Sulfur-tar ointment - is effective and safe and natural remedy for scabies and lichen. This drug is for external use for many years tested to be effective in several generations of adults and children suffering from skin diseases.
Instructions sulfur-tar ointment
Sulfur-tar ointment - a combined preparation for external use, which as active active ingredients include purified sulfur, birch tar and adjuvant Vaseline
Vaseline: old friend
. Externally, the ointment is a thick uniform gray-brown mass with the smell of tar. Available 5% and 10% sulfur-tar ointment.
Tar antiseptic (including antibacterial and antifungal), insecticide (kills insects, including itch mites) and locally irritating action.
Sulphur, when applied to the skin by interacting with organic substances, sulfides and pentationovuyu forms acid, which have antibacterial and insecticidal effect, thereby enhancing the effect of tar. The resulting ointment when applied to the skin sulfides have keratoplastic properties, ie the ability to cleanse the skin from dead cells and stimulate recovery.
Sulfur tar ointment - use for scabies
The main indication for the use of sulfur-tar ointment is Scabies - a contagious disease that is caused by scabies
Itch mite - no one is immune
. Scabies is transmitted only from person to person. The mite burrows into the skin and doing it itch moves. This may be in direct contact (including through sexual), the patient through things (clothes, bedding), and household items, which are in contact with the patient. Infection in baths, saunas, a train, and so on.
It is important to properly and timely treat scabies - she herself does not take place. It uses tools that are able to destroy the itch moves, kill mites and larvae. The main problem in the treatment of scabies - it's not only kill the mites, but also to prevent re-infection, so important and hygienic measures.
Currently, there is an effective treatment for scabies, such as benzyl benzoate and spregal. However, sulfur-tar ointment is still widely used to treat this disease. It is an excellent means of natural origin to kill the scabies mite. Sulfur-tar ointment contains no artificial additives that can cause allergic reactions and different side effects. Applying an ointment promotes the complete disposal of scabies.
Sulfur-tar ointment for scabies should be applied evenly with a thin layer to the whole body except the head, and gently rubbed. The procedure is done twice a day for five days. Before the treatment, and one day after the last take a shower, change bedding and underwear. If necessary, treatment can be repeated. How to use sulfur-tar ointment can be changed on the recommendation of a physician.
Sulfur-tar ointment with herpes
Zoster is often called all skin diseases. And since they are all treated differently, before treatment should consult a doctor, so as not to harm their health, and does not lead to a deterioration of the skin, including the transition of acute to chronic.
Sulfur-tar ointment may be useful in the treatment of fungal infections
Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat
- Cutting (Microsporum, Trichophyton) and colored (pityriasis) stripping.
Infection of humans ringworm comes from the cats, at least - from the dogs, so is of particular importance microsporia
Microsporia - threatening fungal infection
Arising from stray animals. There is also a carrier of pathogens of fungal infection of healthy animals. People become infected as a direct contact with sick animals or through objects contaminated by their hair. Ill mostly children, but often adults. The rise of the incidence observed in the fall season.
It appears inflammatory disease is the appearance of pink spots round and oval shape without marked inflammation, with clear boundaries and defurfuration surface. Affects vellus hair into smooth skin. On the scalp there are one or more of the major centers of the round, in which the hair broken off a few millimeters above the skin and covered with a white cover of the spores of the pathogen. Around the main foci appear smaller pockets. When ringworm is also possible defeat beard, mustache, eyebrows, eyelashes, rarely - nails. Upon accession, the bacterial infection may cause suppuration and temperature.
Sulfur-tar ointment ringworm when used in the same way as with scabies for 5-7 days.
Side effects and contraindications for the use of sulfur-tar ointment
Sulfur-tar ointment is non-toxic, it can be used to treat adults and children. Side effects are only known allergic reactions, so before application of the ointment is necessary to make the sample: several hours twice ointment applied to a small area of the skin and to follow its changes.
Contraindications to the use of sulfur-tar ointment is hypersensitivity to its components.
Galina Romanenko