Skin aging is impossible to stop, but the delay - completely. And in this modern man today helps latest cosmetic techniques such as skin rejuvenation with special high-frequency pulse of light, after which the skin becomes young, soft and velvety.
What is photorejuvenation
Photorejuvenation - a hardware cosmetology procedure, which is exposed to high-frequency pulsed light skin. During the procedure, the light waves act on the skin surface, pushing it in the deeper layers. Thus the activation of the exchange of biochemical processes, thereby increasing the formation of essential proteins of the skin, which hold and straighten the skin - collagen and elastin (aging process begins with reducing the amount of collagen and elastin in the skin, which leads to sagging skin and wrinkles).
Wave of high-frequency pulsed light are of different lengths, and it enables them to penetrate deep into the skin at different levels. The effect of such an impact is visible almost immediately: the skin is tightened, it becomes more elastic and fresh. This allows the procedure to refer to the methods of non-surgical rejuvenation lifting (tightening).
In the process of rejuvenation treatments can also get rid of freckles, age spots, red spots on the skin (for example, from the surface of blood vessels), small skin defects, appeared on the background of various cosmetic procedures. The course photorejuvenation well with other cosmetic procedures, such as mesotherapy and microcurrent therapy.
Who should do the procedure
Photorejuvenation is done if the patient has:
- laxity and wrinkles on the skin;
- age downward shift of soft tissues and changing its oval;
- any dark spots including freckles and chloasma;
- acting on the skin in the form of red spots small blood vessels;
- gaping pores closed blackheads (comedones) on the background of oily skin;
- skin defects (small bumps) that arose after the small plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures;
- orange peel (cellulite) and ugly white lines (stretch marks) on the body.
This rejuvenation is contraindicated
Rejuvenation procedures should not do it if:
- on the skin in the place to have any exposure to the tumor;
- People suffering from diabetes, had high blood pressure, seizures, or frequent bouts of eye diseases such as glaucoma
Glaucoma - a perspective possible blindness
(increased intraocular pressure) and cataracts
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- a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding;
- on the skin at the site of impact is any rash, skin disorders as small wounds, colloids (shiny, rough, sprawling scars);
- data point in the patient receives drugs such as tetracycline, Trichopolum
Trichopolum - he treats?
and some others (all taken within the last two weeks of medication should be reported to the doctor-cosmetician);
- skin has a natural dark tan or just (the burn);
- less than two weeks ago in the skin to produce some intense chemical attack (eg, bleaching or chemical peels).
Session photorejuvenation
Photorejuvenation session (it lasts about 30 minutes) begins with the fact that the patient wears goggles (light can irritate the eyes) and skin at the site of the impact it applied a special gel. The physician then starts a procedure leading tip of the device on the skin surface. Modern equipment for rejuvenation (eg, the American unit Qantum) allows you to monitor while in the automatic mode the temperature and other indicators of the effects of light on the skin. When properly selected mode on the skin should not be burning as devices for photorejuvenation have special cooling systems and computer programs that govern the impact of light on the skin.
A full course of rejuvenation consists of 5-6 sessions (sometimes fairly and sometimes three), which are held once a month.
After rejuvenation
The result of the effect of light becomes visible after the third session, but in most cases the procedure is recommended to continue - this is achieved by a gradual restoration of elasticity and youthful skin.
After the course of rejuvenation can not sunbathe, take thermal and beauty treatments, an active effect on the skin (bath, sauna, scrubs, peels). Coming out of the room, you need to protect your skin by applying sunscreen on her
Sunscreen is not just for the beach
When photorejuvenation can be complications, especially if the manipulation is carried out insufficiently trained specialist. It burns, spots, white spots (areas of depigmentation), scars after burns. Therefore rejuvenation procedure is recommended only for reliable clinic, where she performs cosmetologist.
Galina Romanenko