Lowering blood sugar - not as good as it sounds - How does

October 17, 2013

  • Lowering blood sugar - not as good as it seems
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 It manifested as a reduction in blood sugar

How does a decrease of blood sugar

The decrease in blood sugar, or hypoglycemia - a condition most common among people with diabetes who take insulin. Excess insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
   and typically results in excessive decrease of blood sugar level. For those who are not sick with diabetes, this is a violation occurs much less frequently, and it is caused by, for example, malnutrition, alcohol abuse, and Addison's disease.

By reducing blood sugar levels, patients have more or less strong tremor of the extremities, sweating, hunger; in the most severe cases of violations of human cognitive function.

In most cases, in order to normalize blood sugar Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
 You need to eat or drink something sweet - it could be a couple of slices of chocolate, a few lumps of sugar, a glass of fruit juice. Those who are prone to hypoglycemia should always carry some candy or glucose tablets.

Signs of decline in blood sugar levels are often confused with symptoms of hyperglycemia - a condition in which blood sugar rises. If you see that a person is not good, and you are not sure, he hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, be sure to offer him something sweet. If it will help hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia and do no harm. Of course, you can not try to feed or drink sweet man if he was unconscious.

If time does not cause blood sugar levels to normal, it will continue to decline, and this will lead to fainting, because the brain will be insufficient glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
 To continue to function normally. In this case, the treatment requires an injection of glucagon, or other substances.

To avoid reduction in blood sugar levels, people with diabetes need to regularly check your blood sugar, and be able to recognize the early symptoms of hypoglycemia. In addition, you should regularly eat sensibly and limit alcohol consumption. Before you go in for sports, it is recommended to eat a small amount of carbohydrate foods - this will help avoid a sharp decline in blood sugar during exercise.

 How does | Reducing sugar in the blood - is not as good as it sounds


At what level of sugar in the blood, there are signs of hypoglycemia? In healthy people, they appear even at levels below 3 sugar, 3 mmol / L. But in diabetic patients who have persistently high blood sugar, this figure could be much higher, even above the upper limit of normal.

Fast sharp decline in sugar is a condition called hypoglycemic syndrome, it can be divided into four stages:

  • the first stage of manifest severe hunger, fatigue under physical and mental stress, lower blood pressure, lethargy, weakness, drowsiness, abrupt mood swings disproportionate;
  • the second stage is accompanied by pale skin, cold sweat, palpitations, hand tremors, impaired sensation ("crawl"), double vision, a sense of fear and a strong sense of hunger;
  • third stage - to the listed grounds join dulling sensitivity (numb tongue), agitation, accompanied by inappropriate behavior - some bravado (similar to alcohol intoxication) disappears anxiety, the patient often refuses to eat sugar; in some cases there may be hallucinations (patients see, hear or feel something that really is not);
  • fourth stage - the trembling intensifies, moves the whole body, and then there are seizures, greatly disturbed vision, the patient loses consciousness (coma); if he is not given timely assistance, he may die.

However, death on prolonged and deep hypoglycemic episodes rarely occurs, as caused convulsions facilitate splitting of glycogen in muscles (muscle - is one of the depot of glycogen, which is obtained by cleavage of glucose required for muscular work).

If hypoglycemia does not reach the deep stages, the negative effects of the brain usually does not arise. Severe recurrent hypoglycemia may lead to irreversible changes on the part of the brain: reduction of intelligence and memory.

 How does | Reducing sugar in the blood - is not as good as it sounds

First aid in case of hypoglycemic coma

Prior to clarify the causes of hypoglycemia patient required urgent assistance, otherwise he might die before the arrival of the ambulance. Patients who are frequently hypoglycemic events or they can occur presumably (eg, diabetes), should be aware of signs of a decline in blood sugar and has already taken the first step of something sweet.

For this, patients with them must always be sugar, sweets, cakes, sweet juice beverages.

If the condition does not improve soon, it is necessary to call an ambulance, without waiting for further deterioration.

If the patient is still unconscious, it must be put to one side so as not to sink language, but did not get the saliva into the airways. Sweet stuff is better to lay on the cheek (honey, jam or just a very concentrated solution of sugar in a small volume), pour the liquid into the patient's mouth to an unconscious person can not. In patients with diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   to be the drug glucagon (an enzyme that promotes the splitting of glycogen in the liver to produce glucose), it should be immediately put intramuscularly.

Lowering blood sugar - a dangerous condition, which, however, can be stopped by the patient or his relatives.

Thyroid disease - why women are at risk? - Kinds

May 3, 2013

  • Thyroid disease - why women are at risk?
  • Kinds
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  • Disease in women
  • Disease in men
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 types of thyroid disease

Types of Thyroid Disease

The thyroid gland - a key element of the endocrine system produces hormones necessary for the implementation of physiological functions .  A hormone produced by the thyroid gland (thyroxine), establishes the rate of body functioning .  The thyroid gland is located in front of the neck and attached to the bottom of the larynx and upper part of the trachea .  The thyroid gland is called in Greek glandula thyreoidea (tireoidea), and therefore all terms that refer to it, is used in medicine root "tireo-" .  The thyroid gland has a sufficiently small size and shape of a butterfly, because it consists of two round pieces (shares), which are linked by a narrow isthmus .  The work of the thyroid gland is mainly dependent on the iodine content, so people living in regions where water is low concentration of iodine, doctors recommend iodine supplements and eat foods rich in iodine .  Goiter - a disease in which the thyroid gland is enlarged .  The level of thyroxine Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone  Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone
   It is regulated by another hormone produced by the pituitary gland.


Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid cancer is easy to diagnose. Symptoms of thyroid cancer (pain in the throat and neck, pain when swallowing and breathing) is sometimes credited with infectious diseases, so some cases, diagnosis is difficult. Each year, doctors recorded more than 11 000 cases of thyroid cancer, mainly among women. The risk of diseases of the disease are most prone to women older than 30 years, and particularly menopause. The probability of recovery is greater than 95% if the diagnosis of disease at early stage. Thyroid cancer may appear as papillary or follicular cancer, and treatment of diseases of the prostate is removed affected share. Papillary thyroid cancer Thyroid cancer: it is curable  Thyroid cancer: it is curable
   more common and easier to treat.


Other thyroid disease

Other common diseases include thyroid Graves' disease, autoimmune thyroiditis, and thyroid nodules. Graves' disease is caused by excessive stimulation of thyroid cells, resulting in the gland produces excessive amounts of hormones. Autoimmune thyroiditis is caused by the accumulation of white blood cells (WBCs) and the fluid within the thyroid. When the disease is gradual destruction of the thyroid gland. An increase in one of the lobes of the thyroid gland and shows multiple nodules.

Millions of people suffer from thyroid disease, even without knowing it. Most often the victims of these diseases are women. Iodine deficiency in the body - not the sole cause of thyroid disease. Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis caused by antibodies. The symptoms of thyroid disease is not easily overlooked or confused with symptoms of anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 . As a consequence, many of thyroid disease for a long time are not diagnosed and treated. Most thyroid diseases are caused by a decrease or increase in the activity of the thyroid gland. Normal thyroid function is called euthyroid.

  • Overactive Thyroid: Hyperthyroidism - a disease in which the thyroid gland produces excessive amounts of hormones. This leads to increased metabolism, which causes rapid weight loss, occurrence of hot flashes and sweating. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism: hand tremors, irritability and heart palpitations. In women suffering from hyperthyroidism, reduces the duration and intensity of menstruation.
  • Decreased activity of the thyroid gland: hypothyroidism symptoms - tiredness and lack of energy. In women suffering from hyperthyroidism, increasing the intensity of menstruation. Forgetfulness and clumsiness, dry skin and constipation often accompany the disorder.



The symptoms of thyroid diseases occur in women, since puberty until menopause .  In fact, diseases or disorders of the thyroid gland can stimulate premature puberty or, conversely, cause it to delay .  Since increased or decreased activity of the thyroid gland can affect ovulation in women with thyroid disease may have problems with fertility, namely temporary infertility .  The symptoms of thyroid disorders occur in 5 - 8% of women after childbirth .  Thyroid disease can often cause premature menopause .  Symptoms of an overactive thyroid is often confused with the symptoms of perimenopause .  Symptoms of low thyroid activity: dry skin, brittle nails, muscle pain and spasms .  Insufficient activity of the thyroid gland may be accompanied by depression .  Approximately 20% of chronic cases of depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
   related to the insufficient production of thyroid hormones. Treatment of diseases of the thyroid gland requires a properly selected doses of medication. Lack of thyroid hormone can lead to high blood pressure cholesterol. On the other hand, it increases the probability of excess hormones decrease of bone density and osteoporosis.



If you suspect a thyroid disease carried out a full and thorough medical examination .  The doctor performs a neck palpation to detect seals or thyroid enlargement .  Also prescribed thyroid ultrasound, blood tests and thyroid scintigraphy .  Thyroid scintigraphy is performed to detect nodules, and to measure the size of the prostate .  Thyroid ultrasound are used to determine the density of nodules - whether they represent a fluid-filled cyst or a solid .  These surveys help to pinpoint the size of the nodules of the thyroid gland, which helps in aspiration biopsy .  Aspiration diagnostic puncture of the thyroid gland is performed for taking tissue samples to diagnose diseases .  Sometimes children are born without a thyroid gland .  In this case, proceed to the treatment of this defect, in order to prevent violations of child growth and development .


Thyroid hormones

There are two main hormones produced by the thyroid gland - thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Thyroid hormones play a crucial role in certain physiological processes such as the process of growth and metabolism as well as in the process of cell differentiation. The thyroid gland also produces the hormone calcitonin. Parathyroid gland produces parathyroid hormone. These hormones regulate the homeostasis of calcium and phosphorus in the organism and affect the physiology of bone.
