Sport aerobics: whether dance, or sports

September 18, 2011

 sports aerobics
 The desire to actively engage in some serious sport was visited by many people, but more often it is not a desire to move as the professional level are almost always inextricably linked to injuries. In the second half of the twentieth century in America the youth became interested in sports aerobics, which proved to be a viable alternative to all risky sports. Its elements are quite complex to implement, but it gives it even greater fascination.

Invented sports aerobics American athletes Howard and Karen Schwartz in 1983. They gathered a group who wish to attend such classes and called it the International Sports Organization for fitness. The latter quickly gained public trust: the spouses Schwartz even allowed to organize in the States first national championship in sports aerobics. In the mid-nineties of the twentieth century a new sport full gymnastic discipline recognized at the official level.

Howard and Karen have developed four special programs for demonstration performances. The first one was a male individual performances, the second - the individual performance of the women, and the third is already presupposes the existence of a pair of men and women, and finally, the fourth focused on the trio in any format. In 2002, sports aerobics has adopted new rules that allow for the competition started dancing groups of six. In evaluating the performances are usually taken into account two criteria - the artistry and technique of.

 Sport aerobics: whether dance, or sports

Load Variations

In sports aerobics choreography combined with gymnastic elements, requires a high degree of coordination. Complexes are performed under dynamic music in a fairly vigorous pace and sharpness of movement and completeness of each individual action reminiscent of the floor exercise gymnastics. Each composition in sports aerobics - a diverse mix of exercises while standing and on the ground, in the form of running movements and steps on the ground, jumps and leaps, and even acrobatic elements. Heart rate, when executed, may not exceed one hundred and ninety strokes per minute. Testing the frequency of heart beats per minute is a unique way to control the state of fitness of an athlete.

Sport aerobics is good because it gives you the freedom to vary the load. Active and sharp movements may be replaced by a smooth, quiet and measured, and vice versa. Power and percussion elements are combined with dance, their sequence is built so that the interval between the maximum and minimum pulse load is two to three minutes.

 Sport aerobics: whether dance, or sports

A relative of rhythmic gymnastics

Features training in sports aerobics, which eventually became one of the most popular recreational gymnastics, the same basic techniques of training, as in hard-house sports - such as sports, artistic, acrobatic gymnastics.

The formulations used in sports aerobics, can distinguish seven main types of movements. Firstly, the so-called static and dynamic elements of nature such as falls, push-ups, trunk lifts, slow transition of power from one position to another. The second type includes all sorts of jumps and jumps. The third group - it exercises based on the preservation of balance. The fourth includes proper gymnastic elements - such as the repulsion of hands in the emphasis lying, circles legs and so on. Followed by acrobatic elements (grabs, support and rapids), dance and choreographic movement and auxiliary elements - steps raising the knee, attacks and more.

Sport aerobics regarded by many as an effective way to adjust the shape to make it more slender and toned. Men can use it to increase the muscle component of the body for about three per cent, and women - at five, but it will take at least a year of regular employment.

Svetlana Usankova

Article Tags:
  • aerobics

Exercise and get rid of the pain: self-help

July 16, 2012

 back pain exercises
 If you suffer from back pain or joint pain, probably there are days when you do not want to get out of bed. The temptation is great, but this approach only worsens the condition. Doctors recommend bed rest for back pain and other chronic pain, but studies show that people who do regular exercise and maintain mobility, better able to cope with the pain.

Exercise increases the pain threshold. A person suffering from chronic pain, the pain threshold is reduced. But cardio and exercises to develop strength and flexibility, increases the pain threshold.


Where to begin

If you have chronic pain in the back, knees, elbows, and so on, you should not start doing without consulting a specialist. Discuss with your doctor lessons, and then contact a specialist for the development of individual exercise program. This may be a physical therapist or trainer who will help you determine what kind of exercise suitable for your condition.

A good coach can also help you correct your posture. Watching you stand, sit, walk, it can be noted a violation of posture - for example, if you are used to carry the bag on one shoulder. Such disturbances increase pain in back, hips, knees and elbows.

Coaches recommend simple stretching exercises that reduce back pain and joint pain. For example, as follows:

  • Lie on your back on a carpet or mat. Put your feet up on a chair or sofa, so that the lower part of the legs from the heels up to the knees lying on the anvil. You will find yourself in the same position, which sit on a chair, but without the pressure on your back.
  • Lie down on his stomach on the ball for fitness and relax, so that the body is "trickled" down.
  • Lie on your back and bring your knees up to his chin. In this yoga posture called the posture of a happy baby.
  • Another simple and useful exercise - squats. If you hurt them to do, talk to the coach, he will propose modifications to ease the pain. The more you do sit-ups, the less you have back pain What to do if the back pain - methods of eliminating discomfort  What to do if the back pain - methods of eliminating discomfort
   and the easier it is for you to get different kinds of activities, such as stair climbing.


What kind of exercise is worth a try

In addition to simple exercises for stretching, cardio is very important. They are particularly useful for reducing pain in the lower back and knee pain Living with pain in the knees: a walk to facilitate  Living with pain in the knees: a walk to facilitate

It is important to find such types of exercise, which do not cause pain in the process. You can start by walking on a treadmill. If it is painful for you, try the elliptical trainer. If that does not suit you, try to exercise in water - swimming or aqua aerobics. Water relieves pain in joints Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?  Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?
 . Catching up in the water, you give the load the heart and muscles without overloading the joints.

Strength training can also help with pain in the back and joints. Which is better - exercise equipment or free weights? Experts say both kinds of good exercise. For beginners easier to do at the gym, but it is best to combine both kinds of activities.

In addition, it can be beneficial exercises that develop flexibility, such as yoga and Pilates. They help get rid of the pain, but be sure to be engaged under the guidance of an experienced coach.


What you should avoid

If you have joint problems, you should not choose the types of exercise that gives them an additional burden. For example, running, though is a good exercise, very heavy joints. Do not come up and these games, such as basketball, where you need to jump and move dramatically.

Many people with chronic pain are wondering whether they can return to their favorite sports such as golf or tennis. Unfortunately, both of which give the sport a strong strain on the back. Moreover, the load is often one-sided. Does this mean that you need to give up favorite activities? Not at all. Just be played in moderation, as well as to strengthen and the opposite side of the body, which gets less load. To do this is to consult a physiotherapist.

Chronic pain often reduce the quality of life. But exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
   will help you get it back.

Article Tags:
  • back pain
