typically is a small flexible rod that is placed under the skin of the forearm, and continuously releases a small amount of progestin. The effectiveness of the implants more than 99%, the service life of up to several years. Fertility is restored immediately after removal of the implant. However, contraceptive implants can cause irregular menstrual cycles and bleeding, spotting between periods.
Progestin IUD
In contrast to conventional coils, IUDs this type continuously emit small doses of progestin. Their efficiency is higher than 99%. In addition, women who use progestin spiral, with time periods are much less abundant; sometimes they are completely stopped for a while. Progestin IUD valid up to five years, but you can remove it at any time.