The basic principles of insulin - is correct in everything

September 1, 2011

 the basic principles of insulin
 The standards are being developed for the treatment of almost all diseases, but they are constantly being improved by the discovery of new scientific data and the advent of modern, more effective drugs. Diabetes of the first type in the old days was incurable and painful life of these patients very quickly dropped. With the discovery of insulin all changed radically. The diagnosis of insulin-dependent diabetes is no longer a death, patients received not only the opportunity to live, but to live a long time. To the quality of life of people taking insulin, was high, you need to follow a few basic principles of insulin therapy.

 The basic principles of insulin - is correct in everything

Right Livelihood

For a patient suffering from diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 Very important is the correct way of life. These include:

  • a balanced diet, which allows to control weight and well-being;
  • adherence of the day, which promotes the proper distribution of food throughout the day, making it easier to insulin;
  • avoiding alcohol - high-calorie foods to interfere with the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 That will be helpful to anyone, and even more so - suffering from diabetes;
  • quitting smoking - nicotine, impairs tissue respiration and overall metabolism;
  • dosage exercise disciplined person, give courage needed to successfully combat disease and improve the tissue respiration, developing endurance.

 The basic principles of insulin - is correct in everything

The correct choice of insulin

When insulin just appeared, patients do not have a choice, but now a lot of insulin, and it is difficult to directly navigate to select the appropriate one. Insulins are obtained from pancreatic tissue of cattle and pigs, there is a human insulin obtained by genetic engineering. The best choice, of course, is human insulin or its modern counterparts.

This is confirmed by the fact that the need to increase the dose of porcine insulin occurs in one hundred percent of a period of time, and increasing doses of human insulin is usually not required. In addition, non-human insulin characterized by increased immunogenicity, reducing the level of immunity, and human do not possess these characteristics, ensuring normal immune defenses and facilitating disease control.

Modern human insulin obtained by genetic engineering, helps reduce the development of late vascular complications in patients with diabetes and insulin analogs also provide a convenient mode of administration.

 The basic principles of insulin - is correct in everything

Selection of the optimal dose of insulin

It is important to choose the correct dose of insulin that would imitate the normal release of insulin in the individual patient, which is recommended to keep a food diary to help identify the individual sensitivity to insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
   and choose the appropriate dosage.

First, the patient is prescribed average dose on the basis of statistical data in newly diagnosed diabetes 0, 25-0, 5 units per kilogram of body weight, and then it adjusts the physician and the patient may slightly vary the dose of insulin depending on food intake, after a special training at the specialist.

Continuous monitoring of glucose levels in blood and urine endocrinologist allow to conclude that the compensation or decompensation of diabetes and in time to change the dose of insulin or insulin find the right mix.

 The basic principles of insulin - is correct in everything

Proper control of insulin

Controlling insulin is carried out not only doctors, but also by the patient, which are convenient for individual use blood glucose meters to quickly and accurately determine the level of glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
   in his blood. In addition there is a test strip for the determination of sugar in urine.

If the patient can not stabilize his condition, then it is recommended to continue keeping a food diary and ten - fourteen days to discuss again the state of health with your doctor to correct lifestyle, nutrition and insulin therapy.

Svetlana Shimkovich

Article Tags:
  • insulin

Complications of insulin - what are the most dangerous?

September 8, 2011

 complications of insulin
 Insulin - an important medicine saves millions of lives every day. Insulin taken throughout life, so it's important to choose the right therapy scheme, to comply with all recommendations of the physician and to conduct a correct way of life, as otherwise may develop unpleasant and dangerous complications. It should be noted that with the advent of increasingly sophisticated medicines to lower blood glucose levels, the number of complications is progressively reduced, but patients should be aware of possible threats to insulin therapy The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
   and prevent them.

 Complications of insulin - what are the most dangerous?


Hypoglycemia develops when inflating the calculated dose of insulin and carbohydrate intake is insufficient. After two - three hours after administration of a simple insulin drops sharply glucose level in the blood, which causes a severe condition until coma. This condition can develop after prolonged administration of insulin in the hours of its maximum effect. Sometimes insulin dose can be calculated correctly, but the patient experienced stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 Or performed a great physical work, without taking any additional carbohydrates. The patient's condition is worse than the glucose concentration decreases rapidly.

Hypoglycemia manifested a strong sense of hunger, rapid heartbeat, sweating, tremor total. At this time, the patient should be given about one hundred grams of white bread, four slices of sugar or a glass of sweet tea. If no action is taken, the person becomes inadequate, can develop seizures and loss of consciousness.

It is necessary to provide emergency assistance to: immediately impose sixty milliliters sorokaprotsentnoy glucose intravenously and in the absence of the effect of ten minutes - repeat administration at the same dose. Quickly helps one milliliter subcutaneous glucagon.

Hypoglycemia is very dangerous, as they can quickly lead to death of the patient. If the attacks are repeated often enough, even with prompt medical assistance to developing memory disorders, mental, sharply exacerbated by retinopathy.

 Complications of insulin - what are the most dangerous?

Allergic reaction

Allergic reactions may occur in local and generalized form.

Local complications develop in the field of insulin injections in the form of hardenings, itchy and hot to the touch.

Generalized forms manifested urticaria, total itching, vomiting, abdominal pain, pyrexia Hyperthermia - when the body is overheated  Hyperthermia - when the body is overheated
   with chills. Generalized symptoms of allergic reactions are often very dangerous to humans, as they develop rather quickly, dramatically worsening the state of health of the person. Without the provision of adequate first aid may lead to death, so you should immediately seek medical help. After the relief of symptoms of allergic reactions, it is necessary to replace the selected insulin others.

 Complications of insulin - what are the most dangerous?

Insulin resistance

Diabetes may be associated condition characterized by a decrease in tissue sensitivity to insulin. These conditions may develop due to various reasons:

  • decreased sensitivity to insulin receptors,
  • development of antibodies to the receptor or to insulin,
  • the destruction of insulin by proteolytic enzymes,
  • binding of insulin circulating immune complexes.

First of all, you need to find out the cause of insulin resistance. You then need to replace insulin and sanitize all the centers of a chronic infection. As the use of quick-relief helps prednisolone Prednisolone - against inflammation, allergy and pain, but with complications  Prednisolone - against inflammation, allergy and pain, but with complications
   in unit dosage for five - ten days from the gradual withdrawal. Now it is possible to transfer the patient to a sulfated insulin, only need to adjust its dosage.

 Complications of insulin - what are the most dangerous?


Lipodystrophy developed in the field of insulin injections, as a consequence of long constant trauma of small nerve endings and are defects in the skin and subcutaneous tissue up to several centimeters in diameter. Aggravating factors are the lack of development of lipodystrophy Massaging after injection, the introduction of cold insulin frequent injections in the same place.

Profilaktirovat development of lipodystrophy can be thorough, meticulous observance of all rules insulin: Insulin heated before the introduction of carefully massaging the injection site after administration of insulin, change injection sites on the developed schemes.

Svetlana Shimkovich

Article Tags:
  • insulin
