Medicines for worms: carefully, they are toxic! - For adults

April 16, 2013

  • Medicines for worms: carefully, they are toxic!
  • For children
  • For adults

 medicines for worms for adults

Medicines for adult worms

For the treatment of intestinal worms are various anthelmintic drugs whose effectiveness depends on the type of intestinal parasites. Some of these drugs affect the nervous system of worms, paralyzing them and causing the removal of parasites from the body, prevents the absorption of other parasites sugar necessary for the life of worms. Medicines for adult worms come in the form of tablets or capsules for oral administration. Antibiotics for the treatment and prevention of helminth diseases (diseases caused by intestinal parasites) does not exist.

 Adult | Medicines worms: carefully, they are toxic!

Medicines for adult tapeworms

Tapeworms Worms - how dangerous they are?  Worms - how dangerous they are?
   are attached to the walls of the intestine and, unlike other types of intestinal parasites, do not penetrate the fabric. The main treatments for this type of parasite - niclosamide and praziquantel. Niclosamide prevents the absorption of glucose parasites Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
 Necessary for the life of worms, and has a paralyzing effect. Since niclosamide - poorly soluble drug, it accumulates in the intestinal lumen. Praziquantel, niclosamide as has paralytic effects on intestinal parasites, but is easily absorbed. Praziquantel - anthelmintic drug broad spectrum used to treat different types of worms.

 Adult | Medicines worms: carefully, they are toxic!

Medicines for round worms (roundworm)

Treatment of helminth diseases caused roundworms (Ascaris), complicated by the fact that the parasites can live not only in the large or small intestine, but also in the blood, lymph ducts tissues. It is therefore necessary for the treatment of drugs of the absorbent in the gut and penetrate the fabric. The most common remedy for this kind of worms for adults - diethylcarbamazine, the reception of which, however, can cause an allergic reaction. Furthermore, the treatment is applied ascariasis piperazine, causing flaccid paralysis of worms and their removal from the intestine.

Thiabendazole and mebendazole prevent parasites absorption of glucose, essential for the life of worms. Mebendazole accumulates in the gut and is used to treat ascariasis and other diseases caused by intestinal parasites (including pinworms, and hookworms). Mebendazole often does not cause any adverse effects (in the case of mass infection can be observed abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
   and diarrhea). Thiabendazole is rapidly absorbed, thus considered one of the most effective anthelmintic drugs to fight the parasites that penetrate the tissue. Thiabendazole applied for the treatment of cutaneous and visceral forms of the syndrome larva magrains (the so-called syndrome larva migrans), trichinosis, trihostrongileza. Approximately thirty percent of the drug causes side effects - nausea, vomiting, dizziness, Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet

Pyrantel pamoate causes spastic paralysis intestinal parasites. Poorly soluble drug is accumulated in large quantities in the intestinal lumen. Most often pyrantel pamoate is used to treat diseases caused by Ascaris and pinworms or as an alternative means of treatment trihostrongileza and hookworm.

 Adult | Medicines worms: carefully, they are toxic!

Medicines trematodes

Praziquantel - the most effective drug for the treatment of diseases caused by trematodes (flatworms that accumulates in the intestine, liver, lungs). Bithionol used for the treatment of fascioliasis (a disease caused by liver fluke (fasciola hepatica)) and Paragonimiasis (a disease caused by worms paragonimus westermani). Tetrachlorethylene - alternative means to treat fastsiolopsidoza (pathogens - flatworms fasciolopsis buski and metagonimus yokogawai). Praziquantel (as an alternative to - metrifonate) used for the treatment of schistosomiasis (bilharzia).

 Adult | Medicines worms: carefully, they are toxic!

Main products

There are more than a hundred species of parasitic worms (helminths), which may become infected people. Some species of helminths visible to the naked eye, while others can only be seen under the microscope. There are four main drugs used to treat intestinal parasites: albendazole, pyrantel, mebendazole and niclosamide, anthelmintic drugs used to treat all kinds of worms.

 Adult | Medicines worms: carefully, they are toxic!


Albendazole prevent the development and proliferation of worms caught in the human body, at the same time destroying the adults. After a course of treatment recommended by periodic taking the drug for the prevention of worms. Albendazole should not be taken by pregnant women during the first trimester of pregnancy. Furthermore, albendazole is contraindicated in people with chronic diseases - such as cell disease or liver disease. Albendazole should be taken during the course of treatment, even if symptoms have disappeared before.

 Adult | Medicines worms: carefully, they are toxic!

Pyrantel pamoate

Pyrantel pamoate kills parasitic worms, paralyzing their nervous system. Dead parasites come from human feces. Before you start taking the drug need to inform your doctor about any kind of allergy to drugs or food products, as well as taking any other medicines or homeopathic remedies.

 Adult | Medicines worms: carefully, they are toxic!


Mebendazole prevents the reproduction and development of intestinal parasites and is used to treat helminth diseases caused by worms. Broad-spectrum drugs, mebendazole can be used to combat various types of worms at the same time. Mebendazole is contraindicated in nursing mothers and children under the age of two years.

 Adult | Medicines worms: carefully, they are toxic!


Niclosamide is used in the treatment of helminthic diseases caused tapeworm, but is not effective in the treatment of diseases caused by roundworm or pinworms. The drug destroys the intestinal parasites that come from human feces. Niclosamide contraindicated in children under two years of age and older people. Before you start taking the drug need to inform your doctor about taking any other medicines or homeopathic remedies.

Marina Solovyov

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  • worms
