Hepatomegaly - not a disease but a sign of the terrible - In various diseases

April 15, 2010

  • Hepatomegaly - not a disease but a sign of the terrible
  • In various diseases

Hepatomegaly with the liver's own

In healthy people, the liver is almost does not protrude from under the costal arch, it is soft and painless.

When hepatitis (liver inflammation) affects its tissue cells (hepatocytes) as a result of various factors (viruses or toxic poisons of different origin). Because inflammation and edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   increases the size of the liver tissue, it becomes tight and painful. In this part of hepatocytes can be destroyed if a large number of cells are killed, the liver can be reduced dramatically in size - it is a bad sign, he speaks of severe disease.

Cirrhosis occurs after suffering hepatitis Hepatitis - the scourge of our time  Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
 For chronic toxic effects on the liver (e.g. chronic alcoholism), and so on. This results in destruction of the hepatocytes and their replacement by connective tissue cells. Another part of the liver tissue begins to grow, which causes enlargement of the liver. The liver then becomes solid, lumpy, painful.

Hepatomegaly with cirrhosis should be distinguished from the increase in the liver in the presence of her various tumors, cysts and parasitic diseases (eg, Echinococcus). Sometimes it is not easy to do, as often is the case in both the liver has the same density and consistency.

 In various diseases | hepatomegaly - not a disease but a sign of the terrible

Hepatomegaly in hereditary metabolic disorders

Hepatomegaly may be one of the main signs of inherited metabolic diseases, which are based on a violation of the formation of glycogen. These diseases are called glycogen. When this occurs the accumulation of glycogen in the liver, because of what appears and hepatomegaly. A characteristic feature of this disease is the fact that apart from the liver uniformly increased kidney and spleen.

Another metabolic diseases in which there is hepatomegaly, is hemochromatosis, developing as a result of violation of enzyme systems that regulate the absorption of iron. In the colon absorbs a large amount of iron that is deposited in internal organs (including liver) and causes changes in these organs. In liver cirrhosis usually develops, it becomes hard and hummocky.

 In various diseases | hepatomegaly - not a disease but a sign of the terrible

Hepatomegaly in diseases of the cardiovascular system

When failure of the right ventricle the blood is slowly moving in a large circle of blood circulation (this range of arterial blood to distant organs and tissues, bringing them food and oxygen, and then in the veins brings to the heart blood, saturated with carbon dioxide), causing stagnation of venous blood and swelling in organs and tissues.

In chronic cardiovascular failure, one of the first organs affected liver. Fabric her first swells, causing hepatomegaly (liver becomes dense, slightly painful on the edge and increases in size). Then, as a result of swelling and compression begin to suffer hepatocytes is their necrosis (extinction) and instead of hepatic tissue grows connective, thereby forming cirrhosis and it becomes thick and lumpy.

 In various diseases | hepatomegaly - not a disease but a sign of the terrible

The can end hepatomegaly

In some diseases of the liver tissue can be fully restored. Thus, for example, mild form of viral hepatitis Viral hepatitis - Army disease  Viral hepatitis - Army disease
   there comes a full recovery, and liver gets its normal size.

Chronic progressive disease which leads to the death of a large number of liver cells and their replacement by connective tissue cells usually end cirrhosis. Completely restore the function of the liver in such a case is impossible.

Hepatomegaly always requires a full examination of the patient for further diagnosis.

Galina Romanenko

Thyroid disease - why women are at risk? - Disease in women

May 3, 2013

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 thyroid disease in women

Thyroid disease in women

By unexplored because women are much more likely than men to face with thyroid disease. In women, thyroid disease appear at an earlier age, and in 10% of cases, the disease occurs during pregnancy. With the disruption of thyroid cancer in women and a number of other related diseases - including diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
 , Anemia, vitiligo and other autoimmune disorders. According to statistics, 20% of women with autoimmune diseases observed in thyroid dysfunction. After birth, in some cases, it is the disease of the thyroid gland cause postpartum depression.


Thyroid disease in women and sexual maturation

Depending on the type of thyroid disease in women is high or, conversely, a low level of hormones produced by the gland, can cause a very early onset of the menstrual cycle (known as precocious puberty, the beginning of menstruation before the age of nine years) or, on the contrary, the delay of sexual maturation (first menstruation after the age of fifteen years). If the girls had not yet reached puberty, hyperthyroidism occurs in most cases the first period starts late. However, if the hyperthyroidism occurs in puberty, first menstruation, on the contrary, it begins very early. Martin-Albright syndrome (called psevdogipoparatireoidny syndrome) - a rare disease that affects the bones and ovaries, the result is hyperthyroidism and premature puberty.

Hypothyroidism in adolescence is most often associated with late puberty. In very rare cases of hypothyroidism in childhood is associated with precocious puberty with an increase in pituitary and other abnormalities (eg excessive production of the hormone prolactin).

Thyroid disease in women may also be a result rather than a cause of menstrual disorders. For example, Turner syndrome - a genetic disease, which interferes with the formation of ovarian whereby menses does not occur without an appropriate hormone therapy. Furthermore, in females with Turner syndrome risk of hypothyroidism is higher than in healthy women.

In adulthood, hyperthyroidism can cause irregular menstrual periods, and short. But hypothyroidism causes frequent and too heavy menstruation, and in rare cases, excessive bleeding may lead to anemia.


Thyroid disease in women, and premenstrual syndrome

Since hypothyroidism is a negative impact on the work of almost all systems of the body, symptoms of thyroid disease are often similar to the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome - it's weight gain and mood swings, and sleep disturbances Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 As well as bloating, constipation, fatigue. In the treatment of hypothyroidism using hormonal drugs often disappear and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. It is important to understand that hormone therapy eases the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome only in women with hypothyroidism, since the reduction in thyroid hormone levels exacerbates the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.


Thyroid disease in women and menopause

Most often, hypothyroidism occurs in women during menopause, which, in turn, begins close to fifty years. Nevertheless, in some cases of thyroid disease (such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism) can cause premature menopause - before forty. Often the symptoms of hyperthyroidism - such as irregular menstruation or absence of menstruation, intolerance to heat, insomnia, mood swings Mood swings in women - bad character or a disease?  Mood swings in women - bad character or a disease?
   - Confused with the symptoms of menopause. However, after appropriate treatment of thyroid disease symptoms disappear, normal menstrual cycle and menopause occurs on time. Restoration of the menstrual cycle due to the normalization of the female hormone estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health


Thyroid disease in women and postpartum depression

You know what your thyroid? She is involved in a large part of the processes occurring in the body, including - in those that affect the psychological state of man. Recently, scientists have found that only a small portion of women with postpartum depression is a condition caused only problems with the thyroid gland, but even though it is neglected in the analysis of the level of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is impossible. If it turns out that postpartum depression blame the thyroid gland, thyroid hormones help to quickly cope with depression.

In addition, experts suggest that treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism can, in some cases, to reduce the likelihood of developing postpartum depression. Now the treatment is given only to those with TSH levels above 10, but may soon be actively treated and patients with TSH levels between 5 and 10.

The likelihood of developing postpartum depression is increased in those who during pregnancy had developed hypothyroidism. Patients in any case should not ignore symptoms of depression, and as soon as possible go to the doctor. Timely treatment of hypothyroidism often helps to quickly forget about postpartum depression and to be able to fully enjoy the joy of motherhood.
