Laser hair removal: remove hair permanently

August 22, 2011

 Today, beauty salons offer a wide variety of methods to remove unwanted hair on the body, allowing you to choose the method of hair removal Hair Removal: Which method is right for you?  Hair Removal: Which method is right for you?
   the most suitable for this particular person. One of the modern methods of hair removal is photo-epilation.

 Laser hair removal: remove hair permanently

What is the method of hair removal

Laser hair removal involves the removal of body hair using heat exposure broadband light special lamps. Light energy is absorbed as the hair pigment melanin and hemoglobin. At the same time the hair follicle heats up, sealed feeding her small blood vessels. The effect increases gradually and passes at once. The result is the death of the bulb. Such a property of absorbing light rays allows photoepilation patients with any color hair and skin types, unlike laser hair removal, which is ineffective in light hair, since the laser beam is absorbed by melanin.

The method of hair removal can remove hair anywhere on the body, color them as irrelevant. But to make sure that hair is removed immediately, and all is impossible, since any effect on the hair follicle (including photoepilation) is only possible at the time of hair growth in other periods it is impossible to influence. Therefore simultaneously possible to destroy the hair follicles that are growing, but there are also bulbs, hair growth which has not started yet, so they begin to germinate after a while. In order to destroy them, is required before the five - six treatments with an interval of a month, sometimes less.

The result can be seen after the first procedure, hair is thinning and becoming thinner. Treatments hair removal is right rein doctor.

 Laser hair removal: remove hair permanently

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Laser hair removal is performed anywhere on the body at the request of the patient, if he has no contraindications for the procedure. In some cases, epilation is performed by a physician, such as body hair on the male pattern in women with various endocrine diseases or chronic irritation of the skin of the face and neck after shaving men (it is dangerous joining infection).

Contraindications for hair removal are any violations integrity of the skin in the area of ​​intended impact (sores, ulcers), kedoidnye scars, tumors, moles, rashes elements, diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   with vascular disorders and immune disorders, varicose veins, severe diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, ischemic heart disease with angina), any acute illness and exacerbation of chronic mental illnesses, including epilepsy, medication that can enhance the sensitivity of the Skin exposed to the light (eg, sulfonamides), childhood and adolescence, pregnancy. It is impossible to carry out photoepilation and tanned skin - it can cause a burn.

 Laser hair removal: remove hair permanently

How is the procedure

The skin, which will be held epilation, shaving two - three days before the session. This will allow the hair to grow back to the desired length - to one - two millimeters.

Just before the session is cleared from the patient's skin cosmetics, the doctor examines it and determines the type of hair and skin (this is necessary in order to set the correct exposure parameters). Then he picks up the appropriate program on your computer, offering the patient to wear dark glasses and lie down in a chair. On the skin at the site of impact applied special cooling gel (it does not allow to burn the skin), after which the skin surface is treated with light at a certain distance. The procedure is painless, after the cream is applied to the skin, preventing possible irritation.

 Laser hair removal: remove hair permanently

After hair removal - Complications and results

The first few days after the hair removal session is not recommended to sunbathe, relax in the sauna, steam room, swimming pool, take a bath. Wash only a slightly cool shower, but before leaving the house should be applied to the skin sunscreen Sunscreen is not just for the beach  Sunscreen is not just for the beach

Usually, when done properly, there is no procedure complications. But sometimes on sensitive skin Sensitive skin: causes and care  Sensitive skin: causes and care
   you may receive a burn, and after he had left traces. Typically, over time, these tracks are. Worse, if for a few days after the hair removal the patient's skin exposed to sunlight, then on it may have dark spots.

The effect of hair removal can be seen after the first session: the hair becomes more sparse and thin. But those hair growth has not started yet, with time will grow, so the need to repeat the procedure until it is stable effect. Over time, in some cases, hair growth can be restored.

Laser hair removal - a good and fairly safe way to remove hair, of course, if it is carried out by trained personnel.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • epilation

Electrolysis deep bikini - sacrifice in the name of beauty

July 21 2013

 electrolysis deep bikini
 Electrolysis deep bikini - the choice of those who bothered to regularly remove hair in hard to reach places with a razor, wax and other tools that provide only temporary results. Contrary to popular belief, virtually painless electrolysis (do waxing Hair removal: perfect skin without hair  Hair removal: perfect skin without hair
   Bikini is much harder). During the procedure, you can feel a temperature increase in the skin area where the hair is removed, and tingling. Client with very sensitive skin Sensitive skin: causes and care  Sensitive skin: causes and care
   salons where do electrolysis, suggest the use of local anesthesia.


Galvanic electrolysis

This is the oldest method of electrolysis. The hair follicle is introduced electrode and an electric current it starts a chemical reaction which resulted in the bulb breaks. Galvanic electrolysis is very effective, but the removal of a single hair out for about a minute, and the process is very time consuming.



Thermolysis - This electrolysis technology that uses radio waves to remove hair. It is the most effective way to eliminate hard, curly hair.


Mixed electrolysis

This is the most efficient and fast kind of electrolysis. Hair follicles are destroyed at the same time using an electric current caused by a chemical reaction, and radio waves.

After the procedure, possible reddening of the skin and the appearance of small blisters, which usually disappear a few hours later. Very rarely electrolysis causes side effects such as an increased sensitivity of the skin and hyperpigmentation; They are also quite fast.

Do not take a shower before electroepilation Electrolysis: a proven method of hair removal  Electrolysis: a proven method of hair removal
   - The remaining moisture in the hair more difficult to remove them.

To completely stop hair growth in the bikini area, it is recommended to go on electrolysis sessions every six weeks throughout the year, sometimes - up to three years, so do not expect a quick result.


How do electrolysis deep bikini

If you are tired of shaving, waxing or use of depilatory cream, you're not alone. Millions of women have to constantly spend money and time on the removal of unwanted hair in the bikini area. However, there is a way to remove hair permanently, known as electrolysis.

There are three methods of electrolysis deep bikini. Galvanic electrolysis - a procedure in which electric current acting on the water and organic salts contained in the cells of the skin, produces liquor. Lye and destroys the hair follicles that are in the impact zone of the device used for electroplating electrolysis. The second method - thermolysis - used to destroy hair follicles radio. There is also a mixed method of electrolysis - is to accelerate the process of hair removal used galvanic electrolysis and thermolysis.

To determine score for electrolysis, you should consult with a specialist. Generally, this method of hair removal Hair Removal: Which method is right for you?  Hair Removal: Which method is right for you?
   It is most effective for people with light skin and dark hair. People with diabetes and those who have a pacemaker implanted, do electrolysis is not recommended. Pregnant women can do thermolysis, but before you go for the procedure, it is necessary to consult with your doctor - even if the pregnancy is totally normal.

Decide on what is the area of ​​skin you want to remove hair. Doing epilation deep bikini, you can, for example, leave a thin strip of pubic hair. Remember that electrolysis removes hair permanently, so this decision should be approached seriously. Moreover, the cost of the procedure will depend on the workload.

Please be patient. You may need a series of treatments and several months before the hair in the bikini area will disappear completely. If now due to work schedules or otherwise not ready to regularly go to electrolysis, it is better to spend it later, when you have more free time.

Article Tags:
  • bikini
  • Intimate hair removal
