Hepatoprotectors hofitol is herbal, has a versatile positive effect on the liver cells and stimulating the motor activity of smooth muscles of the biliary tract. In addition, it contributes to the restoration of kidney function.

How does hofitol
The mechanism of action Chophytol associated with content in it of biologically active substances contained in the leaves of an artichoke field. Hepatoprotective, bile and antispasmodic action of this drug is obliged to polyphenolic substances - luteolin, tsinarin, caffeic, chlorogenic and ferulic acid. They inhibit the formation of cholesterol in the liver cells, reduce the level of toxic substances synthesized by pathogenic fungi, slow release of glucose
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in postprandial blood and reduce hepatic glycogenolysis - decomposition of glycogen in the liver to form glucose.
Food sharing some of the biologically active substances contained in the leaves of an artichoke field (ferulic acid) normalizes blood pressure, anti-inflammatory effect, increase the level of anti-depressants, produced by the human body.
Hofitol also possesses antioxidant activity due to both polyphenols, and due to it contains minerals, vitamins C, B and beta-carotene. These components activate metabolism
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in the liver and kidneys.
The positive impact on kidney function is also associated with the restoration of the filtering capacity of the kidneys and a mild diuretic (it promotes the excretion of toxic products of metabolism and reduce the symptoms of intoxication) with preservation of the body of potassium.
Contained in the field artichoke inulin promotes stimulation of immunity improves the assimilation of minerals and reduces blood insulin
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Thus, hofitol has hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, anti-oxidant and reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood effect. It may slightly lower the blood pressure and restore impaired renal function.
Produced hofitol (Rose-Phytopharm, France) at three dosage forms: tablets and oral solution, as well as a solution for injection.

In some cases, recommended the appointment of Chophytol
Hofitol appoint when disrupted the flow of bile from the reduced motor activity of smooth muscles of biliary tract. This condition is called biliary dyskinesia on the hypokinetic type and manifest violation of the digestion of food (feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the stomach, forming a large amount of gas in the intestines, nausea, belching, and sometimes vomiting). In addition, the stagnation of bile in the biliary tract and gall bladder may cause inflammatory processes in this area - holangioholetsistitov.
Chronic inflammation of the bile ducts and gall bladder are also an indication for Chophytol. However, only when there is no acute inflammation and stones. The outflow of bile in this case helps to relieve the stagnation of bile and prevents the development of exacerbations.
Apply hofitol well as chronic liver disease - chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of any origin. Acute inflammation of the liver are also a contraindication for appointment Chophytol.
Will hofitol and chronic kidney disease, accompanied by violation of their functions, but are also able to without exacerbation. And also in the presence of edema on a background of cardiovascular disease. As an auxiliary drug hofitol prescribed for atherosclerosis and obesity.

When hofitol contraindicated
Hofitol can not be used in case of hypersensitivity of the patient to the drug, the presence of stones in the biliary tract, gallbladder or any other obstacles to the passage of bile, increased motor activity of the bile ducts (biliary dyskinesia of hyperkinetic type). Do not use this Chophytol well as any acute diseases of the liver, biliary tract, kidneys and urinary tract disorders of the liver and kidneys. Tablets hofitol not appointed under the age of 6 years. With careful use of this drug during pregnancy and breast-
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Can there be side effects?
Hofitol - a non-toxic herbal drug. which is generally well tolerated. But long-term use of the drug in high doses may cause diarrhea. There are also a variety of allergic reactions.
Galina Romanenko