Navel piercing at home - a dangerous move

September 2, 2013

 navel piercing at home
 Make a navel piercing at home - not the best idea, unless you are trained piercer professionals and do not do everything in strict accordance with their instructions. However, people will continue pierced navels and other body parts on their own, often ignoring basic safety rules. Therefore, the person who decided to do the piercing itself, is much more effective to give some good advice than to try to dissuade him.


In order to do a navel piercing How to do a navel piercing - the whole thing in technology  How to do a navel piercing - the whole thing in technology
   at home, you will need tongs or tweezers piercing, earring (preferably curved barbell and not ring) made of surgical steel and other secure material for the piercing needle, rubber gloves, marker, alcohol and cotton balls.

  • Step 1: Wipe with alcohol all the tools that you will use for piercings and put them on clean surface with alcohol. Wash your hands with soap and water and put on new rubber gloves.
  • Step 2. Carefully wipe the skin with alcohol around the navel.
  • Step 3: Grab the tongs of the skin in which you want to make a puncture - usually a small skin folds above or below the navel. Compare the thickness of the skin, clutched in forceps, with the length of the bar - the bar should be slightly longer than that ornament does not cause discomfort.
  • Step 4. Marker put an end to that place where there should be puncture - the upper and lower side of the skin fold. Make sure that the lowest point was right top. Sometimes it is necessary to point to draw and erase a few times before you get to arrange them as necessary; marker with skin easily erased with alcohol.
  • Step 5. Once you finally determine where it will pierce the skin, grab a needle piercing and place it under the skin with forceps clamped so that the tip was sent to the point that you previously put on the skin (some experts recommend pre- lubricate the needle with Vaseline). Then quickly pierce the skin movement from the bottom up. If done correctly, the needle will appear exactly at the top of the drawn point.
  • Step 6. Insert the decoration for the end of the navel where there is thread through the hole in the bottom of the needle. If you correctly choose the size of the needle and decorations (usually use the size 14ga), this should not be any problems.
  • Step 7. Pull up the needle and decoration. This is the most difficult stage navel piercing Navel piercing - only for the most distinguished  Navel piercing - only for the most distinguished
   at home - perhaps along with drawing points right one over the other. Insert the first ornament for stomach independently and safely is extremely difficult, but it was too late to retreat - in any case, will have to bring the case to the end.
  • Step 8. Wipe the punctured skin with alcohol (it's too painful, but necessary), and screw the cap earrings.
  • Step 9. Prepare to take care of the pierced navel for at least six months (navel piercing heals longer than most other types of piercings).


Why navel piercing at home should not do it

  • Increased risk of rejection jewelry. The fact that the people decides to do the piercing on their own, often choose jewelry from substandard materials that the body rejects. This may cause severe irritation and even to the formation of large scars.
  • Increased risk of infection due to non-sterile equipment. You can assume that took care of everything, but yet you - not a professional piercer, and do not know all the nuances of the procedure. In addition, tools for piercing parlors are disinfected in an autoclave, and you have a home there is hardly such a device.
  • No matter how you try to put the points on the line one above the other, and even insert the needle into the skin, there is still a possibility that a puncture will be uneven. Fix the hole is only one way: to give him a completely overgrown, and only then to pierce the skin again.
  • Finally, there is a slight risk of damage to the nerve fibers - it is quite difficult to do, but it is too strong and wrong move can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Think properly before doing your own navel piercing. In your town probably has quite a few good piercing salons, where you can get quality service for relatively little money. Remember that when it comes to body piercing, typically "want to do something good - do it yourself" is not working. But if you do decide to pierce the stomach yourself, prepare in advance all the necessary focus and make every effort to make a great piercing.

Article Tags:
  • navel piercing

Piercing navel and health: what are the possible dangers

October 16, 2013

  • Piercing navel and health: what are the possible dangers
  • Nursing

 navel piercing and Health
 Body piercing is called not only to puncture in the skin, but the implementation of this manipulation, as well as the decoration, which is inserted into the channel. The most popular types of body piercing - piercing the ears, nose and navel. The last option - it is a good way to emphasize the beauty of the abdomen. Piercing navel and health, which should be no harm in carrying out this procedure - quite compatible things.


What happens navel piercing

In classic piercing puncture is performed strictly in a vertical line. Immediately after this manipulation can not insert decoration of complex shape, the first time it is better to wear rings or earrings bananas Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health

It is very important that the specialist performed a puncture at the optimum depth. If the channel with the decoration is too superficial, the skin cells begin to recover under it, and the piercing will be determined by the body as a foreign body and pushed outward. At the site of a very deep puncture may appear incurable festering wound that will need to zaraschivat.

There is also a double vertical piercing, in which both a puncture can be done at one time. In multiple centered piercing punctures made in several stages, each should be done only after a previous heal.


What conditions must be met

Do piercing should only professionals in salons, where compliance with all the necessary hygienic conditions. The main requirements for this procedure - the purity and safety. To ensure sterility are used:

  • Disposable gloves for each client. This prevents the transfer of possible infection countertops and human infections that make a puncture. Uncovered skin masters must not come into contact with the tools, jewelry and skin of the client;
  • Disposable sterile needles, which opened at the client and Dispose immediately after the procedure;
  • All decorations that are used in fresh puncture should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected;
  • All the tools that are used many times, cleaned, disinfected and sterilized before each procedure.

For sterilization Sterilization - may be temporarily  Sterilization - may be temporarily
   tools used autoclaves. Complete purification of microorganisms is carried out using steam under high pressure. Each time you reload the autoclave tools required to be monitored temperature and pressure. Before doing the piercing, you can ask the masters show the autoclave and the results of its tests. Small tools and jewelry are sterilized by high temperature dry.

Do puncture piercing gun can not, because of its autoclaving not possible, and because of this, the risk of contracting various infections is much increased. To perform the puncture should only be used sterile needle for navel piercing Navel piercing - only for the most distinguished  Navel piercing - only for the most distinguished
   Gun is not suitable.

Before visiting the interior is recommended to eat. This will help prevent dizziness and weakness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 . Alcoholic beverages (even with low alcohol content) before it is prohibited to use.


In some cases, you can not do the piercing

In some situations, it is better not to do punctures. There is a whole list of contraindications:

  • Damage to the skin in the place where the piercing is performed;
  • Diseases of the skin;
  • Diabetes;
  • HIV infection;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Menstruation and three days before and after it;
  • Diseases of the blood (eg, bleeding disorders, hemophilia);
  • Recently craniocerebral trauma;
  • Mental illness, epilepsy and convulsions;
  • Allergies to metals;
  • Aggravation of any chronic diseases;
  • Systemic diseases (eg, lupus or systemic sclerosis);
  • The tendency to form keloid scars (proliferation of connective tissue);
  • Fever;
  • Alcohol or drugs.

The presence or absence of contraindications need to find out before performing the puncture. This will help avoid many of the unpleasant complications.


Possible complications

Any shift of earrings in the navel, which happens to wound healing can lead to getting into the puncture channel infections and inflammatory processes. Also adversely affect the piercing friction and squeezing it tight clothing (eg belt skirt or trousers).

Inflammation can also occur after swimming, touching the puncture site with contaminated hands if damage or improper care of the puncture site. If the wound does not heal or starts to fester, it is necessary to consult a doctor. He will find out the cause of the inflammation and give recommendations for further treatment. For example, it can be compresses or antiseptic (antimicrobial) ointment (levomekol, tetracycline).

If a week signs of inflammation are saved, the jewelry must be removed, and the puncture overgrow. This is necessary in order to avoid the scar was formed - another possible complication of body piercing. Sometimes the scars are formed and after people stopped wearing the earring, and the channel was covered with yourself. Their formation is associated with excessive proliferation of connective tissue in the former site of a puncture.

Rejection of jewelry - yet another complication of puncture. It is associated with deep enough puncture performed. This new skin cells are formed under the decoration and push it. Usually a person notices about a term of ten to fifteen days after the piercing. In the region of the puncture appear discomfort or pain.

Rejection may also be due to incorrectly selected materials earrings. For example, this happens if you use jewelry made of surgical steel. Many are not very qualified specialists can recommend earrings from this material, but they are silent about the fact that this alloy is harmful to humans. This can cause allergic reactions in the puncture site and lead to undesirable pigmentation. Sometimes when wearing jewelry made from surgical steel formed scars.


How to choose an earring

Even before the puncture is necessary to take a responsible approach to the selection of jewelry. This is very important because the earrings from inexpensive materials are not suitable for all people. Cheap materials often cause allergic reactions and hinder the rapid healing of wounds.

Articles made of teflon and teflon are the most hypoallergenic. When used as the first jewelry after a puncture wound does not blush and abscesses. Earrings made from these materials are soft and elastic, and over time their properties are not changed.

Jewellery, manufactured from silver by many experts is not recommended, even after the healing process is ended. Therefore, if the earring out of the metal caused irritation, it is necessary to find an alternative to silver.

Products made of gold - one of the safest. But it is not necessary to save and purchase of low-grade metal earrings, because they have a lot of impurities.
