- Appendicitis - when we must act immediately
- Acute appendicitis
What is appendicitis and its causes
Appendicitis - an inflammation of the appendix cecum. The cecum is the first part of the large intestine, it is located vertically, the food on it is moving from the bottom up. It adjoins the cecum appendix (a small hollow tube diameter). Appendicitis can be acute or chronic.
The cause of inflammation of the appendix is a stagnation in its content at the close of the opening between the vermiform appendix and cecum (the bend process, fecal stones, foreign bodies, thick contents) and the active implementation of the wall of the appendix bacteria inhabitants of the intestine (E. coli, staphylococci, and others. ), causing inflammation.
An essential role in the development of appendicitis playing predisposing factors: the nature of food (meat diet causes constipation, contributes to the putrid fermentation with the release of large amounts of gas) and the anatomic location of the appendix.
Acute appendicitis
Acute appendicitis can be as simple abscess, apostematoznym, phlegmonous, and gangrenous ulcer. It begins with acute inflammation of the blood circulation in the wall of the appendix, edema
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and rapidly increasing signs of inflammation. By the end of the first day of the inflammation extends to all layers of the wall of the process, the wall thickening, the lumen of the appendix pus. If this process are formed in the wall of multiple small abscesses (abscesses, limited capsule), this kind of apostematozny appendicitis. Sometimes the inflammation becomes abscess (ulcers without capsules) or phlegmonous-ulcerative (with ulceration of the mucous membrane process) nature.
Symptoms of acute appendicitis
The main symptom of appendicitis - a pain in the stomach, which initially does not have a specific location (stomach ache all), and then, with an increase in the inflammation process, pain and changes can be clearly defined in one small area.
In acute appendicitis may increase the temperature (or may not rise), there is nausea and vomiting - they cause a temporary obstruction of the bowel.
What complications can occur in acute appendicitis
In acute appendicitis can occur wall perforation of the appendix, and then the infection gets into the abdominal cavity. Most often, this leads to the formation periappendikulyarnogo abscess (collection of pus, a limited capsule around the appendix). However, the infection can spread to the entire abdominal cavity - a serious complication called peritonitis. More rarely there is a serious complication of appendicitis is sepsis.
Occasionally inflammation of the appendix can cause suspension (palsy) of the muscles of the intestine that can lead to intestinal obstruction. A sign of this complication is the growing abdominal distension, nausea and vomiting.
Appendicism usually develops after acute and characterized by proliferation of connective tissue in place myocardial inflammation and recurring inflammation in the wall of the appendix, resulting in a soldering process to the surrounding tissues. Sometimes, in a process it accumulates serous fluid, and it turns into a cyst.
Diagnosing appendicitis
Diagnosis is based on a thorough examination of the patient's physician. To confirm the diagnosis applied counting the number of white blood cells in the patient's blood (it is growing with the development of inflammation).
If, despite the blood
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To establish the exact diagnosis is not possible, carry out X-ray (you can detect fecal stone that corked out of the appendix) or ultrasound (You can, however, do not always see an enlarged appendix or abscess) study.
Treatment for appendicitis
In acute appendicitis removal operation is carried out of the appendix (appendectomy).
Currently appendectomy carried by a cut (laparotomy method), and using special tools introduced through small holes in the abdominal wall (laparoscopic method). The second method is less traumatic and usually do not cause complications, but the appendix is often these anatomical features, sometimes with the laparoscopic technique is necessary to pass on the cut and perform the traditional way. Laparoscopy is also impossible to conduct in the presence of complications.
In the presence of an abscess periappendikulyarnogo
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or peritonitis initially being treated with antibiotics
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Pus derived using drainage (tubing) and then performed an appendectomy.
There are cases of removal of the appendix unchanged, as appropriate, since it is better to remove than to miss and begins to cure appendicitis.
Signs of appendicitis everyone should know: skip this deadly disease.
Galina Romanenko