Vermoxum - anthelmintic drug is a broad-spectrum - Mechanism of Action

November 1, 2009

  • Vermoxum - anthelmintic drug is a broad-spectrum
  • Mechanism of action

 mechanism of action Vermoxum

The mechanism of action Vermoxum

Vermoxum (INN - mebendazole) - anthelmintic drug is a broad-spectrum. Vermoxum is highly anthelmintic agents that act on different kinds of worms Types of worms and the consequences of their occurrence  Types of worms and the consequences of their occurrence
 But it is most effective when it enterobioze (called pinworms) and trihotsefaleze (called whipworm). Vermoxum selectively interferes with the metabolism of helminths, which leads to inhibition of admission and absorption of nutrients, especially glucose uptake is stopped, and therefore, the cells are deprived of helminth energy for metabolic processes. As a result, it destroyed intestinal helminth channel that leads to its death.

The drug is poorly absorbed in the intestine and is almost entirely excreted in the faeces (only in small quantities in the urine after absorption into the blood and decomposition in the liver).


The indications for admission are different Vermoxum worm infestation:

  • enterobiasis - called pinworms;
  • ascariasis - called Ascaris;
  • hookworm disease - caused by roundworms and hookworm;
  • strongyloidosis - called intestinal ugritsey;
  • trichuriasis - called whipworm;
  • teniasis - caused by pork tapeworm;
  • worm infestation caused by a combination of different types of worms.

At long reception is necessary to carry out a control study of blood, as the drug can cause violations by both the white and the red blood cells. In addition, biochemical analysis of blood is needed to ensure that the liver function is not affected.

The effectiveness of the treatment must be confirmed by laboratory tests: the analysis of feces How to pass a stool, so as not to spoil it  How to pass a stool, so as not to spoil it
   must not contain eggs of worms for a week.


Admission Vermoxum contraindicated:

  • if you are hypersensitive to the drug;
  • in diseases of the colon, involving violation of the integrity of its mucous membrane (eg, ulcerative colitis);
  • in hepatic dysfunction;
  • children up to two years;
  • pregnant women (especially in the first 12 weeks);
  • during the period of breastfeeding.


Vermoxum may cause the following side effects:

  • Allergic reaction - skin rash including urticaria, angioedema, etc .;
  • with prolonged use of high doses of the drug may reduce the immunity of the decrease in the number of leukocytes that perform the function of protection against infection; appearance anemia, blood in the urine, loss of hair;
  • If a lot of worms and they quickly removed, it may cause abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness; very rare - liver and its inflammation (hepatitis);
  • could have a negative impact on the development of the fetus in utero.


Overdose Vermoxum

In case of overdose may appear Vermoxum abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. When used in high doses for a long time - reversible liver dysfunction, hepatitis Hepatitis - the scourge of our time  Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
 , Violations of the protective properties of the body.

First Aid - Vermoxum removal from the stomach by his washing.

For gastric lavage should drink a liter of water and induce vomiting by pressing two fingers on the tongue root. The procedure must be repeated several times until clean wash water. After washing, take about 20 tablets of activated charcoal - Vermoxum settles on it and will be removed from the body.


Admission Vermoxum

Vermoxum taken in accordance with the scheme set out in the instructions to the drug, within days after taking the prohibited use of alcohol and fatty food. Laxatives is not required.

Some drugs help to strengthen the action Vermoxum (eg tsitamidin), others - reduce the effect of his actions (carbamazepine) that must be considered when taking the drug. In addition, Vermoxum able to reduce the need for insulin in patients with diabetes.

Vermoxum - a beautiful and safe enough anthelminthic.

Article Tags:
  • Vermoxum

Types of worms and the consequences of their appearance - Ascaris in children - Treatment

June 25th, 2013

  • Types of worms and the consequences of their occurrence
  • Ascaris symptoms
  • Roundworm treatment
  • Ascaris in children - Treatment
  • Tapeworms
  • The consequences of tapeworm infection
  • Treatment of tapeworm
  • Dangerous parasites

 roundworm treatment in children

Ascaris in children - Treatment

Roundworm (ascaris lumbricoides) - round class of parasitic worms, one of the most common types of intestinal parasites. Very often from ascariasis (a disease caused by Ascaris) affects children, most adults are faced with contaminated objects. The carrier of the parasite may be dirty toys, earth and sand, poorly washed fruits and vegetables.

Symptoms infestation depend primarily on where it is multiplied parasites: for example, the penetration of larvae in the lungs of ascarids can cause a child cough, wheezing, coughing up blood. Developing and multiplying in the large intestine, roundworm cause abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , Nausea and digestive problems. The relatively large size of worms (roundworm length can reach thirty-five centimeters), one of the symptoms of Ascaris in children becomes slower growth and intestinal obstruction.

For the diagnosis of Ascaris in children requires the study of feces under a microscope, which allows to ascertain the presence of Ascaris eggs. In addition, in some cases, require an x-ray abdomen and endoscopy Endoscopy - not only diagnosis but also treatment procedure  Endoscopy - not only diagnosis but also treatment procedure
 . In most cases, the detection of intestinal parasites in children appointed anthelmintic drugs that suppress the symptoms and destroy adults in just one day. For the treatment of intestinal worms in children, as in adults, apply medamin, thiabendazole, dekaris, Vermoxum or kombaktrin. In very rare cases, under the conditions of a large number of parasites, it is recommended to increase the dosage of the drug. After a course of treatment is recommended to re-analysis of feces How to pass a stool, so as not to spoil it  How to pass a stool, so as not to spoil it
   to determine the effectiveness of treatment.

If confirmation of the diagnosis of ascariasis child is assigned to antihelminthic therapy, aimed at the destruction of the pathogen. Ascaris in children Drug treatment is carried out at a dosage which corresponds to the weight of the child. Strictly necessary to calculate the dose of the drug to prevent the development of adverse events associated with overdose.

 Ascaris in children - Treatment | Types of worms and the consequences of their occurrence

Approved drugs in pediatric practice

The main objective of anthelmintic treatment is to achieve the elimination of the pathogen. Death of helminth cause the following means:

  • dekaris (or levamisole)
  • pyrantel
  • Vermoxum

Ease of use is the single decaris its reception. If a child weighs 20 kg, it is necessary to appoint 50 mg. Children weighing more than 20 kg is assigned dose of 100 mg. Anthelmintics, which is widely used in helminthic infestation Ascaris is Vermoxum (or mebendazole). In pediatric practice, it may be given from the age of 2 years at a dose of 25-50 mg. In the treatment of children over 10 years, we can recommend a single dose of the adult dose (100 mg).

Treatment with modern anthelminthic drugs provides a good therapeutic effect. If there is a risk of re-infection, there should be a second course of treatment within a few weeks after the first dose of medication. Against the background of the medical course even more important to focus the child's attention on sanitary measures. Re-infection with Ascaris can be avoided if the child will be taught to wash their hands after a walk, before eating food. This fully applies also wash all vegetables and fruits, berries, as they may be for helminth eggs. You can not eat those foods that have not been thoroughly washed under running water. The eggs of Ascaris have the ability to tightly enough to attach to the surface due to the presence of a special adhesive, so remove them only by mechanical means.

 Ascaris in children - Treatment | Types of worms and the consequences of their occurrence

How effective traditional methods

There are many effective recipes that offers traditional medicine to get rid of worms. In most cases these recipes better use as an adjunct to enhance the positive reception of anthelmintic drugs. For the treatment of children's folk recipes are few acceptable, since they use those plants which have contraindications (eg, tincture of Celandine Infusion of celandine: use requires caution  Infusion of celandine: use requires caution
   or garlic).

The most safe and effective folk remedy considered pumpkin seeds .  They must be cleaned so that the cleaning process to leave a thin rind, which covers the seed .  Given the age of the children is appointed from 50 g to 150 g for the treatment course in ascaridosis .  This dose of seeds is ground in a container (or mortar), then taken on an empty stomach .  All dose should be consumed in small portions over an hour, drinking water .  After completion of receiving pumpkin seeds should give the child a laxative .  In the absence of an independent chair after a certain period of time is put enema .  When children ascariasis may be given an infusion onion .  To cook it you need to pour chopped onion cup of boiling water (200 ml of water) and let it brew for 12 hours .  The child enough to drink 100 ml infusion for four days .  Infusion dose can be corrected depending on the age, on the average it is 70 ml to 100 ml .

Vegetable fees are also used for therapeutic purposes. Herbal includes chamomile, tansy flowers, herb wormwood. This charge is taken for several days twice per day. Available as part of the collection of Artemisia somewhat limits the use of this plant in pediatric practice by specific bitter taste, especially in the treatment of ascariasis in young children. The choice of method of treatment is decided strictly individual, and does not allow any self, so all cure the child in ascariasis should be appointed physician infectious disease.

 Ascaris in children - Treatment | Types of worms and the consequences of their occurrence


As is the case with any other disease in the absence of proper treatment ascariasis in children may result in certain complications. The migration of Ascaris larvae can cause problems with the skin, eyes and even the brain. A large number of parasites in the body of a child can lead to blockage of the intestines or the gall bladder. To resolve this problem usually requires surgery or endoscopy. In the case of re-infection, most often seen in children, may develop allergic asthma attack. In addition, for children infected with Ascaris, often characterized by nutrient deficiency, anemia, difficulty perception.

 Ascaris in children - Treatment | Types of worms and the consequences of their occurrence

Prevention of Ascaris in children

The main methods of preventing infection of intestinal parasites - a careful personal hygiene. Since the eggs of Ascaris may exist in the soil for a sufficiently long period of time, in no case can not eat poorly washed fruits and vegetables, drink untreated (not boiling) water. Little child should be weaned to swallow foreign objects, learn to wash their hands regularly and follow the personal hygiene.
