Infectious hepatitis - an acute or chronic inflammatory and dystrophic diseases of the liver, which is most often caused by viral pathogens. Nevertheless, sometimes called hepatitis and bacterial infections, such as syphilis or leptospirosis.
Infectious hepatitis in humans - causes of
The cause of infectious hepatitis in people often are hepatotropic (selectively affecting liver tissue) viruses. Today we know 9 kinds of hepatotropic viruses: A, B, C, D, E, G, F, TTV, SEN.
Of these viruses, hepatitis A and E cause infectious diseases that, in most cases, complete recovery end with clearance of the virus from the body. These pathogens are transmitted by the fecal-oral route through the hands, food and water contaminated with the feces of the patient. It is also possible sexual transmission (particularly through homosexual contact, at which the injury to the rectal mucosa) and blood transfusion patient health.
The rest of the hepatotropic viruses (B, C, D, G, F, TTV, SEN) are transmitted through blood transfusion of blood from an infected person healthy, reusing the same syringes and needles by different people (eg, drug addicts), acupuncture, applied to skin tattoos during treatment at the dentist and so on. These viruses can also be transmitted sexually. Acute hepatitis
Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
Caused by these viruses often becomes chronic, and can move in cirrhosis and liver cancer. Thus, in the absence of proper treatment of acute hepatitis B
Hepatitis B - a dangerous inflammation of the liver
It becomes chronic in about 10% of cases, acute hepatitis C.
Hepatitis C - "the tender murderer"
- 80%, and acute hepatitis D - almost always.
Also hepatotropic viruses there are viruses that can affect various organs and systems of the human body, including the liver. These pathogens are cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex viruses, Epstein - Barr virus, flavovirusy (arthropod-borne, causing yellow fever, etc.), yellow fever virus, rubella, mumps, HIV.
Bacterial pathogens can cause hepatitis and leptospirosis syphilis.
Infectious hepatitis caused by the hepatitis A virus - symptoms
Viral hepatitis A
Hepatitis A - do not forget to wash your hands!
(Botkin's disease) traditionally called infectious or epidemic. In the course of the disease distinguish four periods: incubation, prodromal, icteric and convalescence.
The incubation period of the disease (time from infection to the appearance of his first symptoms) is 20-40 days. Anicteric or prodromal period lasts 1-2 weeks. Starts disease is more acute, with a significant rise in temperature, headache, joint pain, sometimes with a sore throat and runny nose. In some cases, even in this period, pain in the abdomen (the right hypochondrium). The disease is accompanied by weakness, tearfulness, mood variability.
Jaundice period lasts about a month and is shown rapidly increasing jaundice hepatocellular origin, itchy skin, dark urine and feces discolored. The liver in this period increased in size, painful. Simultaneously impaired secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and kidneys. This leads to severe violations of food digestion (bloating, intestinal cramps, nausea, vomiting, constipation and diarrhea).
The convalescence period, which lasts from 1 to 12 weeks, there is a regression of all the symptoms of the disease. Residual effects may persist for several weeks or months in the form of weakness, fatigue, irritability, abdominal pain and indigestion.
Hepatitis A may have a protracted course, but almost never goes into a chronic disease.
Diagnosis and treatment of infectious hepatitis
If you suspect an infectious hepatitis is primarily carried out biochemical analysis of blood. In hepatitis in the patient's blood is found elevated liver enzymes (ALT, AST), which are released into the bloodstream in the destruction of liver cells. The icteric phase is found in the blood increased bilirubin.
Infectious agents in the blood detected by PCR, using immunological studies reveal antibodies to them.
From instrumental studies carried ultrasound, if necessary - a computer or magnetic resonance imaging.
Treatment of acute infectious hepatitis begins with the prescription of bed rest, fluid intake, and sparing diet (table number 5). Medical treatment depends on the causative pathogen and the severity of the disease. But in any case is assigned to detoxification therapy, drugs that protect and regenerate liver cells (hepatoprotectors), vitamins.
Infectious hepatitis caused by different infectious agents, have a different course and requires an individual approach to treatment.
Galina Romanenko