Espumizan a carminative (removes gases from the intestines) preparation of a new generation, the main mechanism which is froth, causing fecal decrease in volume, goes belly bloating and intestinal cramps.
Many diseases of the digestive system are accompanied by the formation of gas in the intestines. The actual digestion of any violation of a product (especially proteins) can trigger the formation of gas in the intestines. For example, often abdominal distension (flatulence) are observed in chronic pancreatitis, chronic cholecystitis, chronic colitis. Flatulence is very uncomfortable bloating of the abdomen, and the patient think that the stomach is about to burst. This is often accompanied by a sharp spastic pain - intestinal colic.
Carminative - from fennel to Espumizan
Previously, in order to reduce the phenomena of flatulence appointed vegetable antiflatulents containing essential oils, which relaxes the muscles of the intestines and causes it to move, resulting gases moved toward the anus. Today, such antiflatulents also apply, for example, babies often administered dill water, which is prepared from the seeds of fennel or dill
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But traditional media increasingly close Espumizan - carminative, which has a very different, much more effective mechanism of action. Espumizan not absorbed in the intestine and acts locally there, breaking the small bubbles and forcing them to merge into larger bubbles. The volume of feces is reduced by several times, and large bubbles of gas rather quickly eliminated from the body in a natural way, the path is partially soaked in the intestinal wall. Espumizan also causes the formation of a protective film on the mucosal surface of the gastrointestinal tract. Such antiflatulents called defoaming. Displayed Espumizan unchanged naturally in feces.
Application Espumizan
Espumizan found the widest application in the treatment of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by the release of large amounts of gas. Particularly frequent flatulence accompanied by chronic diseases of the digestive organs, including the pancreas
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Gallbladder and biliary tract, stomach and intestines.
Widely used Espumizan during pregnancy, as well as in pediatric patients, including neonatal (in the treatment of children in the first month of life). The positive effect has Espumizan poisoning and some household chemicals, which are capable of forming foam in the intestine. After repayment of foam toxic substances quickly excreted.
Once the drug has become firmly established in clinical practice, it was used not only for therapeutic purposes but also for diagnostic studies of the abdomen and pelvis. For example, during bowel radiography is required to appoint Espumizan
Espumizan - rapid release of gas
Which clears the body of gas. Without this, the gas bubbles in the gut does not allow to see small changes in the intestinal wall, and a diagnostic study will be carried out in vain.
Assign Espumizan and before ultrasound and endoscopic examinations - gases in the intestine and prevent the conduct of these studies.
Contraindications and side effects when taking
Espumizan big advantage is that he is not absorbed in the intestine and enters the bloodstream, it makes it completely non-toxic, and allows you to assign virtually all categories of patients, including pregnant women, nursing mothers and newborns. Contraindications for receiving it is only the patient's hypersensitivity to the drug and ileus (intestinal obstruction when Espumizan prescribe dangerous, because large gas bubbles can further block the lumen of the intestine).
Side effects Espumizan usually does not cause, but may cause allergic reactions, such as hives (pink, towering above the skin, growing and prone to rash merger), edema
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Angioedema and other symptoms. Such reactions are rare, but do not underestimate them: increasing urticaria and angioedema can cause swelling of the larynx and the patient's death by suffocation. Therefore, if the rash is growing before our eyes, it is best to call an ambulance.
Espumizan it produced in the form of capsules and vials emulsion. Adult patients with the bloating and intestinal colic usually assigned Espumizan capsules, one - two capsules inside.
Babies convenient give Espumizan emulsion from the bottle. He was appointed a teaspoon well as bloating and intestinal cramps, which are often most concerned about children in the first months of life.
Espumizan - safe and effective carminative.
Galina Romanenko