Laser resurfacing - erase the years the face

April 19, 2009

 Laser resurfacing
 Laser resurfacing - resurfacing procedure using a laser that allows to improve the condition and appearance of the skin and eliminate minor defects. Laser resurfacing reduces wrinkles around the eyes, mouth and cheeks. It is also effective at reduced skin tone and uneven complexion, removes scars and to get rid of the problems caused by excessive exposure to sunlight.

Laser resurfacing may be performed using two kinds of lasers:

  • destructive (ablative) laser that removes the top layer of skin
  • Non-Destructive (non-ablative) laser that stimulates the production of collagen and makes the skin more elastic

Although non-invasive laser resurfacing is less invasive and the recovery time is much shorter than it, it is much less effective than destroying laser resurfacing.

 Laser resurfacing - erase the years the face

Indications for laser resurfacing

Laser polishing helps to get rid of:

  • wrinkles
  • "Liver" or age spots
  • uneven tone and texture of the skin
  • problems caused by the harmful effects of sunlight
  • the scars left behind by acne, chicken pox Chickenpox: painful, but not dangerous  Chickenpox: painful, but not dangerous
   or skin lesions

Unfortunately, problems with sagging skin laser resurfacing can not eliminate.

 Laser resurfacing - erase the years the face


Ablative laser resurfacing can have serious side effects:

  • Itching, swelling and redness. After ablative laser resurfacing, the area affected, there is itching, swelling and redness. Itching and swelling are fast enough, while the redness may persist for up to several months, depending on the depth of grinding. Perhaps the aggravation of skin problems The most common skin problems and their solutions  The most common skin problems and their solutions
 Such as rosacea, that makes more intense redness.
  • Acne. Drawing on face creams and overlaying thick bandages after grinding can exacerbate the problem with acne or cause temporary small white dots (whiteheads, known as milii) on the site undergoing polishing.
  • Infection. Ablative laser resurfacing can lead to bacterial, viral or fungal infection. The most frequent cases of acute herpes (the virus that causes cold sores on the lips). This virus is present in almost 100% of the adult population, but it is in a latent (sleeping) state.
  • Changes in skin color. Ablative laser resurfacing can cause darkening of the skin (hyperpigmentation) or, conversely, make it lighter (hypopigmentation). Hyperpigmentation usually happen in people with dark skin. The first signs of hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation usually appear within a few weeks after the procedure and can go themselves. Use after healing of the skin of retinoic and glycolic acid can help reduce hyperpigmentation. Hypopigmentation treated much more complex and flexible solution to this problem has yet been found.
  • The appearance of scars. With ablative laser resurfacing there is a small risk of scarring.
  • Ectropion (ectropion). Ablative laser resurfacing around the lower eyelid can cause ectropion (happens very rarely), and required surgery to correct this problem.

Non-ablative laser resurfacing also has a number of side effects, such as:

  • Infections. May cause acute herpes.
  • Skin discoloration. May cause darkening of the skin (giperpegmentatsiyu) in people with darker skin.
  • A small swelling and redness. Swelling and redness usually stay no more than a few days.
  • Blisters and scars. Rarely, non-ablative laser resurfacing causes blisters and scars.

Contraindications to laser skin resurfacing are:

  • Acceptance of drugs for the treatment of acne Acne treatment: how to get rid of blackheads  Acne treatment: how to get rid of blackheads
   containing isotretinoin (Amnesty and others) in the last year
  • Diabetes, an autoimmune disease, a weak immune system, or connective tissue disease
  • Radiotherapy person in history
  • overgrowth of scar tissue (keloids)
  • pregnancy or breast-feeding

 Laser resurfacing - erase the years the face


Before laser polishing doctor should:

  • Examine your medical history and learn about all the diseases that you are suffering now, or who have had previously, as well as any medications you have taken in the last year and is now taking. In addition, you must inform the doctor about all Badakhshan, herbs or other medications you are taking. Also be prepared to answer questions about all the cosmetic procedures previously transferred.
  • Perform a visual inspection. The doctor should examine your skin and the area on which it is supposed to do grinding. It will identify possible problems, and to evaluate the possibility of the procedure, as well as to predict the expected results.
  • Discuss your expectations for the procedure, as well as the possible risks. Make sure that you understand how long it takes to recover from the procedure.

Before you face laser resurfacing may also be necessary to:

  • Take drugs. If you are assigned to ablative laser resurfacing and non-ablative, and you have ever had herpes on lips Herpes on the lips - problems with immunity  Herpes on the lips - problems with immunity
 , The doctor will prescribe an antiviral treatment before and after the procedure to avoid the development of herpes. Your doctor may also recommend the use of oral antibiotics to prevent bacterial infection. In addition, you may need to use a retinoid (tretinoin), topical application within four weeks prior to laser resurfacing.
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure. Too long stay in the sun for two months before the procedure can cause permanent pigmentation in the area of ​​grinding. Discuss how long you can stay in the sun, and a method of protection against ultraviolet rays is the best, with your doctor.
  • Arrange transportation home. Since the surgery is often done under general anesthesia, be sure you'll get home in advance as to drive immediately after the procedure, you will not be.

 Laser resurfacing - erase the years the face

What to Expect

  • During the procedure,

Ablative laser resurfacing - an outpatient procedure, usually carried out in a surgical outpatient clinic. Before the procedure, a person is purified and his eyes covered with a protective material. We introduce a local anesthetic action. If you need laser resurfacing vast areas such as the entire face, you can make general anesthesia.

During the ablative laser resurfacing on the face directed an intense beam of light energy (laser). Laser beams destroy the outer layer of skin (epidermis) and heat the deeper layers of the skin (dermis), causing a reduction of collagen fibers. As the wound heals, the removed epidermis appears new, more smooth and elastic layer of the skin. Ablative laser resurfacing generally lasts from thirty minutes to two hours, depending on the technology and size of the grinding area.

Non-ablative laser resurfacing can be done in a doctor's office. The site, which will be done grinding, cleaned; protect the eyes. Sometimes, for an hour or two before the procedure, local anesthesia is administered. Before the procedure, the doctor strike on the area of ​​cryogenic polishing spray, an aqueous gel, or treated in the cold air zone to protect the outer layer of the skin during the procedure. The laser damages the collagen under the skin and stimulates the growth of new collagen cells, which helps to improve skin tone, as well as its tone and appearance. The layers of the skin with the non-ablative laser resurfacing are not removed. The procedure takes about fifteen minutes to half an hour, depending on the size of the equipment and grinding area. For best results, usually given a course of several non-invasive laser resurfacing procedures.

  • After the procedure

After ablative laser resurfacing skin will be "raw", swollen and may itch. Yellowish liquid oozing from the pores may form crusts. In no case do not touch them and, especially, do not try to pull out, as this could lead to scars.

Dr. cause a thick layer of ointment to the treated surface, and can cover it with airtight and waterproof dressing. To ease the pain after the procedure, apply ice and take any painkillers, such as acetaminophen (paracetamol, etc.). Perhaps the doctor will also recommend you keep your head elevated at night.

During recovery after ablative resurfacing face regularly clean the area of ​​the grinding water, saline or acetic acid (check with your doctor) and apply a thick layer of protective ointment such as petroleum jelly. Given the strong redness and pain, you may have to stay home for a while. Also, you should not be abused in this period a strong physical exertion. Use makeup to disguise the redness of the skin, you can begin no earlier than one to two weeks, after will be a new layer of the epidermis.

After the non-ablative laser resurfacing skin may be reddened and swollen for several hours go days. If necessary, use ice packs. You can use makeup and lead a normal life without any restrictions.

All areas of the skin that have been processed, you need to regularly apply the cream Aquaphor. The wounds on the face should also be cleaned with a mild detergent Tsetafil (available at pharmacies) and cold water every six hours during the first few days and then twice a day. Aquaphor cream should be applied in large chunks, to ensure that the damaged areas are well moistened. It prevents the formation of scabs. If, despite this, there were scabs, they can not rub, scratch, or touch.

Drink plenty of fluids to the skin to heal faster and look better. It is necessary to drink about 250 mL of water every two to three hours during the first week after surgery. If the procedure affected area of ​​the mouth, take antiviral drugs such as acyclovir within five days after laser resurfacing on the face. Also take antibiotics such as cephalexin for a week after surgery. Any pain medications should be taken for as long as prescribed by a doctor.

Some people experience itching around three days after laser resurfacing. To facilitate this, the itching can be applied ice packs to areas undergoing surgery. For the treatment of skin may need about a week. When it healed, regularly apply a moisturizer to the skin to keep it moisture and prevent it from drying out.

Women should not use any make-up, at least a week after laser resurfacing. This will only hurt the healing skin. If necessary, use mineral foundation to cover the redness of the skin.

And last but important remark. Do not spend a lot of time in the sun for at least a month after the surgery, since at this time the skin is very sensitive. It is best to use a cream with sun protection SPF 30+, when you show up at the sun, even a week after the procedure. Follow these tips when sanding any person to recover faster and safer after the procedure.

 Laser resurfacing - erase the years the face


After ablative laser resurfacing, the skin may be red or pink for a few months, but as soon as it begins to heal, you will immediately see the tremendous changes. The skin will look young and taut, wrinkles are gone, and the complexion will be much smoother. And this effect lasts for years!

The results of non-ablative laser resurfacing is not so impressive. Rather, it allows to improve the texture and color of the face than to remove wrinkles, but at the same time, this procedure is much less abrasive and has fewer side effects and contraindications.

To prevent uneven pigmentation of the skin, for a year after laser resurfacing, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun (it can greatly shorten the duration of effect of the procedure) and use creams with high protection factor. In addition, you must understand that the performance of laser skin resurfacing can get rid of existing wrinkles, but can not insure you from the appearance of new ones.

Article Tags:
  • peeling
