Ileus - the reasons may be different - Folk Remedies
May 30, 2010
- Ileus - the reasons may be different
- Causes
- Symptoms
- Signs
- Children
- Treatment
- Folk remedies
Folk remedies
Bowel obstruction - this is a very serious disease that can be treated only under medical supervision. Your doctor may find it possible to apply at the same time as traditional remedies and treatments. Independently treat this disease can not be - too heavy might be the consequences of such treatment.
Is it possible to use traditional methods to treat bowel obstruction?
Intestinal obstruction is acute or chronic partial total. In acute intestinal obstruction
Acute intestinal obstruction: the main thing - time to ask for help
about folk remedies are not talking - will only qualified surgical assistance that can take place either in the form of conservative and surgical treatment - it all depends on the cause and type of obstruction.
But chronic partial intestinal obstruction is also not a simple disease - it often gives acute, sometimes less severe than acute obstruction. To assign a qualified treatment of the disease, the patient must first examine and find out why began ileus - different forms of the disease require different approaches to treatment.
The cause of a partial bowel obstruction
Partial bowel obstruction - treat yourself not worth it
They are often welded and abdominal swelling. And if spikes
Adhesions - how to get rid of them?
you can still assign some national methods, the tumors require immediate surgery. If you apply for tumors folk remedies (eg, warming the procedure), the tumor will continue to grow.
It is possible that the designated physician treatment plan legally enter and folk treatments. But each national method operates on a mechanism of the disease and some will help the process, and in some - exacerbate the disease.
For example, there are a lot of people's practices conducive to increasing intestinal peristalsis, which are recommended as a treatment for intestinal obstruction. But in some cases, increased peristalsis is dangerous because it can lead to infringement of blood vessels feeding the intestinal wall, causing necrosis (dying) and very severe condition of the patient. In other cases peristalsis really need to be strengthened and a means of help.
What are the folk remedies used safely with partial bowel obstruction
Partial bowel obstruction is usually accompanied by constipation. Treatment of constipation - this warning fecal congestion and exacerbations of the disease. But constipation at this disease require careful treatment. It is best to adjust the chair with the help of diet. Every day, at night you can drink a glass of fresh yogurt with a teaspoon of honey every day to eat an apple (without skin), drink more water. Traditional medicine offers the following recipes for easing the chair:
- take 10 tablespoons seedless raisins, dried plums 10, 20 and 10 dried apricots dried figs; all pour boiling water, rinse thoroughly, mince, add to taste honey and take a tablespoon in the morning half an hour before meals;
- decoction of fresh plums - 0, 5 kg of fresh plums release from the bones, pour a liter of cold water and simmer for an hour, and then to add to the original level once again bring to a boil and drink half a cup three times a day as a laxative agent;
- buckthorn juice - 1 kg of sea buckthorn and 0, 7 liters of boiled cooled water; buckthorn washed, crushed, add water, mix and squeeze the juice and drink half a cup half an hour before a meal once a day; buckthorn has anti-inflammatory and healing effect;
- sea buckthorn oil - sea buckthorn kilogram to pound a wooden pestle in an enamel bowl, squeeze the juice, pour it into an enamel jar and leave for a day; a day to collect from the surface of about 80 - 90 g of oil, which must be taken on a teaspoon 3 times a day for 30 - 40 minutes before a meal - it has a laxative, anti-inflammatory and tissue regenerating effect;
- two tablespoons of bran, pour a glass of water and cook for about 10 minutes, cool and add a tablespoon of honey; Take a spoonful of the mixture in the morning or in the evening before going to bed
Dreams: how to understand our dreams
- boiled pumpkin with honey (pumpkin porridge) - eat every day, but in small amounts, well relieves spasms of the intestine, has laxative effect;
- 100 g grated on a fine grater well cooked beets, 2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil (preferably, of course, olive) and honey - all thoroughly and take 2 tablespoons of the mixture twice a day with half a glass of cold water.
Decoction of herbs that have laxative effects (for example, a decoction of the bark of buckthorn, senna), used without a doctor's prescription is not recommended, as they tend to increase locomotor activity (peristalsis) of the intestine. And it is not suitable for all patients.
Ileus - the reasons may be different - Symptoms
May 30, 2010
- Ileus - the reasons may be different
- Causes
- Symptoms
- Signs
- Children
- Treatment
- Folk remedies
The main symptoms of intestinal obstruction include:
- Abdominal cramping
Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
episodic nature
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal distention
- Delay of the chair and gases
In addition, intestinal obstruction have a number of specific symptoms by which to ascertain the presence of intestinal obstruction can only be a specialist with medical education. These specific symptoms include, for example, a symptom of the hose - noticeable to the naked eye intestinal peristalsis, especially after palpation, motility or lack of sound, one of the clearest signs of intestinal obstruction. Sound peristalsis - one of the main indicators of the intestine to a specialist: a bowel obstruction may indicate louder sounds of peristalsis, and their complete absence.
The first symptom
One of the first symptoms of bowel obstruction - no urge to defecation. Norma is when defecation occurs once or twice a day. In addition, one of the most distinct and early symptoms of bowel obstruction - constipation and gas, bloated feeling. In some cases, the bowel obstruction can be observed spotting
Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
from the anus (this symptom is characteristic of this type of mechanical obstruction as intussusception).
The second symptom
Another characteristic symptom of intestinal obstruction - constipation
Constipation - Watch out for food
: Hard stools, irregular bowel movements, discomfort or pain during defecation. Newborn breastfeeding defecation may be missing a very long period of time - up to seven days. Full mechanical ileus causes constipation, but a symptom of a partial mechanical bowel obstruction - diarrhea.
Nausea and vomiting - a characteristic symptom of small bowel obstruction, but clogging of the colon such symptoms are observed much less frequently and appear later. And one of the most acute symptoms of this type of bowel obstruction, as the strangulation ileus - intense, constant abdominal pain
Constant abdominal pain
and fever.