Ersefuril - the indications for its use - it's easy intestinal infections caused by susceptible to the infectious agents. When diarrhea
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That are not accompanied by a rise in temperature, a violation of the general condition and the loss of large amounts of fluid, adults can begin to take it yourself. But if two days the condition does not improve, contact your doctor.
Peculiarities of intestinal infections
Intestinal infections can be caused by a variety of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms that live in the intestines or placed outside. These are different types of staphylococci, E. coli, Klebsiella, Shigella, Salmonella and other infectious agents.
Activation of own intestinal flora can trigger a variety of eating disorders, including poor quality of food intake. This opportunistic or pathogenic flora (staphylococci, some types of E. coli, etc.), which constantly lives in the intestine, begins to multiply rapidly and cause disease. From the outside it may be introduced infectious agents such as salmonella
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, Shigella, Yersinia and so on. In some kinds of intestinal infection direct effects on the body have not themselves pathogens and their toxins (eg salmonellosis).
Intestinal infection can occur easily in the form of loose stool several times a day, and maybe hard, except when watery stools fever, there are signs of intoxication (lethargy, weakness, headache) and dehydration due to not only the liquid stool, and vomiting. Dehydration is very dangerous for the human body, it often becomes the cause of death of patients.
Basic principles of treatment of intestinal infections
Treatment of intestinal infections include exposure to an infectious agent (etiotropic treatment), the mechanisms of changes in various tissues and organs (pathogenetic treatment) and the elimination of unpleasant symptoms (symptomatic treatment).
In less severe intestinal infection etiotropic only one treatment, and in severe need to present all kinds of treatment, and the particular importance attached to pathogenetic treatment that helps restore the normal state of tissues and organs.
Given the large number of potential pathogens of intestinal infections and difficulties rapid microbiological diagnosis of the disease (to identify the infectious agent and its sensitivity to antibiotics) is assigned an arbitrary beginning antibiotic therapy, and then, if necessary, it is adjusted in accordance with the results of laboratory tests.
In this regard, it is important that the antibacterial preparation for the treatment of intestinal infections have a broad spectrum of action, including, if possible, all potential pathogens of these infections, it reaches high concentrations in the contents of the intestine after oral administration, did not significantly suppress the vital normal intestinal microflora, are not caused significant side effects and addiction to it pathogens with the development of further resistance (insensitivity).
Ersefuril in the treatment of intestinal infections
Ersefuril - it is an antibacterial drug, an active substance which is nifuroxazide belonging to the group of nitrofurans. Nifuroxazide not absorbed into the bloodstream, providing only a local antibacterial effect. The mechanism of action related to the blockade nifuroxazide some redox enzyme reactions in the cells of pathogens. When used in therapeutic doses ersefuril suppress the livelihoods of infectious agents, and with increasing doses above the recommended causes cell death pathogens.
Ersefuril is active against most of microorganisms that cause intestinal infections. Resistance to this drug is not developed and it does not suppress the vital activity of the normal intestinal microflora. Since ersefuril
Ersefuril - to cope with a slight diarrhea of infectious origin
It is not absorbed into the bloodstream and acting only in the intestinal lumen, there are sufficient concentrations of the drug for treatment of intestinal infections. That is ersefuril meets all the conditions required to medicines for the treatment of intestinal infections.
But ersefuril applied only when the intestinal infection or intoxication is not accompanied by dehydration, i.e. when only mild disease. If the patient has a fever, appear lethargy, headache
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and other features of the general (systemic) lesions ersefuril not help, since it is not absorbed into the bloodstream.
Ersefuril perfectly treats only not heavy intestinal infection.
Galina Romanenko