Jump Rope for weight loss - jumping for the formation of a beautiful figure

November 13, 2014

  • Jump Rope for weight loss - jumping for the formation of a beautiful figure
  • Exercises

 jump rope for weight loss
 Is there a sports equipment that you can buy absolutely no harm to its budget, which can be used by all family members, it fits easily into a travel bag, it helps to lose weight, resulting in muscle tone, improves the cardiovascular system, and allows for what some 15-20 minutes to burn calories obtained from mid-size chocolate bar? There is, and the name of it - jump rope for weight loss.

Use the rope to lose weight is really great - jumping rope, a person burns about as many calories as while jogging at a speed of 9-10 km / h. In addition, the rope good for the heart and, in addition, it simultaneously helps to strengthen the muscles of the torso and legs, and special rope with weighting also provide some strain on the hand muscles. Of course, the rope will not replace a full workout (unless you're willing to jump 40-60 minutes at a time), but it can be a pleasant and effective addition to your regular exercise set.


Losing weight with the help of the rope - the main recommendations

Apart from the rope, you will need to practice good sports shoes (best shoes for CrossFit). The rope may be any, as long as it suits you at length. To test this, simply take the handle and stand legs around the middle of the rope. Pick up her pen up if they get up to your armpits, jump rope for you if they are below - look for another. If the rope is longer than you need, you can easily adjust its length, winding the rope on his hand.

If you are going to jump the house, make sure that you had enough room for it, where you do not risk to lose on the floor or break a vase, pot of flowers or something else. In addition to normal jump over your head shall be at least 25 cm of free space.

The surface on which you jump rope, is of great importance. Do not jump on the thick carpet, grass, concrete or asphalt. Carpets and grass (or rather, the land on which it grows) reduce the stress on the joints, but at the same time increases the risk tuck foot and / or get a sprain. Jumping on concrete and asphalt over time can cause serious damage to the joints. It's best to jump on the wooden floor - it is not too hard and not too soft for this kind of load. If necessary, you can simply put on the carpet or on the ground large enough piece of thick plywood, and jump on it.

If you have not jumped rope since elementary school, to start can be difficult. Exercises with rope require good coordination, and they are gradually developing it. Those who have the coordination is far from ideal, at first it is worth trying to carry out the movements of the hands and feet separately.

Take both handles of the rope in one hand and turn it to the side of yourself to feel the rhythm and get an idea of ​​how often you will need to jump. Then start to jump into the same rhythm, but without the rope.

Finally, try to jump rope - to start at least one minute. Alternate jumping with less intense exercise, such as a simple marching in place for two or three minutes, and then go back to the rope. Gradually you will be able to jump a few minutes at a time, but I doubt you will ever want to do this for more than ten minutes at a time - even if your physical form will allow such loads. To the rope you are sick, it is best to include exercises with it (for example, approaches 50-200 jumps at a time) in the workout routine.

Remember that you burn calories more efficiently when your heart rate reaches a certain frequency, but it should not become too high - it can be dangerous to health. The heart rate at which physical load is most effective, is 70-85% of the maximum heart rate, which was determined by the following formula: 220 - age of the person.

If you have had or have a serious health problem, especially - cardiovascular disease, it is best to get your heart rate does not exceed 80% of maximum heart rate for your age.

Jump rope, a total of at least 40 minutes a week - it will be a great addition to your usual loads.

Finally, do not forget to follow the diet. Of course, jumping rope for weight loss is very effective, but nothing will help you lose weight if you consume more calories than you burn. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as proteins that are required for the formation of muscle tissue.


Prevention of injuries

If you have problems with joints or ligaments, or if you have previously been injured before you start jumping rope, consult your doctor.

Proceed to jump only after warming up, and after training make sure to stretch.

The most important role in the prevention of injuries playing jumping technique. Landing on your toes. When we walk or run, much of the burden falls on the heels; when performing exercises with a rope we have a wonderful opportunity to use socks - its natural "shock absorbers." Under this condition will be jumping rope over a smoky load for the joints than jogging.

Do not jump too high. Beginners tend to bounce much higher than necessary, but ideally your socks should not be raised above the floor for more than three or four centimeters.

Where to start to play sports at home - make the body beautiful

November 8, 2014

  • Where to start to play sports at home - make the body beautiful
  • Exercises

 where to start to play sports at home
 The decision to go in for sports at home or in the gym could be one of the most important decisions in your life, because it is unlikely that the world can compare with the happiness of having a healthy, strong, agile and sturdy body.

Regular exercise reduces the chances of developing many chronic diseases, improve the coordination and the work of the vestibular system, help, if necessary, reduce weight and maintain it at a normal level. In addition, we regularly during exercise increases self-esteem, they rarely happen in a bad mood, depression and fatigue. To feel the full benefit of the sport, not necessarily to buy a subscription to a fitness club or walk to the nearest stadium - enough to find at home a few square meters of floor, not cluttered furniture, and, of course, a little time and a lot of willpower.


Assess your level of physical fitness

Do this before you take on a dumbbell squat or start - it will allow you to intelligently choose the load, as well as monitor their progress. In the future, information on what level you start training, you can become a powerful motivator to keep moving forward.

In order to assess their level of physical fitness:

  • Take a brisk pace of 1.5 km, and measure your pulse before and after the walk;
  • Record how much time did it take you to go through such a distance;
  • Record how many push-ups in a row, you can do it now;
  • Sit on the floor, extend your legs in front of you and lean forward as far as possible. Record how far you have managed to bend down - for example, you stop when your body is at an angle of 45 degrees to the legs, or you touched his forehead to his knees;
  • Record the amount of your waist;
  • Count and record your body mass index (it is calculated by the formula: weight in kilograms - height in inches squared).

Put on their records the date and save them.

This information is not for you to compare your performance with the norm for their age group, but only to compare themselves in the past with the future.


Make your training plan

Of course, you can simply say to yourself: "I will train five times a week," but then you probably will be tempted to deviate from this plan blurred. Therefore, it is worth spending some time to have a clear timetable.

  • Decide on your goals. You start to play sports at home to lose weight, make the figure more toned and become hardier, take part in competitions? Have clear goals motivates and helps us to understand what are the criteria you need to evaluate the success of your training;
  • Include a schedule different types of loads. The average, healthy adult per week is required at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, as well as two or more strength training (duration depends on what kind of exercise you'll be doing, but on average, they should last at least half an hour );
  • Select the appropriate pace you. If you really have not played sports in the first weeks of training plan brief and light exercise. Set a condition that the first time (for example, for two or three weeks) you will train at a moderate pace, and allow yourself to pause during class. If the body is well accept the burden in the future you will not give yourself any favors;
  • Choose the best time for training and not be late for them. Write in the diary when you have to practice, and do not allow yourself to miss classes without a really good reason. The fact that you exercise at home, does not mean that you can permanently endure training - on the contrary, in this case, self-discipline plays a crucial role;
  • Set aside time to recover. Many people are starting to engage in sports with excessive enthusiasm, and many are trained intensively, but not for long, because this zeal leads, at best, to the extreme fatigue and lethargy, and at worst - to injury. Do not forget that high-quality and regular rest in the sport is no less important than aligning training;
  • Write a lesson plan on a large sheet of paper and hang it in a prominent place.


Buy clothing and equipment

Start by buying a good shoe that is suitable for the types of exercises that you are going to perform. Clothing for home workouts can be almost anyone, as long as it was comfortable.

As for equipment, everything depends on your personal preferences.

Someone for home workouts simply mat for fitness, somebody needs dumbbells, barbells, exercise equipment. We note only that a couple of dumbbells will be very useful for both men and women - with their help you can easily "heavier" many exercises significantly improve their performance.



It is not necessary at the outset to try to jump over your head. Give yourself plenty of time to warm up. If you feel that you can not exercise, for example, scheduled a half hour, practice fifteen minutes - it's better than nothing. Increase the duration of the training with increasing endurance.

Initially it can be split into two one workout short and do morning and evening.

Monitor your pulse. During sufficiently intense cardio workout, whether it's dancing, running or training on a stationary bike, a person must be at the pulse of 50-75% of maximum heart rate (HR) for his age. To find your maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220. For example, if you are forty years, your limit heart rate is 180 beats per minute, and during cardio workouts, you should try to maintain a heart rate at the level of 90-135 beats per minute.

Do not exercise on an empty stomach. Most experts recommend starting training in two or three hours after a meal - then your body will have enough energy to exercise, and at the same time you will not feel heaviness in the stomach.

Drink water before and during exercise. It is best to drink a little bit to prevent any thirst.
