Constipation - a labored and slow gastric emptying. About constipation says no stool frequency, and the general condition of man, his feelings. For some people, is characterized by bowel movements every few days, and they do not experience discomfort for others constipation even at night is painful. Chronic constipation can lead to various diseases, so try to adjust the chair with the help of exercise, diet and various medications.
What causes constipation
Constipation can occur for various reasons: the sedentary lifestyle and eating cold food, frequent stress, often arbitrarily delay chair when taking certain drugs and so on. Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease
and constipation, anal fissures can be caused constant delays chair by the patient because of the pain. In some instances constipation occur against the background of bowel diseases, including his congenital anomalies.
Basic principles of treatment of constipation
If there was constipation, treatment should start with a visit to the doctor and surveys as the cause of constipation can be serious illness. If in the course of the survey is nothing serious has been identified, the doctor usually recommends lifestyle changes and nutrition: move more, administered in the diet vegetables, fruits (dried prunes, pumpkin, squash), cereals, dairy products and so on. Exclude from the diet carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee.
It is also recommended to develop the reflex to defecation: try to implement it in the same time, in the morning or in the evening. Gradually, the body gets used, and the process produced a reflex to normal.
With persistent constipation, many use laxatives, but it's not out of the situation as the organism to them very quickly gets used. Bowel treatment is required, which will lead to permanent improvement of its functions. Thus the treatment can be repeated courses bifidumbacterin.
What action has bifidumbakterin on bowel function
Active ingredient bifidumbacterin are living Dried Bifidobacterium - the natural inhabitants of the intestine that are part of its normal (beneficial) microflora.
Useful microflora is very important not only for the functioning of the intestines, but also for the whole organism. First of all, it is involved in the process of digestion - Helps correct to form the least amount of harmful substances to digest food. Sufficient amount of normal microflora can greatly improve the digestive process, which in turn will lead to better metabolism.
When taken during constipation bifidumbacterin restoring proper digestion will lead to greater mobility of the feces to be moving toward the rectum, which will help to reduce constipation.
Another important factor is the reduction of intoxication when used consistently bifidumbacterin. Bifidobacteria decompose toxic substances formed in the gut during digestion of food metabolism
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
And coming from outside.
For constipation enteric accumulates many toxic substances, which are then re-absorbed into the bloodstream and exert negative effects on the body (cause toxicity) and in the intestinal wall, further reducing its motor activity. Bifidumbacterin removes toxins from the intestines and relieves toxicity. The walls of the bowel "come alive", restores the smooth muscle peristalsis ensuring - that's one action bifidumbacterin conducive to the improvement of bowel function and relieving constipation.
How to take bifidumbakterin constipation
If constipation is well suited bifidumbakterin
Bifidumbacterin - restores normal intestinal microflora
forte, the product contains Bifidobacterium deposited on charcoal. Activated carbon will also contribute to bowel cleansing
Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?
of toxins. Available drug in capsules and powders in sachets.
Take bifidumbakterin forte two capsules or two bags of two to three times daily with a capsule with a little water, or (better) half a glass of sour milk drink. Powders mixed with milk drinks - so bifidumbacterin action will be more effective. Children drug should be prescribed by a doctor. The course of treatment for constipation accounts for two-three weeks. If necessary, treatment can be repeated up to three times in a row, making the monthly breaks between courses.
Bifidumbakterin can significantly improve the overall function of the intestine, which will lead to more regular bowel habits and reduce the overall intoxication.
Galina Romanenko