Types of insulin: a necessary choice

August 9, 2011

 types of insulin
 Insulin - a protein hormone origin, which is produced by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. It has a varied impact on the tissue metabolism, but the main effect of insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
   is the ability to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood. In violation of the synthesis of insulin in the pancreas, the body loses its ability to regulate glucose, which is manifested diabetes mellitus Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 , Which requires insulin from outside.

 Types of insulin: a necessary choice

Classification of insulin

By the number of components:

  • monospecific, which are made from the pancreas of one animal species;
  • combined, which are used pancreata of different animal species.

On the basis of the species:

  • human;
  • Swine, which differs from human only one amino acid;
  • cattle - it differs by three amino acids;
  • whale for more than three amino acid different from human.

According to the degree of purification:

  • Traditional that obtained by extraction with ethanol, then filtered and repeatedly crystallized. Unfortunately, this method can not provide a complete cleaning of the preparation of other hormones that are contained in the pancreas Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
  • Monopikovye (MP) - gel-filtered after traditional cleaning and contain very small amounts of impurities.
  • Monokomponentny (MS) - an even more purified insulin, obtained by the molecular sieve, and ion exchange method hromatogragrafii.

For the duration of action:

  • Short-acting
  • Prolonged
  • medium action
  • long-acting
  • extremely long action.

 Types of insulin: a necessary choice

Description and characterization of drugs insulin

Short-acting insulin

Regular insulin administered subcutaneously take effect after 15 - 20 minutes, reaching a peak and a half - three hours for a total of up to six - eight hours.

These include:

  • Swine monopikovy Actrapid MP,
  • pork monocomponent Actrapid MC,
  • human monocomponent obtained by genetic engineering Humulin Regular and Insuman Rapid HM.

Long-acting insulins, intermediate-acting

Insulins average term of the administered subcutaneously, beginning to work in an hour - a half, with the peak action in three - six, with a total duration of action of ten - twelve hours.

These include: Insulin B and Monosurfinsulin. Currently, both the drug discontinued.

Prolonged long-acting insulin (NPH)

They simulate the basic insulin secretion in humans. Takes effect within two - four hours after subcutaneous administration, reaching a peak of six - ten hours for a total of sixteen steps - eighteen hours.

These include:

  • Swine monopikovy Protahpane MP,
  • pork monocomponent Protahpane MS,
  • monocomponent human, genetically engineered Protahpane HM, Humulin NPH, Insuman Basal HM.

Long-acting insulins extremely long action

These drugs are administered once a day, are used in people with Type II diabetes, it is very convenient for the elderly or visually impaired patients who inject insulin incoming nurse at home. Administered subcutaneously, take effect in three - eight hours reaching a peak of sixteen - twenty hours, with a total duration of action from one to one and a half days.

This group of drugs include:

  • Swine neutral Ultralente,
  • human monocomponent obtained by genetic engineering Humulin U, Ultratard HM.

The spectrum of products, allowing to control the level of glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
   Blood is constantly expanding, helping patients lead a full life with this terrible disease.

Svetlana Shimkovich

Article Tags:
  • insulin

Hypothyroidism thyroid insufficiency

June 9, 2013

  • Hypothyroidism thyroid insufficiency
  • What's happening
  • Diagnosis and treatment

 Hypothyroidism thyroid
 Hypothyroidism - a condition in which the thyroid gland produces too little hormone. Its common symptoms are fatigue, weight gain and feelings of depression. Usually, hypothyroidism does not lead to serious health problems; it is easily treatable using hormonal drugs, replacement hormones, which are not produced by the thyroid gland.

Normally, the thyroid gland produces the hormone thyroxine and highlights, which controls the processes by which the body uses energy. When thyroxine is not produced in sufficient quantity, many body functions slow down. To prevent the development of hypothyroidism is virtually impossible. In most cases, it is caused by a violent impact of the immune system in the thyroid gland or thyroid damage.

 Hypothyroidism thyroid insufficiency

Consult your doctor if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Fatigue, lethargy;
  • Weight gain;
  • Depression;
  • Increased sensitivity to low temperatures;
  • Dry skin and hair;
  • Muscle aches.

Often the symptoms of hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland Thyroid Hypothyroidism - Symptoms of deficiency of thyroid hormones in the blood  Thyroid Hypothyroidism - Symptoms of deficiency of thyroid hormones in the blood
   mistaken for symptoms of other diseases - this error make both patients and doctors. Symptoms usually develop slowly and over several years, a person can not pay attention to them. The only sure way to diagnose hypothyroidism - a blood test for thyroid hormones.

Hypothyroidism occurs in both sexes, but is most common among women is a violation. In Western countries, 15 women fall ill with hypothyroidism in 1000, and 1 man in 1000.

One of the 4,500 children is born with congenital hypothyroidism. In many countries, newborns do a blood test, which allows to identify the disease.

 Hypothyroidism thyroid insufficiency

Symptoms of hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland

The most common symptoms of hypothyroidism following:

  • Intolerance to cold;
  • Unexplained weight gain;
  • Constipation;
  • Depression;
  • The constant feeling of fatigue;
  • Slowness of physical reactions and mental processes;
  • Muscle pain and weakness;
  • Muscle cramps;
  • Dry, flaky skin;
  • Brittle nails are weak, brittle hair;
  • Irregular and / or very heavy menstruation.

Older people with reduced thyroid activity may have problems with memory, sometimes develop severe depression. In children, hypothyroidism can lead to stunted growth and mental development. Possible delayed puberty Puberty child - stages of a complex path  Puberty child - stages of a complex path

Typically, patients who complain of the above symptoms, be sure to prescribe tests for thyroid hormones.

 Hypothyroidism thyroid insufficiency

If hypothyroidism is not treated

Many patients ignore the early signs of hypothyroidism, as they are mild and do not cause significant discomfort. Therefore, in most cases, hypothyroidism is detected at the time when the disease has been developing for several years. If it is left untreated for a long time, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • Change voice - it becomes low and hoarse;
  • Mean swelling of the face and facial expressions;
  • Rare or partially missing eyebrows;
  • Decreased heart rate;
  • Deafness;
  • Anemia.

 Hypothyroidism thyroid insufficiency


  • The immune system

In most cases, hypothyroidism occurs when the immune system, which normally protects the body against external threats such as viruses and pathogenic bacteria, begins to attack the thyroid gland. Doctors call this autoimmune reaction. Eventually, this reaction leads to damage of the thyroid gland, it loses its ability to produce in the quantities needed for thyroxine and resulting hypothyroidism develops with all its attendant symptoms.

Hashimoto's disease - the most common autoimmune reaction which leads to reduced activity of the thyroid gland. Causes of Hashimoto's disease is unclear, but we know that it can be inherited. It is common among people who have other immune system-related diseases such as type 1 diabetes and vitiligo.

  • Treatment of hyperthyroidism

Hypothyroidism can be a side effect of treatment of overactive thyroid, or hyperthyroidism. Patients with this disorder are treated with medication, surgery, radiotherapy, or - all of this leads to the fact that the thyroid gland begins to produce significantly less hormones.

  • Rarer causes

Iodine deficiency in the diet, some people can become the cause of hypothyroidism. This is due to the fact that the body for the production of thyroxine Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone  Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone
   needs iodine. However, severe iodine deficiency is observed only among residents of certain regions of the planet.

Viral infection and certain drugs used for treatment of certain diseases such as depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
   or heart disease, can disrupt the thyroid gland.

Some people are born with hypothyroidism - they develop thyroid was violated even in utero.

Problems with the pituitary gland can also cause hypothyroidism. The pituitary gland - a part of the brain that regulates the thyroid gland. It can cause damage to the thyroid gland becomes less active work.
