Today facelift body and can be occasion not only with surgery and non-surgical methods, such as using rf lifting, which has become increasingly popular. A feature of the method is that it is not only the effect of lifting (pulling of the skin), but also its rejuvenation.
What is the rf lifting
Radio wave lifting or lifting rf (radio frequency) based on the heating of the middle layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue using radio waves. This effect does not affect the surface layers of the skin, i.e. the epidermis and has no negative effects on it.
As you know, the middle layer of skin (dermis) has many blood vessels, nerve endings and elastic fibers (collagen and elastin), which support the skin without letting it gather in folds (wrinkles). Collagen and elastin fibers are derived from the corresponding proteins that are produced by cells of the connective tissue fibroblasts, and in their aging and destruction are destroyed by other cells - fibroklastami. With age, the number of fibroblasts
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and fibroklastov reduced, which contributes to the fact that new collagen and elastin fibers becomes smaller, and the destruction of old is not cleaned. From this the skin becomes less elastic and going to fold.
Under the influence of radio wave radiation warms the dermis and placed it in the blood vessels, resulting in the blood rushes to the skin, improve metabolism
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Including proteins and the formation of elastin and collagen. At the site of the impact of radiofrequency radiation begins to actively form new elastic skeleton of the collagen and elastin volkon. As a result, straighten out small wrinkles, improved facial contours and shapes, and the skin becomes more youthful appearance.
How is the procedure of lifting rf
Rf lifting procedure starts with the fact that the clean skin
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special gel is applied to the patient, then the doctor treats the surface of the skin by radio waves with the help of tips to the device on certain lines (the procedure is absolutely painless). Under the influence of radio wave heats the skin and the effect of its tightening becomes visible crystals, even before forming the frame of the new elastic fibers. The duration of treatment depends on the area of skin to be treated. After the procedure, patients have warned that during the day he does not have to take any heat treatments, and should also not carry out any work related to physical activity.
A total treatment takes four to six procedures rf lifting.
Indications and contraindications for lifting rf
Rf lifting procedure is indicated in the initial stages of aging and WRAPPING face and body. If the skin there are tough wrinkles, then rf lifting is unlikely to be effective enough, there need plastic surgery.
Contraindications for rf lifting are any tumors (including benign) in the region of the intended effects (it stimulates their growth), any cancer, the presence in the patient's body with any metal structures (e.g., pacemaker), skin disease site of action, any acute illness and exacerbation of chronic diseases, pregnancy, breast-feeding
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breast and childhood.
Results rf lifting
The effect of the rf lifting procedure can be divided into primary and durable. The primary effect is visible immediately after the first procedure and lasts for the period of treatment. Continuous same effect increases gradually, reaching a maximum of about six months, and lasts up to two - three years.
Long associated with the effect of skin rejuvenation with the improvement of its blood supply, metabolism, restoring the function of fibroblasts and fibroklastov, which leads to the gradual formation of the collagen of the skin and its skeleton significant rejuvenation. If the procedure is carried out on time and correctly, the effect of it is comparable to plastic surgery.
Wonderful effect of the procedure rf lifting can be seen in the face: there is smoothing facial wrinkles, decrease nasolabial folds, vertical wrinkles above the upper lip, forming a clearer outline of the lips, improves the contours of the oval face, the skin becomes fresh and smooth. Reduced overhang of the upper eyelids and "bags" under the eyes in the lower lids.
No less effectively conducting rf lifting and body. So, you can significantly improve the skin of the hands - the main indicator of aging. Under the influence of rf lifting eliminates excess fat on the hips with a simultaneous tightening of the skin in this area, it pulls the skin of the abdomen and crushes.
The procedure for lifting rf - a modern form of non-surgical skin tightening of the face and body.
Galina Romanenko