Erysipelas - an unpleasant disease with a bad name - What is erysipelas

June 7, 2009

  • Erysipelas - an unpleasant disease with a bad name
  • What is erysipelas

What is erysipelas

Erysipelas - an infectious disease that is caused by streptococci and characterized by inflammation of the skin or mucous membranes, fever and other violations of the general condition of the body.

Pathogenic Streptococcus properties associated with the action of its antigens (foreign substances to the human body, in response to the introduction of which produce antibodies), so the disease is still allergic nature, the complex being an infectious-allergic.

Streptococcus affects human organs and tissues also by toxins (poisons allocated streptococcus) and enzymes (substances that accelerate the chemical processes in the tissues).

 What is a mug | Rozsa - an unpleasant disease with a bad name

How can you get sick

The source of infection is people with streptococcal disease, as well as the carriers of this infection (without symptoms of the disease). Pathogens are usually transmitted by contact through dirty hands or household items. It does not rule out the airborne route of transmission. Often erysipelas caused by ingestion of streptococcal infection from other foci of inflammation in the patient. So, erysipelas often occurs in patients with angina or otitis.

Contributing factors for the development of faces are small injuries to the skin, colds, exacerbation of chronic diseases of upper respiratory tract and skin, including fungal, hypothermia and exhaustion.

Sometimes erysipelas occurs against a background of diseases such as eczema, trophic ulcers, chronic venous insufficiency Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease  Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease
 , Diaper rash and fungal skin diseases.

 What is a mug | Rozsa - an unpleasant disease with a bad name

As shown

The incubation period (time from infection until the first signs of the disease) is at the face from a few hours to three days. Then there is a general weakness, fatigue, malaise, and then suddenly there is high fever, chills, headache. Already in the first few hours the temperature rises to 40 °, muscle pain appear in the legs Pain in the legs - from which they arise?  Pain in the legs - from which they arise?
   and in the lower back, pain in the joints Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?  Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?

The skin at the site of inflammation appear bloating, burning and pain, and then - a small pink or red spot, which is spreading in breadth and has clear boundaries. The affected part of the skin rises above a healthy skin, it is tense and hot to the touch. In early disease the pressure-sensitive redness disappears, but subsequently retained when pressure.

Later in the areas of redness may appear blisters (bullae) and bruising. May increase the nearby lymph nodes.

In uncomplicated course of the disease subsides after 5-7 days (if it was only redness and swelling of the skin) or 10-12 days (if the skin were bubbles).

 What is a mug | Rozsa - an unpleasant disease with a bad name


The frequency of complications in the face of 4-8%. Complications can be both local and general.

Local complications include various suppurative processes - abscesses (limited capsule ulcers), cellulitis (not demarcated from the surrounding tissue abscesses), necrosis (death of tissue) of the skin, sores on the location of bubbles, inflammation of the veins.

Another complication is the local elephantiasis. Due to the blockage of the lymph vessels may come a violation of lymphatic drainage. Against the background of such a state in this area starts to grow connective tissue and subcutaneous tissue - develops a tight swelling of the skin with an increase in the so-called elephantiasis.

Common complications of erysipelas - a sepsis (blood infection), inflammation of the kidneys Inflammation of the kidney - do not suffer pain  Inflammation of the kidney - do not suffer pain
 , Complications of the cardiovascular system.

 What is a mug | Rozsa - an unpleasant disease with a bad name

Treatment of erysipelas

Treatment of erysipelas is composed of general and local treatment and lasts from 7 days to 1, 5 - 2 months. General treatment of erysipelas should be comprehensive and include drugs that affect the causative agent (antibiotic), anti-inflammatory medications, drugs that enhance the body's defenses, reducing the permeability of small blood vessels, and vitamins. Appointed as drinking plenty of fluids and drugs that reduce the toxic effect of streptococcus.

Local therapy faces now is of secondary importance. Such treatment is carried out only with extensive cystic lesions and is held in conjunction with physiotherapy. Blisters on the skin incised, and empty bandage with disinfectant. After the acute symptoms subside appointed agents to stimulate tissue repair effects (eg, Vinylinum).

From physiotherapy used paraffin, mineral wax, electrophoresis with different drugs.

 What is a mug | Rozsa - an unpleasant disease with a bad name

Prevention of exacerbations

Common prevention measures - personal hygiene, prevention of minor injuries, chafing, hypothermia often ineffective. Therefore, frequent exacerbations or in the presence of residual symptoms of the disease is carried out prevention of exacerbations faces with antibiotics.

Erysipelas - a serious disease that can occur for a long time and give a lot of complications.

Erythema nodosum: Symptoms and Treatment - What are the symptoms

January 20, 2011

  • Erythema nodosum: Symptoms and Treatment
  • As shown

What is erythema nodosum and why it occurs

Erythema nodosum - a deep inflammation of the skin blood vessels (vasculitis) occurring in the acute or chronic form. There is a nodal erythema, more common in girls and adolescents as a special (usually allergic-type) reaction of the organism to infectious diseases (tonsillitis, scarlet fever, brucellosis, tuberculosis, leprosy, some fungal diseases of the skin), as well as intolerance of certain drugs.

The disease occurs more often in spring and autumn, predisposing factors are stagnation in the blood vessels of the limbs, prolonged exposure to cold, hormonal changes, lack of some vitamins (P and C).

If erythema nodosum in places rash appears around the center of an inflammation of small blood vessels of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, consisting mainly of white blood cells and cells of the inner layer overgrown walls of blood vessels.

Erythema nodosum can occur as an independent disease or be a manifestation of some kind of infection or poisoning. Assumptions about the viral nature of the disease, but finally its cause has not yet been established. Furthermore, many researchers believe that erythema nodosum can cause a number of factors.

Erythema nodosum can occur acutely and chronically.

 How does | Erythema nodosum: Symptoms and Treatment

How does acute erythema nodosum

Acute erythema nodosum is often accompanied by an increase in temperature to 38-39˚. Chills, pain in the joints Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?  Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?
   and muscle pain, signs of inflammation in the blood count (such as accelerated ESR). Against this background, in the skin of the front of the leg, thighs and forearms appear symmetrical, painful at a palpation, dense, somewhat elevated above the skin nodes hemispherical shape with indistinct edges, ranging in size from one to several centimeters in diameter. The color of the skin over the nodes at first bright red, gradually acquires a bluish first, and then the green and yellow color (its color varies according to the type of "flowering" bruise). Eruptions are gradually becoming less prominent, may merge with each other. Rash thus changes slowly, and allowed for a month. Then she or disappears, or after a certain time remains pigmentation and skin peeling. In some cases, after the decay of a series of nodes, a new wave of lesions, and the disease can be extended to two months.

Acute erythema nodosum usually occurs in childhood (usually sick girl), in violation of the general condition, malaise, pain in muscles and joints, high fever, chills. Characterized by large painful rash on the front of the leg, often merging among themselves. In some cases, children erythema nodosum may be a manifestation of increased response to tuberculosis.

 How does | Erythema nodosum: Symptoms and Treatment

How does chronic erythema nodosum

With a slow and chronic course of development of erythema nodosum identify several forms:

  • knotted allergic vasculitis Vasculitis - when blood vessels refuse to work  Vasculitis - when blood vessels refuse to work
   - Different relapsing, a small amount of long-existing nodes that do not suffer decay;
  • migratory erythema nodosum Beverstedta flows are not as prevalent, with a longer course and a tendency to re-sharpening; while nodes in the center of the "fade" and fall off and become ring-shaped rash; nodes in this form dense, with blurred, red or brown, symptom "bloom" bruise is not observed;
  • subacute migratory hypoderm characterized by the appearance of single plane, of varying size and density of spilled seals; Rash accompanied by fever, pain in muscles and joints, inflammatory changes in the blood (eg, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate).

 How does | Erythema nodosum: Symptoms and Treatment

Diagnosis and treatment of erythema nodosum

Diagnosis is based on the appearance of the characteristic rash. In the acute form of erythema nodosum in children their further examined for tuberculosis Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed  Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
 . In doubtful cases, the area of ​​skin is taken for histological examination. The study found that the lumen of blood vessels narrowed down to their complete blockage due to proliferation of the inner layer of the blood vessel wall. Around the vessel observed accumulation of white blood cells, and swelling of the tissue that create infiltrate.

Treatment of all forms of erythema nodosum with antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   broad-spectrum drugs, calcium, vitamin C and P is needed bed rest. Locally recommended warm quilted wraps, hot compress with glycerine solution ihtiola.

Prevention of erythema nodosum - a timely treatment of the underlying disease.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • erythema
