Physiotherapy - help with any illness

October 23, 2008

 Therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy or - a set of specific physical exercises for individual muscle groups and joints, as shown in some diseases of the spine and joints. Exercises of medical gymnastics appointed as a method of rehabilitation therapy in the treatment process or a physical therapist. Surprisingly, some of the therapeutic effects of exercise have been studied a few centuries ago - for example, in Russia, physiotherapy has spread in the eighteenth century.

 Physiotherapy - help with any illness

Therapeutic exercises in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the spine

The benefits of physiotherapy in the prevention and treatment of various diseases of the spine and joints are invaluable: regular exercise, underlying medical gymnastics, can solve several problems at once - to stop the pain characteristic of diseases of the spine, restore joint mobility, prevent worsening of a progressive disease of the spine. Physiotherapy helps to strengthen the muscles that serve as a natural "corset" of the spine, normalize blood circulation and lymph flow, improve posture Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight  Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight
 . Exercises of medical gymnastics shown in osteochondrosis Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight  Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight
 , Herniated discs Intervertebral hernia - when the body fails  Intervertebral hernia - when the body fails
   and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Physiotherapy is useful for people of all ages - and to adults and children, even at an early age.

 Physiotherapy - help with any illness

"Address" problem solving

Specific exercises therapeutic exercises appointed physiotherapist depending on the diagnosis, the characteristics of the disease, general health and age of the patient. Thus, the Incorporation of the individual patient and his disease allows to make the most effective program of treatment and rehabilitation through exercise of therapeutic exercises, choose exercises aimed at solving a particular problem. It is very important for the regular performance of therapeutic exercise to take into account the recommendation of a physiotherapist on the order of exercise, duration, intensity of physical activity.

 Physiotherapy - help with any illness

The main thing - caution

Therapeutic exercises should not be confused with the standard exercise: you must always remember that the pledge of effective exercises therapeutic exercises - this is the correct implementation of their very important not to abuse the load, do not overdo it during exercise .  Also, in certain disorders of the spine or joints some exercises contraindicated - they not only improve the patient's condition, but may aggravate progressive disease .  For example, in disorders associated with curvature of the spine, are not recommended exercises involving jumping or lifting weights and stretching exercises for the spine .  Violation of the main recommendations of therapeutic exercises can lead to a rather unpleasant consequences - for example, provoke the displacement of the intervertebral discs or intervertebral hernia as a result of excessive load on the spine .

 Physiotherapy - help with any illness

Basic exercises therapeutic exercises

A specific set of exercises is chosen on the basis of a doctor diagnosis of the patient and the stage of the disease, but to the standard, the most common exercises therapeutic exercises include the following:

From the starting position lying on the back:

  • The rise of the pelvis with simultaneous deflection of the thoracic spine (three or four approaches)
  • Raising the legs bent at the knee to the stomach, followed by rectification (three to five approaches necessarily make exhale and inhale on the rise - lowering the leg back to the starting position)
  • Raising one hand while pulling up with the other hand to the side (to raise their hands must be on the breath, and dropping his hands, making exhalation)

From the starting position lying on his stomach:

  • Raising the body with simultaneous deflection of the thoracic spine (three or four approaches)
  • Lifting legs while allowing your body (hands resting on three or four approaches)

From the starting position on all fours:

  • Simultaneous stretching of the left hand and right foot (four-six approaches, then change hands and feet)
  • Pushups: bending arms at the elbows to touch the chest with a solid surface (three or four approaches)

 Physiotherapy - help with any illness

How to do?

First, start the course, select the appropriate facilities. If you are under the guidance of coach, this duty, of course, to have removed. If the principles of gymnastics you implement your own, you have to connect all the diligence and attention. The main rule in physiotherapy exercises should be appropriately selected set of his appointment. It may happen that the patient will choose the appropriate exercise for yourself, give good results, even though they are not intended to apply it in this form of the disease. If a person says that exercise is beneficial, it has to rely on it.

  • should start with simple exercises, you can then move on to more complex;
  • classes should not be associated with pain and especially its gain. First, training may be accompanied by some soreness and tension, but it should gradually weaken or significantly or withdraw. After 2-3 sessions the body gets used to load and execute the exercise will be easier;
  • do not be afraid to "shuffle" exercise. If you do not "go", it may not be necessary?

Second, follow the rules. Before the start of training the trainee should warm up the body. Traditionally, this is done using running, walking or a special set of exercises to warm up. But if physical therapy is shown after an injury or prolonged illness, in which the muscles can not only weaken but also atrophy, special measures need to be applied. For example, a hot bath, a shower or a place to put on a heating pad or a hot towel for about 10 minutes. This procedure is also not compulsory, but it usually reduces pain and muscle stiffness in the beginning of the class.

Third, be careful. Starting should always be very cautious, avoiding sweeping movements and a lot of effort. Recruit amplitude and dynamics of movements necessary gradually. If the problem back any movement can be given with difficulty, so start classes should be only for the passage of the acute period. Take your time, soak a few extra days, "torn" re-restore the spine even more difficult.

Fourth, exercise must become a good habit. In the chronic form of the disease should exercise every day, in acute - when the pains begin to weaken. Remember: from ailments will only regular repetition of exercises in one and the same time. Daily exercise for 10-15 minutes will gradually lead to significant results.

Fifth, do not expect a miracle. Most often, physiotherapy is not able to heal completely. Remember, the main objective is not to recover immediately and to prevent the return to the old and ailing bored or reduce their occurrence to the minimum possible.

Article Tags:
  • gymnastics
