Pediculosis - still not losing ground

April 1, 2010

  • Pediculosis - still not losing ground
  • Signs

 Pediculosis - a parasitic disease in which people live on one or more species of lice (head lice exist, cootie, and pubic lice). Pediculosis - this is a very common infection. Everyone who is in contact with someone who is already infected with head lice, or even their clothes or other things, runs the risk of contracting the disease. Most often infected with pre-school children and pupils of primary school (3-10 years) and their families. Girls suffer from head lice more often than boys.

 Pediculosis - still not losing ground

How is infection

Infection with head lice can prozoyti in several ways:

  • Physical contact with an infected person. Children often become infected during the game, at school or in the camp;
  • Wearing, where live lice;
  • The use of infected combs, towels and bed linen.

In addition, contamination can occur through the upholstered furniture, pillows and rugs, which contacted the newly infected person.

 Pediculosis - still not losing ground

How are lice

In human hair can be simultaneously present three forms of lice - their eggs, young lice, or nymphs and adult lice.

The eggs of lice are difficult to see with the naked eye, and are often confused with dandruff Dandruff: where it comes from, and what to do  Dandruff: where it comes from, and what to do
   or traces of hairspray. Lice eggs firmly attached to the hair. They are oval in shape and usually a yellow-white color. About a week later there are young lice, also called nymphs.

Young lice are very similar to adults, but they are much smaller. After about seven days, they become adult lice. To live, nymphs need to feed on blood.

Adult lice - are insects with six legs, the size of a sesame seed, a grayish-white color. People with dark hair, adult lice darker than blond. The female louse is slightly larger than the males. Adult lice can live on a person's head to 30 days. During this period, they feed on human blood; females lay eggs. Outside the host louse dies within two days.

In most live lice on the scalp behind the ears and on the back of the neck. Head lice hold on to hair claws like hooks that are on each of their six legs. Head lice are rarely found on the body, eyelashes and eyebrows.

 Pediculosis - still not losing ground

Symptoms of lice

  • The sense of movement of something in your hair;
  • Itch (caused by an allergic reaction Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
  • Damage to the scalp (caused by scratching);
  • Infection enters the body through damaged skin of the head;
  • Irritability (non-specific symptoms of lice, but is very common in patients and is associated with discomfort that causes the disease).

 Pediculosis - still not losing ground


When lice lice can be detected by careful examination of the hair and scalp. Find nymphs and adult lice can be difficult because they tend to be a little bit and they move very quickly. Find the eggs easier, although at first they may be hard to discern. Although lice may be found on their own, it is recommended, however, to consult a doctor to confirm the diagnosis.

 Pediculosis - still not losing ground

Preventing lice

For effective treatment of lice treatments can be assigned not only to patients but also to those who live with him in the same house.

  • Remove from itself or from an infected child all clothing.
  • In accordance with the instructions on the package, apply a treatment for head lice, which recommended the doctor, or you have chosen at the pharmacy. If you or the child very long hair, you may need a second bottle or tube of medicine. Do not wash your hair for a day or two after treatment. Before using the anti-lice do not use any balm or hair conditioners.
  • Put on clean clothes.
  • If, after 8-12 hours after treatment in the hair still live lice, but move more slowly than usual, do not use the drug again. Carefully comb the hair to remove the dead and live lice out of the hair. Sometimes drug works a little slower than indicated on the package.
  • If, after 8-12 hours after using anti-lice lice remain as active as ever, probably, the medicine is not working. Ask your doctor to recommend another medication, and follow the instructions carefully.
  • After seven to ten days should be re-used drug for the treatment of head lice.
  • If after two or three weeks in the hair of the patient left the lice and their eggs, we can conclude that the treatment of head lice successfully.

In addition the use of special preparations, it is necessary to take the following measures for the treatment of head lice:

  • Wash all clothing, bedding, towels, which contacted the infected at a temperature of at least 55C.
  • That can not be washed in the washing machine (eg, coats, hats, pillows, and so on) give to the dry cleaners, or put in plastic bags, tie them, and leave for two weeks so that the lice are killed.

Exoderil - indications to the use of an antifungal agent

July 2, 2013

 ekzoderil readings
 Today, for the treatment of many fungal infections Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat  Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat
   used antifungal drug for topical application ekzoderil. Indications for use of the drug - interdigital fungal diseases, inguinal tinea, tinea of ​​the body, athlete, trichophytosis, microsporia, fungal nail infections, skin candidiasis, pityriasis versicolor, mixed fungal and bacterial skin infections. Exoderil is also used to treat fungal infections of the scalp and body and skin with hyperkeratosis.

 Exoderil - indications to the use of an antifungal agent

Exoderil - indications for use at mikrosporii

Microsporia (ringworm) - is a fungal infection of the skin and hair, caused by the fungus-dermatofilami. When microsporia on the skin at the site of introduction of the fungus appear round pink spots inflammatory, usually without marked inflammation, with clear boundaries and defurfuration surface. On the smooth skin lesion appears vellus hair on the scalp there are one or more of the major centers of the round, in which the hair broken off a few millimeters above the skin and covered with a white cover of the spores of the pathogen. Around the major centers of the parent having smaller pockets. When microsporia also possible defeat beard, mustache, eyebrows, eyelashes, rarely - nails. Upon accession, the bacterial infection may cause suppuration and temperature.

Exoderil in this case usually used in combination with other antifungal agents, has a general (systemic) effect. Exoderil relates to antifungal allylamine. He has a broad spectrum antifungal activity and has fungicidal or fungistatic (ie kills and inhibits the ability to live) in the fungi-dermatofily, including causing microsporia. Exoderil also has antibacterial activity against a number of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, has a local anti-inflammatory effect, reduces itching. Action Exoderil persists for days.

When microsporia Microsporia - threatening fungal infection  Microsporia - threatening fungal infection
   ekzoderil better to use a cream, it is applied to the previously cleaned and dried lesions once a day for two to four weeks. Sometimes treatment is extended to two months. You can also apply the cream on the scalp and in the area of ​​mustache and beard on his face.

 Exoderil - indications to the use of an antifungal agent

Exoderil - indications to the use of fungal diseases of feet

The most common athlete's foot - a disease also caused by fungi-dermatofilami. Thus skin itching appears first stop and then moknutie flat bubbles that quickly burst, forming the erosion. These phenomena are particularly pronounced in the interdigital spaces. Supported by the disease increased sweating feet.

If athlete's foot is better to use a 1% solution ekzoderil. It is applied on the carefully washed and dried by the foot, and then wait for the complete drying of the solution and only then put socks. Better yet, do the procedure at night and did not put on his feet. Especially carefully solution Exoderil should be applied in the interdigital spaces. Usually it is sufficient to do this procedure once a day for a month daily changing socks.

 Exoderil - indications to the use of an antifungal agent

Application Exoderil candidiasis skin

Candidiasis of the skin - is a fungal infection caused by the yeast genus Candida. Candidiasis usually begins with skin folds, with them, he may apply to smooth the skin, nails and nail ridges. The first signs of candidiasis - is the appearance of depth in the skin folds of small bubbles that are rapidly destroyed with the formation of erosions proliferating. Land erosion is often interspersed with patches of weeping skin, which may eventually thicken.

Sometimes candidiasis affects the interdigital spaces. This is especially common in people who are engaged in work related to wet hands. Over time, the process proceeds to smooth the skin. When minor injuries on the fingers may result in fungal nail ridges and nails.

Candidiasis skin Candidiasis of the skin - Pay attention to the condition of his body  Candidiasis of the skin - Pay attention to the condition of his body
 If there is a pronounced Moisture treatment is better to start with a 1% solution Exoderil and after Moisture decreases, the transition to the use of 1% cream or gel. Any dosage form ekzoderil applied to the skin after a thorough cleaning and drying once a day (on nails - twice a day) for two to four weeks. Treatment of candidiasis nails longer, sometimes up to six months.

 Exoderil - indications to the use of an antifungal agent

Application Exoderil for the treatment of tinea versicolor

Chromophytosis Ringworm - not only infectious disease  Ringworm - not only infectious disease
   - A fungal infection of the skin that is caused by yeasts Pitirosporum and manifests the appearance of the skin (usually in the trunk, under the arms) of brown spots. Thus mouth fungus affects the hair follicles, where the fungus proliferates to form colonies in the form of yellowish-brown dots. Of these, gradually formed a yellowish-pink scaly lesions with scalloped edges. Spots begin barely noticeable flaking (scales are very small, so it is not always possible to notice). Most of these lesions occur in the skin of breast, axillary and inguinal region, back, abdomen.

Exoderil this disease are best used in the form of a 1% 1% cream or gel. It is applied to the cleaned the dried skin once a day for a month daily changing underwear and bedding.

Galina Romanenko

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  • ekzoderil
