Activated carbon - old, but indispensable - Dosage

March 3, 2014

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 Activated charcoal dosage


Dosage of activated charcoal may be different, and even very high doses of the drug is well tolerated, if they are used only a few times. Fear not need high doses and prolonged use of activated carbon, because it can be removed from the body's metabolic processes necessary for the substance.


The dosage of activated carbon in emergency cases

Emergency reception activated carbon is required mainly for poisoning and acute intestinal infections, that is, when the body of an urgent need to remove some harmful substances and infectious agents.

For any poisoning, which usually begins with vomiting (the body tries to get rid of toxins on their own), the treatment begins with a gastric lavage. When gastric lavage in water can be added activated carbon powder. In this case, it is not necessary to be afraid of an overdose, by contrast, is more dangerous insufficient dose of activated charcoal, because it will allow toxins to be absorbed into the blood. Wash the stomach several times to clean water. In the general difficulty in this may be used to 30 g of activated carbon, but sometimes the dose may be much higher.

After the stomach is washed and vomiting stopped, it can be given to the patient to drink approximately 2 g of activated carbon in a small amount of water - it will deplete. Cleansing enema with plain water or a weak solution of manganese complete cleansing - it can also be done several times. For enema activated carbon should be avoided, as introduced immediately in large quantities it can irritate the intestinal mucosa. After poisoning can also take the activated charcoal for 3 - 7 days for 1 - 2 g of 3 - 4 times per day.

In acute intestinal infection Acute intestinal infections - the most common disease in the autumn and summer  Acute intestinal infections - the most common disease in the autumn and summer
   Activated carbon is a part of complex treatment and should be considered. Take it at the same dosage by 1 - 2 g of 3 - 4 times a day for at least a week. But it must be taken at least 1, 5 - 2 hours before the administration of other drugs, or after the same interval of time after administration.

After poisoning and acute intestinal infections is necessary to carry out restorative treatment in the form of vitamin-mineral supplements and probiotics - drugs, which contain beneficial bacteria that live in the intestines.


The dosage of activated carbon with chronic infectious-inflammatory and allergic diseases

Activated carbon can be used for any chronic condition, as a result of such diseases in the organism accumulates large amounts of toxic products of inflammation, allergic reactions and metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 . Periodic use of activated carbon in the form of short courses, followed by reductive treatment may help improve the condition of even very heavy patients.

Activated carbon is used in diseases of the kidneys and liver, resulting in disrupted the function of these bodies decontamination and excretion of toxic substances. At initial non-severe forms of diseases such activated carbon is taken orally in the form of powder or tablets comminuted, dissolved in half a glass of water - as activated carbon is more effective. Dose and duration of administration of the drug typically physician selected as the activated carbon in this case is a part of complex treatment. Opening of the drug should also be strictly painted and defend from the administration of other drugs on the 1, 5 - 2 hours.

In severe hepatic and renal failure Kidney failure - when treatment is vital  Kidney failure - when treatment is vital
   purification activated carbon is carried out by hemosorption - blood purification. When this blood is conducted through the columns filled with activated carbon, purified and fed back into the patient. Hemosorption allows you to extend the life of these patients.

No less important use of activated carbon in allergic diseases in which the body of the patient accumulates a large amount of food allergic disorders. Courses of treatment with activated carbon is prescribed for atopic (congenital) dermatitis, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis. And in this case, the dose and duration of treatment with activated carbon are selected individually. Of great importance is restorative treatment, as activated carbon can be removed from the body's metabolic processes necessary for the substance and disturb the relationship between the useful and opportunistic intestinal microflora.

Activated carbon is also used in various skin diseases Skin diseases - what to do when violated the basic functions of the skin  Skin diseases - what to do when violated the basic functions of the skin
   (psoriasis, acne), systemic connective tissue diseases (scleroderma, lupus erythematosus) and many others (in fact all) diseases that occur for a long time. In all these cases, the courses of activated carbon "woven" into the main course of treatment of the disease, so the dose and duration of its use are individual.

Activated carbon - old, but indispensable - Children

March 3, 2014

  • Activated carbon - old but indispensable
  • What adsorbents
  • Contraindications and side effects
  • Dietary
  • If poisoning
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  • Dosage
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 activated charcoal children

Activated charcoal children

Activated charcoal can be used for children, but it is better to do so by a physician. Despite the fact that the activated carbon is a safe drug, in children with long-term use it may be sufficient to quickly develop various metabolic disorders Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things


Activated carbon is in treating children under one year

Children under one year often suffer from dysbiosis, which is accompanied by constipation, diarrhea, bloating and intestinal colic. Such conditions are most children up to three months, and some up to a year. The fact that the child born with a sterile, sterile and gastrointestinal tract. After birth all surfaces of the body, including a cavity communicating with the external environment, microorganisms begin to be occupied. And does not the fact that the gastrointestinal tract once occupied only by beneficial bacteria that help him digest food. In the environment and many other microorganisms, which are called opportunistic, they compete with beneficial bacteria, and the first three months we see the results of this competition, which appear dysbiosis.

With the right (breast) feeding after three months the child is getting better digestion. When mixed and artificial feeding, this process may be delayed.

How to help your child through this period? Some mothers during bloating (flatulence) give the child the activated carbon. It is, of course, helps absorb gases and removes toxic products generated during improper digestion. If activated charcoal giving less frequently, it may be useful to the child.

But the trouble is that the problem with the tummy of the child first months of life are very often, for their compensation will have to give activated charcoal every day for a long time. But that something just can not be done, because the activated carbon adsorbent is universal, it adsorbs and removes from the body not only harmful, but also vital substances, the child at the same time each day will be deprived of some of them. All this will cause it to lag behind in the physical and psychological development. In addition, the activated carbon can cause constipation, which further aggravate the problem

Therefore, pediatricians are rarely prescribed for young children activated carbon only in cases of emergency, when the stomach is really too big and the baby is very worried.

In these cases, the activated carbon prescribed rate of 0, 05 g per kg of body weight three times a day with a maximum single dose to 0, 2 mg per kg of body weight, i.e. for baby 4 kg - a third of the tablet at 0, 5 city

For the treatment of dysbiosis are now used other drugs. First of all, probiotics - drugs that contain beneficial bacteria that live in the intestines. For the first year of life is basically bifidumbakterin Bifidumbacterin - restores normal intestinal microflora  Bifidumbacterin - restores normal intestinal microflora
 , Laktobakterin Lactobacterin - useful for adults and children  Lactobacterin - useful for adults and children
   and any other similar drugs.


Activated carbon in the provision of emergency assistance to children in cases of poisoning

Poisoning children - not uncommon. They can poison the "grandmother pills" poisonous berries and mushrooms, and of course, low-quality products. With any, even mild poisoning the child should immediately call an ambulance, as unlike an adult, the child is inclined to the general reaction of the organism, at any time he can start general intoxication with a high fever, dehydration and negative effects on the central nervous system.

But before the ambulance arrives, older children can try on their own to wash out the stomach adding activated carbon to the water. It would be better if the first child will drink a few tablets of activated charcoal (they need to grind and mix with a little water), and then it will be done gastric lavage. In the water for washing can also be added triturated several tablets of activated charcoal. Thus, first with activated carbon in the stomach by the time the washing is already adsorbed on the surface part of toxic substances, not allowing them to be absorbed into the bloodstream. After washing the stomach again, you need to give a few pounded tablets of activated carbon with a small amount of water - to cleanse the bowel Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?  Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?
 . Enema should be done just with water.

In chronic infectious and inflammatory and allergic diseases in children activated carbon is assigned individually selected dose and for no longer than two weeks. After the treatment is necessary to carry out restorative treatment in the form of course receiving probiotics and vitamin-mineral complexes.

Today, the activated carbon should be left for emergencies, and for the treatment of various diseases, there are other medicines.
