Thyroid nodules - abnormal growths - Goiter

February 2, 2013

  • Thyroid nodules - abnormal growths
  • Goiter
  • Treatment

 thyroid nodules and goiter

Thyroid nodules and goiter

It is estimated that approximately half of the world's population has thyroid nodules, a considerable part of people formed goiter.

It is considered that thyroid nodules have one of the 15 women and one of the 50 men. Over 90% of these units are benign.

Some of the symptoms of thyroid nodules are heart palpitations, insomnia, weight loss, anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
   and tremor characteristic of hyperthyroidism. Sometimes they cause weight gain, fatigue and depression - like hypothyroidism. Some patients with thyroid nodules cyclically exhibit symptoms typical of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. In a rather rare cases symptoms of thyroid cancer are difficulty swallowing, pain or pressure in the throat, hoarse voice, increased sensitivity in the neck. Finally, a significant proportion of patients nodes not associated with any symptoms of thyroid dysfunction.

Goiter is sometimes mistaken for thyroid nodules, but in fact with the whole iron abuse increases (while it can also be conventional seals - ie, nodes). Increased thyroid can be seen during the ultrasound, and sometimes it is noticeable to the naked eye. The symptoms of goiter may be increased sensitivity of the skin in the area of ​​the thyroid gland, difficulty breathing and swallowing due to pressure on the esophagus or the trachea, coughing, hoarseness in the voice, shortness of breath, feeling of tightness in the neck.

 Goiter | Thyroid nodules - abnormal growths

Prompt treatment for multinodular toxic goiter

Multinodular toxic goiter - a disorder characterized by multiple thyroid nodules that produce excessive amounts of thyroid hormones. The disease is potentially dangerous; sometimes it causes hyperthyroidism.

Recently, scientists have claimed to have found a quick way to the treatment of multinodular toxic goiter. According to their report, patients with this diagnosis can be treated, giving them the maximum dose of radioactive iodine. In most cases, the disease can be cured in one session.

The researchers point out that the function of the thyroid gland in the subjects that have passed such treatment, normal, on average, 121 days, or approximately four months. More than 80% of patients within six months after receiving the radioactive iodine by the thyroid gland works fine. Approximately 20% of patients decreased production of thyroid hormones Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects  Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects
 . In all of them it was for one, and 80% - in the first six months.

The doses of radioactive iodine, which took the study participants ranged. Some of them have a unit dose, another dose was calculated based on body weight. However, in any case, it was found that rapidly cure multinode toxic goiter can give the patient if the maximum safe dose. The main side effect of this treatment is hypothyroidism.

 Goiter | Thyroid nodules - abnormal growths

Benign thyroid nodules grow slowly

During prolonged observations of patients who have been found thyroid nodules, it was found that, of all benign nodes only a quarter observed any signs of growth. And even these nodes are growing so slowly that it will take at least five years before changing their size can be detected most sensitive ultrasonic instruments. These observations allowed the researchers to conclude that patients who have benign thyroid nodules do not need annual ultrasound.

Thyroid nodules are present in 30-50% of the population, and in only 4-7% can be detected by palpation. Benign nodes do not require treatment unless they cause symptoms of hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism: symptoms - how to determine what happens to you?  Hyperthyroidism: symptoms - how to determine what happens to you?
   and do not grow.

 Goiter | Thyroid nodules - abnormal growths

Pregnancy and thyroid nodules

Does pregnancy effect on thyroid nodules? Scientists say that - yes, and very significant.

In 2002, we published the results of a study in which Chinese scientists have examined the association of pregnancy and thyroid nodules. In particular, they wanted to find out whether the pregnancy to induce the formation of knots.

The study involved 221 women; All subjects were in the first trimester of pregnancy. Of the whole group of 34 subjects (15.3%) had thyroid nodules, among them 12 (5.4%) - more than one node.

It turned out that in typical cases nodes increases during pregnancy, sometimes - almost twice its original size, and remained elevated for three months after birth. In 25 subjects (11.3%) in the later stages of pregnancy, new thyroid nodules.

Malignant nodes at the time of the study were found. Scientists have found that pregnancy can increase the size of pre-existing thyroid nodules, induce the formation of new units, and potentially increase the risk of multinodular goiter in the future. In general, pregnancy - a time when the probability of occurrence of thyroid nodules in women Thyroid cancer in women - the value for the reproductive system  Thyroid cancer in women - the value for the reproductive system
   It becomes particularly large.

 Goiter | Thyroid nodules - abnormal growths

Smoking increases the risk of developing goiter

Tobacco smoke contains thiocyanate - a substance which may interfere with the ability of the thyroid gland to absorb iodine and use. In one study, the doctor watched adult patients suffering from iodine deficiency, and found that smokers among the subjects likely to develop goiter was three times higher than those who did not smoke. Particular risk for women smokers older than 40 years. Those who quit smoking, the risk of the crop is only slightly higher than in nonsmokers, but significantly lower than in those who continue to smoke. It is not known whether smoking causes increased risk of goiter in people who consume enough iodine.

 Goiter | Thyroid nodules - abnormal growths

Pregnancy and malignant thyroid nodules

The results of recent research suggest that thyroid nodules in pregnant women are more often malignant than in non-pregnant patients. Among pregnant patients nodes thyroid cancer are approximately 27%, while the population average, only 5% are malignant. Scientists suggest that pregnancy may accelerate the growth of malignant tumors in the thyroid gland. They also note that the optimal diagnostic methods nodes during pregnancy is fine needle aspiration biopsy, and if surgery is needed, it should be postponed until the beginning of the second trimester, or hold soon after birth.
