Enterol the treatment of rotavirus - often the drug of choice

November 11, 2012

 enterol the treatment of rotavirus
 Rotavirus infection (RVI) has recently found more often than intestinal infection of bacterial origin. Enterol used to treat RVI, moreover, it is often the drug of choice in this disease, since at the same time strengthens the immune system and restores the digestive disorders that are typical for RVI.

 Enterol the treatment of rotavirus - often the drug of choice

What is rotavirus infection and how it manifests itself

RVI is called rotavirus which are divided into five groups and many subgroups. In connection with the structure of long-term immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   after the disease does not happen. Approximately one third of patients who have suffered RVI have chances of getting the infection again within a year. Every year, the chances are increased. But the severity of recurrent disease, in contrast, is reduced after each new infection. During the first few years of life, many children have time to recover RVI several times. Adults are frequent episodes are given the chance to carry the disease unnoticed, on his feet.

The incubation period RVI (time from infection until the first signs of disease) from one to five days. Infection occurs from an infected person through dirty hands, health products, food and water. Do not eliminated completely and airborne route of infection, since in some patients the disease starts with a cough and runny nose.

On the first day of the disease pathogen found in the mucosal cells of the duodenum and upper small intestine. Rotavirus damage these cells and contribute to their rejection of the intestinal villi. At the same time they do not give a fully mature new cells.

This leads to the formation of enzyme deficiency, violation cleavage of simple sugars in the small intestine due to the lack of the enzyme lactase (which cleaves lactose - lactose). Undigested sugar accumulates in the gut, causing flatulence Bloating - if you are bursting inside  Bloating - if you are bursting inside
   (flatulence) and vomiting. They also attract fluid into the intestinal lumen and the salt, causing diarrhea Diarrhea (diarrhea) - a familiar nuisance  Diarrhea (diarrhea) - a familiar nuisance
 . The chair at the RVI becomes abundant, liquid, frothy, sour smell. As the patient loses a lot of fluids and salts, can occur quickly dehydrated. Gradually starts recovery, but often complicated chronic disease lactase deficiency and other chronic bowel disease (such as chronic ulcerative colitis).

 Enterol the treatment of rotavirus - often the drug of choice

Enterol in the treatment of rotavirus infection

Today, there is no drug that selectively suppress the vital activity of rotavirus. Treatment is focused on the removal of intoxication, filling losses of fluid and salt, maintenance of the cardiovascular system and kidney.

In order to reduce digestive disorders associated with lactase deficiency, the patient excluded from the diet of milk and dairy products, and foods rich in carbohydrates. Also excluded coarse fiber, which can enhance the motility of the intestine.

Good help in the treatment of rotavirus infection is enterol. Its mechanism of action allows you to actively fight the symptoms of RVI. For enterol, entering the intestine starts to produce enzymes that help break down food (mostly protein). It also activates enzymes that cleave carbohydrates including lactase cleaves lactose. And since it is lactase deficiency determines the main symptoms of the disease, the patient's condition improves.

Furthermore, enterol cleanses the bowel from infectious agents and their toxins, neutralizing them with their enzymes. The bowel cleansing improves blood circulation and activates the formation of immune cells and antibodies - cellular and humoral immunity. It is also one of the ways of dealing with rotavirus.

Finally, enterol delay in the body fluid and salt, thus preventing the development of dehydration. Thus a part of enteerola Saccharomyces boulardii (yeast) survive well in the gastrointestinal tract without being destroyed acidic stomach contents and combined with any drugs (except antifungal, because they themselves are fungi).

Introduction Enterol Enterol - stop the development of an intestinal infection  Enterol - stop the development of an intestinal infection
   in the complex treatment of RVI accelerates the healing process and restore the function of all organs, and also to reduce the dose and duration of use of other drugs, including the volume of fluid administration. In applying Enterol a few days in feces disappear patient rotavirus, whereas without the use of the drug a person can be infected with HIV for a long time.

Enterol - a probiotic that is widely used in the treatment of rotavirus infection.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • enterol

Tuberculosis of the intestine - is rarely an isolated disease

April 16, 2014

 intestinal tuberculosis
 Tuberculosis of the intestine is often a part of a larger tuberculous lesions - abdominal tuberculosis. Abdominal tuberculosis involves inflammation of tuberculosis nature of the gastrointestinal tract, peritoneum, mesenteric lymph nodes and retroperitoneum, liver, spleen and pancreas.


Intestinal tuberculosis - as it develops

Tuberculosis of the intestine usually takes place against the background of an already existing tuberculosis, often, pulmonary tuberculosis, mediastinal lymph nodes in an inactive stage, as well as tuberculosis of the spine Tuberculosis of the spine - especially manifestations  Tuberculosis of the spine - especially manifestations
   and urinary organs. The infection gets into the intestinal wall to the bloodstream or lymphatic system. You can also become infected, using a food milk from cows infected with tuberculosis.

Tuberculosis in the gut often localized in the ileum (the lower part of the small intestine) and the blind (the initial part of the colon) intestines. In the small intestine tuberculosis Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed  Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
   It occurs in the form of ulcer process, proliferation of granulation tissue (hypertrophic form), and the formation of stenosis (narrowing of the lumen of the intestine resistant).

Tuberculosis begins bowel lymph system of the intestinal wall, where there are ulcers which often are located around the entire circumference of the intestinal wall. Then the inflammation spreads to nearby lymph nodes. In serous (outer) shell in the projection of ulcer formed tuberculous granulomas (fresh growths of the connective tissue). Starting a local peritonitis (inflammation of the serous membrane) and the active formation of adhesions.

If perforation of the intestinal wall develops diffuse peritonitis. Adhesive process leads to the formation of encysted abscesses. Formation of scars in the intestinal wall at the site of ulcers results in deformation and disruption of intestinal digestion.


Symptoms of intestinal tuberculosis

In tuberculosis of the intestine is affected first, the cecum, and the first signs of illness does not manifest itself, but sometimes it may appear recurrent cramping pain in the right iliac region, as well as constipation and diarrhea. These symptoms are similar to symptoms of chronic appendicitis. The disease occurs in waves, but gradually showing signs of partial intestinal obstruction, weight loss, low temperature rise.

Tuberculosis of the intestine may be complicated by a partial or complete intestinal obstruction, the development of adhesions between loops of the intestine, perforation of the intestinal wall with the development of peritonitis.


Diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis

To suspect the diagnosis of tuberculosis of the intestine can be based on the specific complaints of the patient in conjunction with pulmonary tuberculosis or other bodies, as well as if the patient was in contact with open pulmonary tuberculosis patients and has a positive Mantoux test.

It confirms the diagnosis by means of radiological and endoscopic examinations of the intestine. X-ray examination revealed changes in the intestinal wall and the violation of its functions. Endoscopic examinations (colonoscopy) allow to consider in detail the state of the intestinal wall, including ulcerative processes to identify and take the material for histological and microbiological studies.


Tuberculosis of the intestine and peritoneum

In tuberculosis intestinal inflammation can spread to the peritoneum inflammation in otroy almost always secondary. There are the following forms of tuberculosis of the peritoneum: exudative, dry (the adhesive or adhesive), nodular-tumor and caseous and ulcerative. Serous peritoneal tuberculosis usually develops during perforation of the intestinal wall and is limited or diffuse peritonitis. Thus on peritoneal nodules can form granulomas, merging in tumor formation (transition exudative in nodular-tumor). After resolution of inflammation in the peritoneal cavity are spikes (dry form). In addition, when ulcer perforation of the intestine ulcerative tubercular process can spread to the peritoneum (caseous-ulcerous form).

Patients suffering from tuberculosis of the peritoneum, complain of dull or cramping abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , Malaise, sweetness, weight loss, diarrhea, constant low-grade fever.


Treatment of tuberculosis of the intestine

The only effective treatment for tuberculosis Treatment of tuberculosis - a lengthy process and requires constant monitoring  Treatment of tuberculosis - a lengthy process and requires constant monitoring
   intestine is a specific antibiotic therapy, treatment should be administered promptly and continued for at least 10-12 months.

Of great importance is also good nutrition, symptomatic therapy is associated with digestive disorders. In severe complications (perforation of the intestinal wall, intestinal obstruction, etc.) surgical treatment.

Tuberculosis bowel requires timely detection and treatment, as it can give serious complications.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • types of tuberculosis
