Regidron you can have in your home medicine cabinet and start taking diarrhea and vomiting before the arrival of the doctor. This drug will stop fluid loss and dehydration, which is accompanied by numerous violations of the internal organs. Particularly affected with the cardiovascular system and the brain.
How to prepare a solution of the powder for oral
Each sachet contains rehydron 18 9 g of powder, including sodium chloride - 3, 5 g of sodium citrate - 2, 9 g Potassium chloride - 2, 5 g of glucose anhydride
Glucose: The energy source
- 10, 0 g
All the contents of the sachet to dissolve in a liter of boiled and cooled to room temperature, water and taken in accordance with the instructions or by prescription. Add any substance to the solution to improve the taste contraindicated. Store the solution rehydron need no more days in a cool place (e.g. in a refrigerator).
How to take rehydron diarrhea and vomiting
With diarrhea and vomiting, fluid is lost, and with it the salt, resulting in dehydration occurs and disturbs the function of all organs and tissues. The skin and mucous membranes become dry at the same time, disturbed function of muscles, including the skeletal to (appear lethargy, weakness and incoordination), and smooth, located in the internal organs and blood vessels (developing heart failure, decreased blood pressure). He suffers from the nervous system - there are convulsions, delirium, if the patient is not just help, it develops a coma.
Regidron comprises potassium salt, which is largely confined to cells and tissues of the sodium present in the intercellular space. The right balance between potassium and sodium support the normal osmotic pressure in the tissues, restores muscle tissue - the patient becomes more active, decreased heart rate, blood pressure is stabilized, are signs of intoxication. With contained in rehydron
Regidron - will help restore the water-salt balance
sodium citrate restored acid-base balance.
Before you start taking rehydron solution, it is desirable to weigh in (if available) - according to how quickly will decrease the weight of the body, the doctor will prescribe a daily dose of the drug. It will be equal to double the volume of the weight loss in milliliters. For example, the patient had lost 300 g body weight, means must drink 600 ml within the first 6-10 hours. If the patient has nausea and vomiting is significantly better to take the cooled solution rehydron. Thereafter, if the patient continues to lose fluid within days rehydron designate special circuit inside (about 80-100 ml per kg of weight per day) or hospitalized for fluid replacement with intravenous solutions.
How to take rehydron with dehydration associated with overheating or high physical exertion
When overheating and high physical exercise a person can lose a lot of fluids and salts through sweat. Such a condition can develop in the bath
Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures
, Sauna, during intensive sports training, the travelers in tropical countries, in the mountains. This heavy toll on the cardiovascular and nervous system. Signs of violations of water-salt metabolism in this case are the heartbeat and weakness against the backdrop of a sharp decline in blood pressure, headache, dizziness
Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
, Incoordination, confusion, convulsions, coma.
Regidron prescribed in such cases, without waiting for the serious condition of the patient, ie the appearance of dry skin and mucous membranes, coupled with weakness and palpitations. And even better when overheating and heavy physical exertion start taking rehydron before symptoms of dehydration, as a prophylactic measure.
Rehydron solution prepared in accordance with the instructions take on half a glass every five minutes. During the first half hour of a person to drink 0, 5 to 0, 9 liters of a solution rehydron. Then make a break for forty minutes, then the procedure is repeated, and so on until not pass signs of dehydration. From prevention to rehydron take to quench your thirst.
Is it possible to overdose rehydron
Yes, if you take the solution to a greater extent than indicated in the instructions. Can lead to overdosing and improper preparation of the solution, a solution obtained if the concentration is too high. Elevated levels of sodium in the blood can cause weakness, drowsiness, muscle jerking, confusion, coma, respiratory failure. If the patient suffers from a serious kidney disease in violation of their functions may develop disorders of acid-base balance shifted in the direction indicators alkalizing (alkalosis). Symptoms of alkalosis are muscle twitching and convulsions.
If the patient were slight signs of overdose rehydron, then simply stop taking it. If symptoms of dosage increase, the correction of water-salt metabolism is possible only in a hospital under laboratory control.
Galina Romanenko