- Fortrans - refuse enema
- Indications and reception
What Fortrans
Fortrans - a new generation of laxative, which does not cause discomfort during bowel cleansing. Its mechanism of action is that when taken with plenty of water (and the water you need to drink 3-4 liters - it's not all the strength!) - Fortrans enters the intestine and is strongly loosens the stool, after which they are lagging behind the walls of the intestine, where accumulated over the years in the form of fecal stones and out of the body.
The main active ingredient Fortrans - macrogol 4000, which is capable of using hydrogen bonds hold the water molecules, thereby increasing the volume of fluid in the intestine. Salts included in the Fortrans, prevent disruption of water and electrolyte balance of the body. Upon receipt of this drug is saturated bolus being in the intestine, a large amount of water, thereby increasing the volume and softening of the intestinal contents, which contributes to laxative effect, and thus washing the intestines. Wherein the received liquid is not absorbed into the intestine, and goes along with feces.
Unlike conventional laxatives smooth musculature of the gastrointestinal tract is not involved in the process and therefore less spastic and other troubles. Intestine is cleaned with the quality so that it replaces the enema. This effect is used prior to the radiological and endoscopic examinations of the intestine.
Indications for Fortrans
The indication for Fortrans is emptying the colon in preparation for endoscopic or radiographic studies, in preparation for surgery on the colon.
But sometimes it can be used for therapeutic purposes and for purgation
Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?
. Just remember that this drug has its contraindications, and therefore it may appoint a doctor.
Contraindications and side effects
Contraindication to taking the drug are:
- expressed disturbances of the general condition of the patient, such as dehydration or severe heart failure
Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work
- bowel disease, accompanied by a significant mucosal lesion (e.g., ulcerative colitis);
- any type of bowel obstruction;
- Children's age (due to the lack of research on the use of the drug in pediatric patients).
The elderly with various comorbidities use the drug only under medical supervision.
Sometimes at the beginning of the reception nausea and vomiting, which then disappear and do not require interruption of treatment. There are also sensation bloating
Flatulence - when too much gas
How to take Fortrans
Fortrans big advantage is that it can be used alone to cleanse the bowel before diagnostic studies without resorting to enemas.
For complete purgation adult requires 3-4 Fortrans sachet (the rate of 1 packet per 25 kg century man), each of them must be dissolved in one liter of water. Drink this solution needed for 3-4 hours, the glass every 15-20 minutes. The effect will begin an hour later, the total duration of the discharge of stool - about 6 hours. Recommended time to receive diagnostic studies - on the eve of from 16 to 19-20 hours.
One day before the diagnostic study may be a light breakfast (eg omelet or scrambled eggs, cereal, fruit jelly without fruit), then that day is allowed only fluid intake - boiled water, broth, tea, any juice light (eg, apple).
On the day of study, you can have breakfast, but breakfast should be an easy way of life (eg, cereal, eggs, tea).
Fortrans wonderful drug (manufactured by the French firm BEAUFOUR IPSEN), which can completely clean the intestines without any discomfort. He is certainly very useful as a treatment for people suffering from chronic constipation
Constipation - Watch out for food
And for diagnostic studies.
However, using this drug for medicinal purposes, do not forget that with just one bowel cleansing to achieve a good effect in the treatment of constipation is not possible. To do this, first of all, you must understand the causes of this phenomenon, and to conduct a comprehensive (including with bowel cleansing) treatment.
Galina Romanenko