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Activated charcoal in medicine
Activated carbon - is an adsorbent which is widely used in medicine. It is used to cleanse the digestive tract of toxins and poor quality food, to cleanse the body
Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration
from toxic products of metabolism
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
, Inflammatory and allergic processes.

For activated carbon which is used in medicine
The fact that the charcoal is able to deliver poisons, was known in ancient Egypt. It is actively used these ancient physicians like Hippocrates and Avicenna and others. At the end of the eighteenth century it successfully start giving inside in various diseases, especially diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and poisoning. At the end of the nineteenth century it had already adjusted industrial production of charcoal
Then came the first sulfa drugs, antibiotics and then activated carbon steel used less frequently. However, it is used in our time.
Today, activated carbon is used in medicine primarily as a universal antidote to settle the action of various poisons - bacterial, fungal, plant, animal or chemical origin.
Not only will the activated carbon in case of poisoning caused by strong acids, alkalis, cyanide and iron preparations.
In chronic inflammatory and allergic diseases of the activated carbon removes the excreted product of inflammatory and allergic reactions.
Activated carbon is also used as a sorbent during hemosorption - cleanse the blood of toxic substances, such as severe kidney and liver function of their violation.
In the pharmaceutical industry, activated charcoal is used to purify the solutions in the manufacture of drugs, in the production of coal pellets, antibiotics, probiotics (medicines which contain microorganisms useful for the intestine), blood substitutes, and other drugs.
In epidemiology and microbiology in the diagnosis and treatment of especially dangerous infections used personal protective equipment in the form of respirators that contain activated carbon.

The use of activated charcoal for hemosorption
Hemosorption - a way to purify the blood by removing from it a variety of toxic substances, depositing them on the surface of the sorbent. As the sorbent is commonly used activated carbon - a method called gemokarboperfuziey.
One of the indications for hemosorption are various poisoning - severe food poisoning (including one of the most severe poisoning - botulism), poisoning drugs (neuroleptics, tranquilizers, barbiturates), chemicals (for example, organophosphorus compounds).
Hemosorption used in severe liver and kidney diseases in violation of their functions. In this case, the liver and kidneys can not neutralize and excrete various toxic products of metabolism - the blood by passing it through activated charcoal is completely cleared and it prolongs the life of patients.
Apply hemosorption with severe allergic diseases - atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma with severe. Blood thus cleared from food allergies. In these autoimmune (caused by an allergy to their own tissue) diseases as scleroderma
Scleroderma - affects all the organs
, Systemic lupus erythematosus hemosorbtion releases blood from antibodies against its own tissues.
It will hemosorbtion heavy and dermatological diseases such as psoriasis.
Used hemosorbtion and in many chronic infectious and inflammatory conditions, severe burns, removing from the blood of patients with toxic products of inflammation and tissue breakdown.
There are at hemosorption and complications. One of the most severe complications of a thrombosis
Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
vascular sorbent, i.e. activated charcoal. In addition, during the procedure and immediately after it may appear chills, a fever - a reaction to getting into the blood of foreign substances. It is also possible decrease in blood pressure.
Thus, hemosorbtion with all its positive qualities should be used only in extreme cases - for the treatment of critically ill patients.
Activated carbon - is, of course, is not the most modern adsorbent, however, he is versatile, easy to use and safe, even when using very high doses of urgency for the treatment of poisoning. This drug is in each institution, it may also be recommended for the home kit, so that he was always on hand to provide first aid in case of poisoning.