High blood sugar - the threat of diabetes

September 12, 2013

  • High blood sugar - the threat of diabetes
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 high blood sugar
 High blood sugar Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
   It says that a person may develop or have already developed diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 . In some cases, the development of diabetes can be prevented in time catching danger. But this is not always possible - the development of the disease is gradual and often unnoticed.

 High blood sugar - the threat of diabetes

High blood sugar - causes

The advent of high blood sugar is a sign of prediabetes or diabetes. Diabetes is of two types. Type I insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus called because it is based on a lack of insulin secretion from the beta cells of the pancreas. It begins at a young age.

The reason for the development of type I diabetes is often a viral infection that directly affects or the beta cells of the pancreas, or contributes to the development of the autoimmune process - production of antibodies against these cells. All this leads to a gradual (over several months) the destruction of nearly all of the beta cells and the development of diabetes. Predisposing factors for the development of type I diabetes is family history (diabetes in the immediate family). The lack of insulin prevents the cells obtained from the blood glucose - the energy source needed for the implementation of all types of metabolism.

Diabetes type II or non-insulin develops in the presence of blood in sufficient amounts of insulin, but the cells of tissue exhibit resistance (immunity) to insulin and therefore also can not receive glucose from the blood. In diabetes type II is also found an increased destruction of insulin in the blood. The reason for the development of insulin type II are most often disorders of lipid metabolism, resulting in obesity. Contributing factors are advanced age, overeating, alcohol abuse, high blood pressure, sedentary lifestyle, genetic predisposition (diabetes in close relatives). This receptor tissue cells lose their ability to interact with insulin directly under the influence of metabolic disorders, or autoimmune processes triggered by them.

The inability to produce glucose as an energy source results in complete violation of carbohydrate metabolism, and then protein and fat, which also can not be implemented without energy. For energy into use proteins and fats. These processes are accompanied by the release of toxic substances, poisons the body. All this leads to destructive consequences - affecting all organs and systems of the body, but the most serious complications occur in the kidneys, eyes and nervous system.

 High blood sugar - the threat of diabetes

High blood sugar - Symptoms

Symptoms of high blood sugar appear gradually and imperceptibly. The patient begins to notice that losing weight at a normal or increased appetite (but it happens sometimes weight gain). Weight loss can be very significant.

Just quietly appears dry mouth, which causes the patient to drink a lot. Accordingly increases and urine, the amount of urine sometimes reaches three or more liters per day. Together with the liquid body are derived from mineral salts, including with calcium and potassium. It causes muscle weakness, decreased performance, leg cramps.

The patient notices that even small wounds he dragged slowly, often with the addition of the infection. Pustules appear on the skin, including boils, often develop colds and all infectious diseases is prolonged, with complications. Often joining and fungal infections, including yeast infection of the mouth and genitals. Reduced libido and sexual function all.

Against the background of these disorders may occur smell of acetone breath - a sign of disorders of the liver, disturbances in the form of fuzzy images, blurred, headaches, dizziness, tingling sensations throughout the body. In later stages appear movement disorders.

 High blood sugar - the threat of diabetes

Very high blood sugar - a threat to the patient's life

The increase in blood sugar in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) I type can lead to hyperglycemic (diabetic) coma. With an increase in blood sugar levels several times above normal in the absence of blood insulin for its digestion results in that the body begins to receive energy than carbohydrates and of proteins and fats. The main source of energy in this case are fats which are decomposed in the liver with the formation of a large number of toxic products - ketone. Elevated levels of ketone bodies leads to a smell of acetone breath and the appearance of noisy breathing - the body tries to get rid of acetone, actively breathing its air. This leads to acidosis - acidification tissues throughout the body. Simultaneously, large amounts of sugar in the urine output, and with it the liquid discharge, which leads to dehydration.

In diabetes type II develops another type of so-called diabetic coma - hyperosmolar coma - the presence of insulin in the blood inhibits the process of fat breakdown and ketoacidosis does not happen. But at the same dehydration expressed very much.

Diabetic coma develops gradually. Initially, there is a significant weakness, lethargy, increasing dryness in the mouth, the smell of acetone breath The smell of acetone breath - suspected diabetes  The smell of acetone breath - suspected diabetes
   (but it may not be in the hyperosmolar coma), excessive urination. When ketoacidosis appear nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. All this for days can lead to loss of consciousness and coma.

Help patients with different types of coma is conducted in different ways. If patients with type I diabetes in the first place introduced a simple insulin administered intravenously at the same time liquid, patients with type II diabetes should immediately introduce liquid insulin as in this case does not help. In any case, aid in diabetic coma, is in intensive care.

 High blood sugar - the threat of diabetes

The effects of high blood sugar

Consistently high blood sugar Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
   in some cases, does not have a bright appearances. Additionally, symptoms may increase gradually - all this leads to the fact that diabetes is not detected in time. The lack of specially selected treatments that could compensate for the metabolic disorders can lead to serious complications. All the effects of prolonged detention of high blood sugar can be divided into two groups:

  • acute complications - sharp rise in blood sugar leads to the development of diabetic coma;
  • chronic complications - metabolic disorders lead to persistent changes in all organs and tissues; primarily affects the immune system (increased risk of bacterial and fungal infections), kidneys (reduced their function), vision (the first to suffer the retina, a person loses sight) and the nervous system (metabolic disturbances in the nerve fibers lead to violations of sensitivity and movement ).

Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health - How to Measure

September 10, 2013

  • Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
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 how to measure the blood sugar level

How to measure blood sugar levels

In order to prevent spikes in blood sugar levels, all patients who are prone to changes of this indicator are regularly conducted laboratory control, both in outpatient and at home. For monitoring patients at home offer to purchase the meter.

 How to Measure | Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health

Determining the level of sugar in the blood

Determining the level of blood sugar in diabetes mellitus type I is carried out several times a day on an empty stomach, two hours after meals and at bedtime Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 . If you were able to achieve stable performance, the determination of sugar in the blood is carried out less frequently. Acceptable blood sugar level may correspond with or be normally slightly above it. In diabetes type II control blood sugar at home is carried out less frequently - 2-3 times a week.

Blood sugar level is determined in laboratories and medical facilities. This is a more accurate study, which is conducted on a special analyzer. Before any blood food can not be taken for 10 hours. You can not donate blood if there is some common diseases (flu, sore throat), immediately after the injury or stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   - It can lead to incorrect results.

Determining the level of sugar in the blood and is carried out after a special load of sugar (glucose tolerance test - GTT). To do this, blood is taken on an empty stomach, then allowed to drink 75 g glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
 Dissolved in a glass of water, and then again after two hours was measured in the blood sugar level.

Prior to the glucose tolerance test the patient for at least three days before the samples must comply with the normal diet, stick to the usual exercise. Analysis of Policy Pay after 10-hour fast, with a calm state of the patient and the absence of increased physical and neuro-psychological stress, and after eliminating medication that could affect your blood sugar (adrenaline, glucocorticoid hormones, contraceptives, caffeine, certain diuretics, psychotropic drugs, including antidepressants). False positive results may be with abnormal liver function, certain endocrine diseases, as well as reducing the amount of potassium in the blood.

The normal level in the fasting blood sugar is 3, 5-5, 5 mmol / l, the maximum level of sugar in the blood two hours after load - at least 7, 8 mmol / L. The sugar content in the blood of more than 7, 8, but less than 11, 0 mmol / L is considered as a pre-diabetic condition, more than 11, 0 mmol / l - as the presence of diabetes.

Unfortunately, neither the home study or studies in special laboratories do not give a clear idea of ​​the content of sugar in the blood, as it is constantly changing. As a result, the resulting figure will reflect the content of sugar in the blood only at the time of research, but says nothing about how it was yesterday or a few days ago.

Today, therefore, in order not to miss the changes in the level of sugar in the blood, once every three months, patients must measure the blood levels of glycosylated hemoglobin. This indicator reflects the average blood sugar level in a patient for the past three months. The study is based on the fact that the sugar contained in the blood plasma is absorbed by hemoglobin. Normal figures glycated hemoglobin - 4, 5-6, 5% of the total hemoglobin. Diabetic patients glycosylated hemoglobin could exceed the norm in a few times. After normalization of the blood sugar level of glycosylated hemoglobin recovered in about a month - half.

Determining the level of glycosylated hemoglobin in the blood makes it possible to evaluate the accuracy of a prescribed treatment of diabetes in the last three months. With a high number of doctors shall adjust the treatment of diabetes.

Glycosylated hemoglobin, also reflects the risk of developing complications of diabetes: the higher it is, the higher the risk of developing complications from the kidneys, eyes and brain.

Incorrect indicators glycated hemoglobin may be with anemia, bleeding, blood transfusion and other conditions that affect the average life span of red blood cells. Indicators blood sugar levels allow time to fix a violation of the patient and carry out the correction treatment.

 How to Measure | Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health

Checking blood sugar levels at home

How to check your blood sugar at home? This patients are taught in school diabetes. Checking blood sugar levels at home by using special test strips and glucometers. Use the test strips measuring the level of blood sugar produced by comparing the color change strips after its contact with the blood of a patient with a reference to the package. The method is not very reliable and sometimes after a study should be carried out with the help of the meter or in the laboratory.

The meter provides more accurate results.

Research is also carried out using a test strip that is inserted into the meter. Today, a variety of blood glucose meters available to meet different tastes and buying abilities of patients. It is usually attached a special meter to handle to pierce skin of a finger, a set of test strips and some other accessories.

Use the meter The unit of measurement of sugar in the blood - blood glucose meter  The unit of measurement of sugar in the blood - blood glucose meter
   It is very simple: just follow the instructions in the manual. When buying a meter should pay attention to the presence of this device certificate, and even better to buy glucometers known companies - it will return the unit in the event of premature failure, and always find it to the test strip.

Blood sugar level is of paramount importance. Therefore, the appearance of such features as constant thirst, excessive urination, weakness, decreased performance, and sudden bouts of weakness, tremors, cold sweat, palpitation, acute hunger, blackout, should consult a doctor and explore blood sugar.

Galina Romanenko

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