Myostimulation - to restore internal organs - Fighting obesity

June 14th, 2009

  • Myostimulation - for the restoration of internal organs
  • Physical exercise
  • Fighting obesity

Myostimulation as a means to combat obesity

If you want to lose weight, electrical muscle - is replacing inefficient exercise. In addition, commercially available data stimulant touted as the device that is easily and effortlessly make you slim and beautiful. But there is no evidence that these devices will not cause you harm in the course of their work. However, for medical purposes, apparatus for myostimulation used to restore muscle activity in people who can not do physical exercise because of health status.

 The fight against obesity | Myostimulation - for the restoration of internal organs

The positive side of exercise

No one technology or magic wand can not replace a full-fledged physical exercises Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
 . Only they can help make you stronger, to improve the health and appearance, as well as prolong life. Permanent physical activity strengthens the heart, lungs, muscles and bones. Exercises allow you to reduce the risk of chronic heart disease, diabetes and bone porosity. In addition, they play an important role in maintaining the optimum weight and preventing obesity. Additional advantages of exercise are to improve the well-being, increased energy, and also in the improvement of sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , Mood and libido.

 The fight against obesity | Myostimulation - for the restoration of internal organs

Impact myostimulation on healthy people

Contraction of muscles using special devices called electromyostimulator is not a complete substitute for exercise for healthy people. In a scientific journal published an article, which says that the use of devices not shown myostimulation stated results when subjected to the muscles, body fat or muscle tone in general in young healthy people. Application of electrical pulses can contract muscles to some extent by strengthening them, but a pronounced effect in changing the size of the muscle is observed.

 The fight against obesity | Myostimulation - for the restoration of internal organs

Using myostimulation therapeutic purposes

Myostimulation devices can help people with disabilities. In medical applications they are used for the recovery of muscle activity and the prevention of atrophy in people who are unable to regularly exercise, due to injury or health condition. This therapy is used for medical indications such as stroke, spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy. If the state of health you can perform some exercises miostimuljatsii application may be a more efficient way, in some cases, compared with the training in the home. For example, for children suffering from cerebral palsy, electrical shows the best result in the restoration of the motor system and muscle strength than isometric exercises.

 The fight against obesity | Myostimulation - for the restoration of internal organs

Licensing and safety devices electromyostimulation

Sales of all vehicles Electrical muscle stimulation is regulated in many countries. Most of those vehicles that meet the requirements of safety, it is intended to be used for medical purposes. The use of unlicensed devices can cause harm. There is information confirming that the use of unlicensed devices can cause shock, burns or disabling of important medical devices such as pacemakers. Moreover, you can get an electric shock. If you decide to purchase a device for myostimulation - make sure that it is licensed.

Article Tags:
  • types of cosmetology

Laser rejuvenation: an innovative approach to the preservation of beauty - Arguments

June 12, 2011

  • Laser rejuvenation: an innovative approach to the preservation of beauty
  • Arguments

The requirements that modern society imposes on women's appearance, are quite high: a great half should look perfect regardless of age. This is especially true ladies, occupying a certain position on the social ladder, making a career or developing their own business. Some decided on plastic surgery, but go under the knife of the surgeon is not all ready. Modern aesthetic medicine is ready to offer an alternative to plastic - laser rejuvenation.

It includes correction of age changes of skin, including wrinkles and sagging. Advertising texts say that with the help of laser rejuvenation, you can align the color and the surface of the skin and enhance its natural protective features. During this procedure, the laser beam removes dead skin cells, thereby stimulating the epithelial tissue in the processes of life. Excitometabolic Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 , Produces new collagen and strengthens the structure of existing collagen fibers, forming a natural frame the face. In addition, an effect powerful lifting effect. Laser rejuvenation is usually accompanied by the activation of enzymes and biologically active substances in the skin, through which it acquires the ability to resist the effects of all kinds of internal and external damaging factors. This procedure is carried virtually painless anesthesia before it is not necessary to do. The only side effect is redness of the skin, and edema formation, but they are coming up in a couple of days.

 Arguments | Laser Rejuvenation: an innovative approach to the preservation of beauty

Case Technology

The first experiments on laser rejuvenation in the world medicine were carried out in the early nineties. It was then in medical practice have been introduced special settings. However, equipment that has not yielded the desired results, and sometimes resulted in the opposite - in the skin of patients appeared spots and ugly scars. Laser rejuvenation methods that do not result in serious damage, were found much later.

In today's market of cosmetic services offered so many procedures of this kind, but they are not all the same. Optimal results are usually obtained when using equipment from leading manufacturers of cosmetic industry, the quality of which is checked and costly long-term clinical and laboratory research.

 Arguments | Laser Rejuvenation: an innovative approach to the preservation of beauty


Usually the doctor-dermatologist before the laser rejuvenation procedure, any part of the body - the face, neck or hands, conducts a preliminary examination of the patient. He tries to accurately select the required parameters in order to work on the skin's layers dosed for stimulating the growth of collagen fibers. As a result, the skin in the treated areas of the laser becomes elastic and smooth.

Laser rejuvenation can afford to people of any age and any skin phototype. Contraindications for the meeting are only skin infections or cancer. Most laser rejuvenation part of the integrated program, along with professional cosmetic care, chemical peels, Botox or Dysport injections.

 Arguments | Laser Rejuvenation: an innovative approach to the preservation of beauty

For the energetic and active

Usually the course of laser rejuvenation consists of six to twelve treatments, which is enough to prevent the formation of new wrinkles and smoothing existing ones. They are held every two or three days, and their duration is less than twenty minutes. Professional cosmetologists advise women to take such courses about once a year since the age of twenty-five years - then the signs of aging for a long time you will bypass the party.

Svetlana Usankova

Article Tags:
  • rejuvenation
